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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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 Methinks ng cavscout is a little tardy on the response to my astute observation of him. I can only assume he’s having a hard time finding someone to read it to him. Look it’s hard to disrespect you as you obviously saw my fiery spark from the beginning and wanted the reflecting glow to somewhat radiate on you but for crying out loud Car54, stop existing on a diet of coffee and donuts. The sugar/caffeine rush is affecting what you attempt to pawn off as coherent thinking.


 I hereby and heretofore and herein after, do refute and disavow any membership to the House Rune. I am now rogue and should I be sent to Coventry then so be it. A larger band of misfits in one place on the web would be hard to find, not that you’d want to.  


 This thread is truly as the overused adage says “a target rich environment” From so called Justicar Joe  to the so called human Stuka, and all the ones in between down to useless sburke. Yes the same sburke who imagines himself a glorious Knight in shining armor atop his fiery steed only to be revealed by any mirror to be a Squire wearing a pissbucket on his head and sitting on donkey. So Sad …..so very very sad.


 The Olde Ones doing their best to fight through the senility that afflicts them and recall the beginnings. Really!!!!! Same scenarios over and over hundreds of times?? Now I enjoy a game of CM as much as the next guy but draw the line at joining a cult. You people were the type of kids that it takes an adult to truly appreciate. You know the one, that one that wants to play candy land for the 25th time in a 4 hour time span. Next you’ll explain the pushing bits of cardboard or perhaps miniatures around fictional kingdoms, while inhaling of the ghastly aromas created by the infantile diets of your fellow gamers, listening to each other screech like monkeys about the interpretation of page 22 LOS  subsection C…………………………………  Not that it was a total waste of time, it did soften the pain of being shunned by girls and having a family that barely tolerated you.


 And I just gotta say this about  Justicar Joe who I do believe in real life is a politician and not a banker although who could tell the difference. PutzerMike the Dutch Boy Paint guy comes waltzing in looking like Carol Channing on steroids and proclaims in his header something about a flop house and ol Justicar Joe is too busy leading the Cesspool kazoo band (sburke  soloing on the cheek flute) around in pompous self-deification whilst not actually doing any justicating. He epitomizes everything substandard about you dullards and in fact might actually be the perfect choice.

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 I hereby and heretofore and herein after, do refute and disavow any membership to the House Rune.

Might want to change your sig then.  Something appropriate like "Squire to House Rune until I woke up and realized wtf I'd just done."


Once again House Rune continues to entertain...in similar fashion to a fender bender off to the side of the road with two uninsured motorists duking it out while the police officer just stands shaking his head at the stupidity he has to face on the job.

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Parbleu DaftLaurier. I take it you want to pass for a Frenchman? The French famous for their cuisine. Hmmmm, let's see.


Outside of the US, who has the most McDonald’s? Yup, it's the home of Freedom Fries itself, France. When Burger King opened up in Paris in November, people stood in line an hour and a half to order.  As it turns out, the French love their fast food, and more importantly, they love burgers. In a recent study, 1/3 of restaurants cited the hamburger -- sorry, "le hamburger" -- as their top-selling dish. Which is probably why one out of every two sandwiches sold in France is in fact, a hamburger. In 2007, it was one out of every seven. Au revoir jambon beurre. The fallout is that nowadays about one in 10 adults in France is obese, and almost 40% of the entire population is overweight.
Incroyable! Ce n'est pas vrai, he! Mais oui, ces't vrai! Turns out inside every Frenchman, is an American trying to get out. An overweight American.


Blessings PanzerMouse.

I'm just a trained chef who proudly salutes his worthy MontPellier ancestor who hastily set sail for New France after a dispute over the ownership of a chicken... And who wisely married a mohawk girl.

Ah Paris. the unwiped rectal whorifice of a nation. Her effluent is the Seine, which seeps noxiously into the channel. Alas a large chunk has caught betwixt Wales and Scotland. Wouldst that all the Isle du France region might flow downstream, and wash ashore on Norfolk, where hygene is equaly distained.

So when didst thou get out of your frenchman????

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So Watcher has dumped his pimp-daddy NgCavscout and gone free-lance? You figure you'll be better off hawking your fork on a street corner without Kniggettly protection? Ain't no free-lance squires in this neighborhood buddy. Best you packup the fishnets and find a new truck stop to work your tricks.

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So maybe you wank...eeh...good people can score some points with the Floydian House and help out.



Why on earth would we want to score points with you? Can they be redeemed for desirable merchandise? Not a chance in hell. What merchant in his right mind is going to trade desirable goods for PisserMike points? This doesn't even rise to the level of a bad joke.



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Tae tha wee-stained laddies o' tha 'Pool, an' tha bonnie wee lassies, Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!


Noba, ah'm sure thae stinkin' Victorians haid their surplus bofors trained on ye sputterin' Fokker Friendship tha whole way fraim Mildura tae Geelong an' back.

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Tae tha wee-stained laddies o' tha 'Pool, an' tha bonnie wee lassies, Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!


Noba, ah'm sure thae stinkin' Victorians haid their surplus bofors trained on ye sputterin' Fokker Friendship tha whole way fraim Mildura tae Geelong an' back.


And another fecking idget bawls out colloquial gibberish. Manky Scots git.

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Tae tha wee-stained laddies o' tha 'Pool, an' tha bonnie wee lassies, Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!


Noba, ah'm sure thae stinkin' Victorians haid their surplus bofors trained on ye sputterin' Fokker Friendship tha whole way fraim Mildura tae Geelong an' back.


Aye Laddy, they did. But that pilot sure knew his corkscrew turns... he was a Lancaster Pilot in WW2 and learned real quick-like how to evade.



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I think the Scots missed a great opportunity for true recognition when they failed to cece....sesede....drop out from the United Kingdom last summer. I'm sure they could have formed a great liason with other former English colonies like Canada and God forbid...Australia. Haggis, Hockey, and Ned Kelly Artifacts, a trio of things the rest of the world can't do without.

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Not that it is likely you'll ever get one Emrys, but you may want to take note of what happens when old people refuse "Friend" requests. You know with this new forum and all, someone might actually slip up and send one to ya.


I'm betting this is some of Boo's family. Has all the hallmarks of Akron trailer trash. How they made it to Florida? It was probably where the repo yard is that hitched up their trailer.

Edited by sburke
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(Very slow hand clap)


Edited by Sburke and it was still mostly illegible. Yep. One of Joe's boys alright.

Has it never occurred to you that the problem of "legibility" might actually be a reflection of typical Akronite illiteracy?  No? Yeah I kind of figured. I suspect you also think Lincoln totally botched the Gettysburg address too.

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"It was probably where the repo yard is that hitched up their trailer."


You make Maya Angelou want to beat you to death with a 7 iron.


But then you have that effect on everybody.

wrong she wanted to hit me with a chipper.. or did she say put me in the chipper?  I forget, anyway so what.  Here I'll cater to your uber sensitive sensibilities.


It was probably the yard to whence they were towed beyond yon Georgian border by the repo man. 


Happy now?  Cry baby.  And you think to supplant my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House


Now let's see your next flowery post demonstrating your superior grasp of the English language. No not just some dumb ass response like "You make Maya Angelou want to beat you to death with a 7 iron.   But then you have that effect on everybody."


This must be some example of prose to make all the CessPool stand Including even Emrys (though that might require a forklift) and take notice and perhaps even bring a tear to our eyes.  Actually that might not be too hard, your mere presence makes us sad.

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I am literally speechless. I would never have imagined anyone entrusted with entry into the glorious House Rune betraying our trust and faith in such a scurrilous manner. I guess that spark I thought I saw in you was just the spark of methane gas igniting as an after effect of your natural state. I should have guessed, when you were unable to produce a simple Kanji or two in a simple challenge, that you would be unable to maintain the high standards of our storied house..

I hereby pronounce you ANATHEMA and HERETIC. You are banned from all House Rune events and activites, turn in your clay molding plastic spork and never darken our doorstep again.

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