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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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Nurse? What pills did you give mr. dalem? This incoherent babbling gibberish can't be good! Give him the other pills. Yeah, that's right, the ones that say CAUTION - ONLY FOR HOPELESS CASES on the label. Hope they will do some good for mr. dalem. Fingers crossed!


Oh, and make sure that straightjacket is tight enough!


7,500 quatloos.

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There aren't enough Quatloos available to make me stop hating you all.

Even if I got footloose with Quatloos? What if I threw in a Moose couscous with the Quatloos? We could have OGSF play Duck-Duck-Goose among the Quatloos. In a burnoose.


I call this "Nidan's Quatloos ala Dr. Suess".  Care to call a truce?

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Okay, let's get this established, so I may continue with this post:


I am not at home, and don't have immediate access to my long lost login to the Combat Mission forum.  That being said I will now post as myself, an Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread, even though I am currently using the login of the Lesser Creature (although, in so far as titles mean for ****e, here) Dalem, a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread (all hail to his food and ale!)


So, I now address you, far beyond your merit, as Myself.  


Seanachai, Old One of the Peng Challenge Thread:


My very dearest PanzerMike, if I may do you the great honour of addressing you as though I actually had an interest in your continued existence, which I'm sure you will maintain, rather pointlessly, despite the fact that I do not see any point to it. Well done!  You have 'bearded', as I think the phrase is, Dalem.  You have implied, or rather, actually, baldly stated that Dalem is mentally unbalanced.  


Frankly, that's like stating that the sun will rise, or that the seasons will change, or that a lot of useless knobs will show up in the Peng Challenge Thread to mock their betters.  


The thing that lacks, so far, in your responses, is your lack of appreciation for the power, the glory, and the purpose of Hate.  


No one here 'hates' you, PanzerMike.  No one here would bother.  Certainly not Dalem, who, whatever his other failings, and they ARE manifold, would bother to hate a little lost lamb like you, who had wandered into the very Temple of Hate, and wandered around bleating.  Dalem, quite properly, before deciding and beginning to hate you, inquired whether anyone 'owned' you, by which, quite simply, he meant "Does anyone know who this useless lump of stupidity is, and can vouch for it?'


All right and good, in the Peng Challenge Thread. If you came here for acclaim, hugs and kisses?  Well, Huzzah!  We acclaim you as a major lackwit, I

give Boo Radley a hug, because it has been far, far too long since I last acknowledged his excellence, and hated him for it, and I kiss the rim of the Rum and Coke that Dalem just brought me.


You sir (title used in jest), are just some guy on the Combat Mission Forum who wandered in here without his pants on (and we've ALL done that).  But you haven't shown us anything interesting.  


So, and to sum up, in case I am accused, GORRAM AGAIN, of a lack of brevity:  You are no one.  Nothing.  


And there's nothing wrong with that.  You're probably English, or something, and feel that you should be treated as more important than you are.


Now, all your personal issues of abandonment and flagging self-worth aside, WHERE'S THE GORRAM JUSTICAR?!


Joe Shaw?  Art there, old mole?

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You got me and I'm probably ALL the Justicar you can count on around here.  Oh, sure... Joe will stagger in here eventually, maybe, and drone on and on and on and on about he's "the beloved Justicar for life, blah, blah, blah, ad infitum", but actions speak louder than words (unless I guess if they're really, really quiet actions and overly stentorious words, which really, is about all you ever get from Joe, I mean really, is it asking too much for him to just pipe the feck down occasionally?) and my actions are that I'm here and he... aint.


I have stepped up and shouldered the responsibility while he has proven himself to be merely a dilettante.


So to him I say Bah and Feh!

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Agh!!, the Story Teller has graced us with a rare appearance, wot happened old duck did your kayak spring a leak?, or have green gangs banned you from paddling along the laughing waters of Minnehaha, because of all the carbon emissions flowing from that ever flapping gob of yours?


Its nice to know that you are still drawing breath and haven't yet killed yourself with alcohol, although I'm sure you are trying very hard.

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Agh!!, the Story Teller has graced us with a rare appearance, wot happened old duck did your kayak spring a leak?, or have green gangs banned you from paddling along the laughing waters of Minnehaha, because of all the carbon emissions flowing from that ever flapping gob of yours?


Its nice to know that you are still drawing breath and haven't yet killed yourself with alcohol, although I'm sure you are trying very hard.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... whatever. You owe me a turn, errant former Squire of mine.

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Seanachai a.k.a. the Gnome. Isn't he responsible for the very existence of this here loony bin in the first place? Back in the days when young PanzerMike avoided the Cesspool like the plague?


This big ole lump of Hate really is the stuff of legends then. And he bothered to address me with that bloated post.


Quite an honour (if I had any kind of reverence for him that is, which I do not of course). 




I'll drink to that. 

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I don't know if this is the right spot for it, but I'm currently looking for the owner of about 11 flaming wrecks that I recently found on The Passage. The majority appear to have been PzIVs, but I think I was able to make out the smoldering remains of a Stummel. If you can't remember where you left them, I'll try and jog your memory.


About a week ago was the last time I saw them moving. I think most of them were brewed up about four minutes after they were first noticed by my scouts. Oh speaking of my scouts, they're waiting at the objective point...


So in the meantime, I'm currently sitting on the turret of my T-34, watching your men frozen in terror. My scouts have broken radio silence again... I think they're singing "99 German Panzers on the Passage, 99 German Panzers, shoot one down, smash it around, 98 Panzers Panzers on the Passage."


(PS: I tried interrogating one of your prisoners, but all I could make out was Tak- something? Does that ring a bell to you; anyone?)

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