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Guest John Maragoudakis

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Guest John Maragoudakis

In tournements there would be a greater danger of cheating. Is the following scenario possible?

I challenge player B to a game. I take the axis side. I do my setup and orders and then send player B my PBEM email. Unknowingly to player B, I send the same email to a very good player C that I know. Player C accepts to play and sends me his PBEM email response. I make a copy of player C's PBEM and send the email to player B. B thinks that that was my email when it was really C's. Can I then win a game against B using all of C's moves?

Maybe the emails should have a stamp of thier owner.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Why would I need player B's password. I'm player A. I am trying to show that I can have C play my game if I think C is very good. B and C don't know this is going on.

I wouldn't do this myself though.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

B sends me email. C sends me email. I act as a middleman. B gets C's email thinking it's mine. C gets B's email thinking it's mine.

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Oh so u don't need B password in tournements play ? maybe i am on the wrong track adn thinking more about pbem play.

OK i understand u are middle man. But isn't that the same as u playing the game ?

Arhh know i see where u are going. You are saying that u use a better player to play your game for points smile.giftournements.

Well i can't say you could stop it, but i prefer to lose and become a better player .

But i agree that it could be done, i may be wrong.

You don't gain experience without failure.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Yes that's what I'm saying. I wouldn't do it of course, I wouldn't want to. What prevents someone else from doing that. Perhaps there should be a player's stamp(name of player) and date sent, written somehwere.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 11-09-99).]

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Well, i think you will find just about all the people here would not go to such lenghts as the kind of people i think this game has attracted are abit more shall we say "mature"

maybe on a redalert kinda game and to a lesser extent closecombat.But i think i would play anyone in here in full confidence that if there was a way to cheat no one would do so.I for one would never ever play a cheater ever again if i ever found out.

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It would be noticed.. It mightn't be noticed immediately BUT it would be noticed and once noticed the player who did the "swapping of files" would never find another good opponent again EVER !



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Maragoudakis

I thought you might have been right Lee. But If I told B that I was axis, then I would tell C that I'm allied. I would be sending C B's (allied)moves. To B, I would send C's(axis)moves.

I would never, ever, never do this. But how would Los feel if he lost a game against me when he might have been playing Fionn?

Solution...When the player opens an email he gets a note like the player that sent it and the date.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 11-09-99).]

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I guess I don't see the problem. I don't care whether I'm playing Fionn or somebody else claiming to be Fionn. I just want a game with an opponent who plays well and has a few surprises up his sleeve.

Even if we're in a tournament, what difference does it make what name is used by the best player? However, if somebody's able to patch the program to improve his men's shooting and the effectiveness of their ammo, that's cheating that would upset me.

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I agree with MOS

I'm player B. I'm playing against C (and I think its A). C is good enough to be a tournament player: otherwise why does A ask C to play in his stead? Player A has enabled me (B) to play against C. As player B, I am fortunate to get to play and learn from a tournament level player. I guess I would have to thank A.

A takes the (false) glory of beating me (and little glory THAT is :)).

Heck, he has to live with himself, but I don't see he's hurting me.

However, why would C do this? Does he like playing AND giving the glory to A? Does A pay C?

I don't think this is a cheat we need to worry about. What I do need to worry about now is pford's mortar...or is it Fionn's?...:)

[This message has been edited by FEBA (edited 11-09-99).]

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For the set of circumstances described you would lose one game and win one game, so your average will be 50%. I suppose some may think this could be a useful cheat mode if you play two persons simultaneously, both of whom you expect to lose to. It is very possible that the two individuals who you "play" will have a satisfying experience. In contrast, you will derive no pleasure from the experience other than that of a naughty child who didn't get found out. In my opinion the whole thing would be a pointless exercise in futility.


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Personally anyone who did this would actually play NO games but have others play them for them.

Also, this player would, eventually, be found out... What happens when Los and I (to use an example) chat about our games with the cheater and realise he cheated?

Well, it would be public and it wouldn't be pretty wink.gif

Having my own Combat Mission site to which I can post whatever I want has its benefits let me assure you wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Oh, I see, neither B or C know there is a middleman?

Still, it would be pointless. Not only does A not get to play, he doesn't get to see the movie replays, because he doesn't know either players password.

Still A could "win" a tournement. If one player is not in the tournement (B) and the other is ©, then A's win/loss ratio can go up in the tournement in which C and A are playing. While your personal win/loss rating stays at 1/1 your tournement ratio can be 1 win, 0 losses.

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Guest Tom punkrawk

So umm.....BTS, when are you going to put out the unlimited ammo and 'god' codes for the game?? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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Guest John Maragoudakis

The whole point was that I wanted to be sure that I am not being manipulated by someone when I send my PBEM. That's why I wanted a stamped email with a date so that that I know whose PBEM I am receiving and when it was made.

For _my_ security.

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Did it ever occur to you that it might have been a good idea to just report this bug to BTS and then shut up about it?

Instead of spilling this rather smelly bean in front of every and single one of the, perhaps, thousands of PBEM´ers out there?

Id say the number of people worrying about being cheated is greater than the number actually cheating, thus the sensible approach is to quickly and quietly fix this and let people walk on in blissful ignorance of this horrible, horrible BETA demo danger.

John´s reaction is very much a symptom of this problem. Worried, irrational and illogical in it´s conclusion.

For sure, how to react in situations like this is problematic subject with very important implications in real life (think crime control issues) and, as in turns out, here...


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