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Infantry Tactics

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Mr. Ryan,

I've found two pretty good "books" on what you are looking for. Actually they are more like pamphlets, but they are faily extensive and are based on actual German training manuals. I havn't had the chance to read them in their entirety yet, but what I have read has been pretty good so far.

German Squad Tactics WWII:

The German Squad in Combat and the Training Manual for Schnellen Truppen. Training and Employment of the Panzergrenadier Company.

by: Matthew Gajkowski

This isn't so much a book, as it is a manual, but it is quite interesting and sounds like what you are looking for. It's part of the Nafziger collection if you've heard of that.

German Panzer Tactics in WW II:

The German Armored Units from Platoon to Battalion in Combat. According to the Manuals of March 1939 to May 1943. Plus examples of Battlefield Modifications.

by: Charles C. Sharp

Again, another very interesting manual. It's also part of the Nafziger collection.

I got both of them from a book store right here in Denver call Aberdeen Bookstore. Their webpage is: www.sonic.net/~bstone/aberdeen

They've got all kinds of great stuff over there, some of which I've never seen anyplace else before. Definitely worth checking out.

Hope this helps. smile.gif


Mike D

aka Mikester

A fools wisdom knows no bounds other than the infinite space between his ears.

[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 09-10-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Get "Closing With The Enemy" by Michael Doubler. It is by far the single best book I own on US Western Front tactics for CM's level of simulation. Charles and I find ourselves looking back at this book time and time again. Invaluable book!

The US Army, in conjunction with Eastern Front officers (German), compiled a fantastic book. Call Eastern Front Books and ask for "Small Unit Actions During the German Campaign in Russia". Their phone number is 540-338-1972. Tell 'em Steve sent you. I buy, uhm, a few books from them every so often, er, every month for, er, the last 5 years smile.gif


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I have enjoyed reading "Infantry Attacks",

which was required reading for German

officers in training, and was issued in '43

or '44 in English as reading for American

officers (to know what to expect). It's the

story of the experiences of a new officer in

WWI and the lessons he learned, organized and

written for professionals. Very good and good reading. Oh, yeah, the author is Erwin

Rommel. :) Should be easy to find.

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Mikester, you are in Denver? I have shopped at The Tattered Cover! I will be in Denver from Dec 29 through Jan 2, then heading out to Breckenridge for 5 days of skiing. Would love to get together for a cold one if you are up for it. If you ski, you are even welcome to come out and hit the slopes -- crash at our chalet for a night or 2 if you like.

Let me know man. smile.gif



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Do you actually believe you are going to be able to tear yourself away from your computer and CM to go skiing? C'mon man, your supposed to be a true-blue CM fanatic! You should already be well along the way to developing a totally 1 dimensional personality living, breathing and thinking only CM every waking moment of every day. Eventually when the game comes out, giving up everything else in life in order to play "The Game"; no more spending any time w/ the girlfriend/wife, showing up to work late everyday, if at all, because you stayed up all night playing "just one more turn", etc., etc. Finally, losing your job, the wife/girlfriend, and everything else that ever meant anything to you in life all in pursuit of becoming the perfect armchair battallion commander and thereby turning into a total CM junky. In the end somebody that still cares about you will call the funny farm police and they will come and get you. They'll find your hunched back form glued to your chair in front of the computer and you'll be mumbling, "d*** that Mikester, he's done it to me again....". They will try to get you to come peacefully, but you won't move from the chair. Four or five of them will then have to pounch on you tearing you away from the computer and prying the mouse from your clutched grasp of your now deformed hand. While you kick and scream they hold you down and others will come and put you into the straight jacket and duct tape over your mouth. It won't be a pretty scene.

Then, later, when you finally realize what you've become, and can admit to yourself that you truly do have a problem, they will release you to the rehab clinic. You'll come and join the rest of us at the Betty Ford Clinic for CM Junkies where we will all be "cured" of our terrible CM neuro-psychological disorder. Not sure what the cure would be, probably something involving electro-shock therapy or the like. Or maybe hypnosis: "You are getting very sleepy, your eyes are growing heavier each moment; yes, that's it. CM is a very very bad thing for you, it has caused great pain and distress in your life. You will no longer find any enjoyment or pleasure from playing CM." Of course it will take awhile to cure you. In the meantime you'll experience terrible nightmares of past battles, won and lost, total loss of appetite, and the like. But eventually after 6-12 months of frying your little pea brain w/ ever increasing doses of high voltage, hypnotizing you into a complete stupor, and whatever else it takes they will "cure" you.

When the long awaited day of release from the clinic finally arrives, however, you will be nothing but a shell of the man you once were. You'll be left with the IQ of an idiot, and will often times still experience horrific dreams and flashbacks to those glorious days of "joy" where you were locked in battle w/ your cyber-foe in a contest to the death. So you'll probably have to spend the rest of your life in therapy too, not to mention you'll most likely turn into an alcholic somewhere along the way. As far as any future, you won't have one. Eventually some poor slob managing a McDonald's will take pity on you and hire you to mop the floors. From there you might be lucky enough to move up to taking peoples orders where the highlight of each of your days will be saying: "do you want fries with that?" smile.gif

Dear God Steve and Charles, stop now before it's too late! wink.gif

I'll send you an e-mail and see what we can work out.


[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 09-12-99).]

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1. I already have the IQ of an idiot.

2. I already have alcoholic tendancies.

3. I have had opportunities to become addicted to several things and have resisted them all to date (after some heavy duty trial). I expect CM to be no different.

4. As much as I love gaming and am sure I will be totally enthralled with CM, I love communing with nature and old friends more. So, Breckenridge here I come! smile.gif

Sorry for a serious answer to what was obviously a very funny post. I just very much value my objectivity. I find it an asset when it comes time to do battle wink.gif

Look forward to meeting you if I can swing it in my busy itinerary.



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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