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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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Not that it is likely you'll ever get one Emrys, but you may want to take note of what happens when old people refuse "Friend" requests. You know with this new forum and all, someone might actually slip up and send one to ya.

Yeah some people would do that to old farts. But I don't send anyone, I do my own dirty work.


I invite Emrys to do something actually useful, like taking a look at a scenario that will hopefully be released to the community at some time, and he bluntly tells me to go to he.. eeeh.... take a plunge in a cesspool or sumfink. Sjeesh.


I really thought I made some "friends" here...


And there was much weeping and wailing in the Floydian House.

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Well I am flying to Yemen tonight, care to join?

Much as it is difficult to pretend I care I'll give it a shot. After all it is an historic day what wth ng cavscout being rendered speechless (I assume that is a relative term and that what he meant in human terms is he was incapable of rambling on for another few pages).

Ahem. Umm. Ehh Stuka watch yourself over there. Nasty little corner of the world that it is.

Seriously watch your back

Edited by sburke
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When Yemen heard you were coming they closed the draperies and turned off the lights. 


Pfft.  Like we can blame them?

That, THAT was your Maya Angelou-esque prose?  Dude that was Bill the Cat from Bloom County.  Granted a fine upstanding example of .. well something, but it WASN'T Ms Angelou.

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It also wasn't a rubber dildo. So? Do you have a point? I mean besides the one on top of your head?



We know you have trouble following conversations.  It is normal for someone at your advanced age.  Just go sit in the corner and eat your mush, it will all be okay.


It is interesting in a really boring kind of way that your first reference was a dildo..... back to that solo gaming thing again eh?

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I am literally speechless. I would never have imagined anyone entrusted with entry into the glorious House Rune betraying our trust and faith in such a scurrilous manner. I guess that spark I thought I saw in you was just the spark of methane gas igniting as an after effect of your natural state. I should have guessed, when you were unable to produce a simple Kanji or two in a simple challenge, that you would be unable to maintain the high standards of our storied house..

I hereby pronounce you ANATHEMA and HERETIC. You are banned from all House Rune events and activites, turn in your clay molding plastic spork and never darken our doorstep again.

And, once again I am proven that I can spot talent ... and a lack thereof ... from miles away. I knew, immediately, that Voyeur (neither spelt nor bolded and damned lucky that I refer to him AT ALL) was not CessPool material. He really wasn't even House Rune material though the bar is set pretty damned low for them. They're kind of the Hufflepuff of the CessPool, TECHNICALLY part of it but ... not really PART of it if you get my drift.


That being said, it also illustrates the dangers inherent in creating a Latchkey Squire. A Squire is to be instructed, tested and molded to the House standards. Now clearly the standards of House Rune require the use of Playdoh rather than honest modelling clay in order to mold their Squires but you see my point. My Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire, sburke, on the other hand took my course of instruction to heart and emerged clearly the better man for it. He has been an excellent Squire for the Shavian House and will make a fine addition to the Knights who proudly bear that shield into combat.


NG Cavscout has been remiss in his duties as Liege and deserves this rebuke ... albeit from the likes of Voyeur and therefore not really much of rebuke ... but a rebuke nonetheless.



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That, THAT was your Maya Angelou-esque prose? 

No. Of course not. I never said anything about providing Maya Angelou-style poetry for the Cess. I merely intimated that your inability to string together a complete coherent sentence would make Ms. Angelou want to beat you to death with a golf club. Get it now?

Look, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.


Sheesh! The level of n00bs we get in here.


But I didn't come here to talk about that today, no... I came in here to tell you that MY former Squire, Nidan1 is the most dependable opponent I know. I know that I can always depend on Nidan1 to advance his armor into unknown territory without scouts or any kind of recon at all. He just pulls them forward and lines them up oh so nicely, so my tanks and various AT assets can make them all splodey.

What's the score now, Skeezix? You're down about 5 Shermans and I'm down one (1) support HT?


What a nice Christmas present for me!

Edited by Boo Radley
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No. Of course not. I never said anything about providing Maya Angelou-style poetry for the Cess. I merely intimated that your inability to string together a complete coherent sentence would make Ms. Angelou want to beat you to death with a golf club. Get it now?

Look, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.


Sheesh! The level of n00bs we get in here.


But I didn't come here to talk about that today, no... I came in here to tell you that MY former Squire, Nidan1 is the most dependable opponent I know. I know that I can always depend on Nidan1 to advance his armor into unknown territory without scouts or any kind of recon at all. He just pulls them forward and lines them up oh so nicely, so my tanks and various AT assets can make them all splodey.

What's the score now, Skeezix? You're down about 5 Shermans and I'm down one (1) support HT?


What a nice Christmas present for me!

Actually I do understand - on both points, despite you absolutely sucking at explanations.

1. You will name drop Maya in a most scurrilous manner to criticize the writing of others while you continue to contribute drivel. She is probably rolling in her grave at the thought of you using her in such a despicable fashion.

2. You train your squires to be sycophants to your ego.  What? That is too big a word for you?  How about yes-men? bootlickers? brown-nosers? toadies? lickspittles? flatterers? flunkies? lackeys? doormats? stooges? cringers? suck-ups?  Poor Nidan1, to have been trained by you is such an unenviable fate.  I on the other hand am guided by the unflinching forthright leadership of my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House.


PS  "pulls them forward"?  Really?  Sigh.  Mark Twain would beat you with a golf club.....

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You mean like you two right?

Actually My Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke that's not entirely accurate. Those two ASPIRE to being the usual run of knuckle draggers. Once they master the tricky aspect of dragging both knuckles at once they might attain that lofty, for them, goal. And, to be fair, it may be a difficult task for them. You and I, of course, can't really appreciate the problem as our species has evolved beyond knuckle dragging, grinding rocks and living in Ohio or Washington. So on this Christmas Day I urge a bit of compassion for our less fortunate brethren.


Your Liege

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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No. Of course not. I never said anything about providing Maya Angelou-style poetry for the Cess. I merely intimated that your inability to string together a complete coherent sentence would make Ms. Angelou want to beat you to death with a golf club. Get it now?

Look, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.


Sheesh! The level of n00bs we get in here.


But I didn't come here to talk about that today, no... I came in here to tell you that MY former Squire, Nidan1 is the most dependable opponent I know. I know that I can always depend on Nidan1 to advance his armor into unknown territory without scouts or any kind of recon at all. He just pulls them forward and lines them up oh so nicely, so my tanks and various AT assets can make them all splodey.

What's the score now, Skeezix? You're down about 5 Shermans and I'm down one (1) support HT?


What a nice Christmas present for me!

Remember the move Zulu? , the Zulu chiefs placed their men within rifle range of the Redcoats in order to count  the number of British soldiers firing at them. What is five Shermans among hundreds?

Edited by Nidan1
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Remember the move Zulu? , the Zulu chiefs placed their men within rifle range of the Redcoats in order to count  the number of British soldiers firing at them. What is five Shermans among hundreds?


You and c3k should get a room together. Sounds like a match made in heaven...or whatever. The battlefield would be littered with dead soldiers and broken kit in no time at all. Why waste time with tactical subtlety?



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You and c3k should get a room together. Sounds like a match made in heaven...or whatever. The battlefield would be littered with dead soldiers and broken kit in no time at all. Why waste time with tactical subtlety?



Dang!....you're not the guy lost in Olympia Park? Oh well maybe next week.

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