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How many games can simulate this turn of events?


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Picture this: A squad of four pixeltruppen assault the crest of a hill and discover a slit trench and stiff resistance. Soldier #1 stops and pulls out a grenade. So does Soldier #2 a moment after. Soldier #1 gets shot as he is about to throw the grenade and it falls at the feet of Soldier #2 who gets blasted as he is about to throw his grenade. He drops the grenade which falls at the feet of Soldier #3 as he shoots at the trench. He gets blasted as well. Soldier #4 runs away in abject horror as the surviving witness.

I really wish I had a video of this. It is a testament to how excellent CM2 games are in simulating combat resulting in unique turn of events.

Please share similar stories.

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Uuups, that was one ill fated assult...

I don't really have any specific example to give right now but i have vitness MANY very cool scenes while playing Panzer Mikes scenario 'fester platz polozk'.

The replays are worth watching over and over again...

One thing that i 'think' happened only a few turns ago was that i got one of my men killed by a richochet. The enemy were tageting another squad in a building on the other side of the street and a shoot bounced of the wall and killed a man in another building.

i'm not sure this is what happened. I have watched the replay many time and as far as i can tell thats what killed my man.

I'm currently working on another update on my AAR for this scenario but its quite hard to describe with a few pictures just how 'nice' the fighting plays out...lot and lots of details...

The fighting depicted in the comming update was truely brillant. I hope i will be able to show that somehow.

I agree that CM has many nice details modeled

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Playing WeGo pbem. My scout car nosed up to a ridge. A hidden German team on the back side of the ridge popped up, fired a panzerfaust from 20m...and the turn ended with the projectile in mid-flight! Cliffhanger.

(Next turn, it landed just short, but damaged the wheels and immobilized the scout car. Bad place to be.)

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I have seen some very very heroic epic panzerfaust actions with dudes firing their faust while running past a enemy tank and then proceeding to casually butcher the bailing out crew... all tho often these end up with the hero getting shot only fractions of second after firing their deadly faust. :) In one pbem game my opponent had a single surviving smg trooper slaughter entire squad of my fallschirmjägers in forest while running wildy inside my position. I think that rambo even survived the game all tho my opponent lost the game eventually.

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In one pbem game my opponent had a single surviving smg trooper slaughter entire squad of my fallschirmjägers in forest while running wildy inside my position. I think that rambo even survived the game all tho my opponent lost the game eventually.

I've had a similar experience from the other side: it was my SMG guy (the survivor of a Tank Hunter team) who butchered and broke a squad of Amis, and a (moving) MMG team and their ammo bearers (or some such combination; it's a while back and the Fog of Forget is growing thicker) solo, jinking in and out of some Bocage. He survived and went on to contest one of my VLs at the end of the game, when I was starting to roll back to my original defensive positions.

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Soldier #1 stops and pulls out a grenade. So does Soldier #2 a moment after. Soldier #1 gets shot as he is about to throw the grenade and it falls at the feet of Soldier #2 who gets blasted as he is about to throw his grenade. He drops the grenade which falls at the feet of Soldier #3 as he shoots at the trench. He gets blasted as well.

What game are you playing? Sounds more like dominoes than combat mission. :) I have seen the guy about to throw getting hit and causing friendly casualties a number of times now but not two in a row - very cool.

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What game are you playing? Sounds more like dominoes than combat mission. :) I have seen the guy about to throw getting hit and causing friendly casualties a number of times now but not two in a row - very cool.

I had to watch the replay several times to make sure what I saw really happened.

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Sometimes CM really produces truely awesome, holywood worthy but yet authentic scenes.

One time i had a small group of only 4-5 men with Panzerfausts and MP40s take out an enemy recon element consisting of 2 tanks and 1 APC in an ambush at a river crossing. As the APC leading the column rolled into the killzone, closely followed by one the tanks, the first of my men got on his knees and fired a panzerfaust wich took out the APC. The APCs crew disembarked and was mowed down without mercy by a deadly hail of lead coming from 2 MP40s within a second or two. The tank, having spotted the guy that took out the APC, stopped and slowly began to turn his turret towards the shooter of Panzerfaust. The heroic pixeltrooper got up, ran towards the tank, stopped to fire a burst at the TC killing him, continued to charge towards the tank and destroyed it with several hand grenades! LOL! A single guy on his own just killed 2 armoured vehicles + their crews in less than a turn or two! It was like in holywood, like watching a Rambo movie :D.

I absolutely couldnt believe what i had just witnessed.

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Man you guys are all wrong, the game is obviously unplayable!!! :D

This is the moment I knew I was in trouble - this game is far too addicting. Herr Probst leading a fanatical defense in my second pbem - Bois de Baugin





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Here is my latest amazing event. A half track assault that actually worked.

I was moving infantry up on a rail station just on the other side of some tracks, thinking it appeared empty since I had not received fire from it and had been moving infantry towards it in the open.

Just as my first troops closed in on the station. Fire erupts. Ambush, the lead squad will be dead in seconds and no one can see the enemy because the tracks are protecting them from view.

Desperate situation because I cannot aford to lose the time and men it will take to regroup and do a proper assault to clear this building.

So what is my options. I have two halftracks, each with about a 4 man half squad in the back that are within striking range that can rush up and be there in 20 seconds or so and be able to fire over the berm of the tracks and add to the fire power of the few soildiers I have that can see the structure clear.

So rush them I did. As they pull up, sure enough, another building of enemy troops also opens up at point blank range. Now each halftrack is taken hits from each structure. But this is Russia , not Normandy, instead of all my men dieing in seconds. The Halftracks repel their fire and actually manage to fire their MG's and begin to supress the infantry. The on board infantry do not seem to want to shoot over the side panels so I risk dismounting them and have them add their fire to little fire fight.

Once this is in full bore and I have the enemies attention, I then rush one of my original infantry units over the tracks into a set of foxholes hoping to get a line of site to the back side of the structure so that when Ivan tries to run, they can gun them down. Sure enough, that is just what happens. Little russkies getting shot in the back as they run for their lives.

Very Hollywood like, and just after the previous battle in the campaign , where more than once halftrack infantry was destroyed because I had moved them near enemy infantry that I was thinking was cleared areas by my armor.

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Your Hanomags there might have offered more protection to their gunners because they were front-up on the railway berm (from the sounds of it) making the gunner much harder to hit, even from buildings. I make this suggestion to caution against assuming that gunners are harder targets in general in RT... just in case they aren't :)

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Your Hanomags there might have offered more protection to their gunners because they were front-up on the railway berm (from the sounds of it) making the gunner much harder to hit, even from buildings. I make this suggestion to caution against assuming that gunners are harder targets in general in RT... just in case they aren't :)

I'm pretty certain the position of the HT gunners were lowered in either CMRT or maybe even before in CMBN 2.12.

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