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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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Well he is from those "Golden Oldie" days you were mumbling about before your teeth fell out earlier.  So the East coasters don't visit those sites eh? Wait wasn't it in NY that the CEO of Savvis dropped a cool quarter million at Score's in one night?  :rolleyes:



After dodging the bullet of a domestic violence charge, and in the midst of an NFL season unlike any other in the history of the league where the issue of personal conduct and treatment of women have taken center stage, you would think a guy would be on his best behavior.  Think again.   Ray McDonald, doesnt he live in your neighbohood? Whats that phrase, "People who live in glass states"?

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After dodging the bullet of a domestic violence charge, and in the midst of an NFL season unlike any other in the history of the league where the issue of personal conduct and treatment of women have taken center stage, you would think a guy would be on his best behavior.  Think again.   Ray McDonald, doesnt he live in your neighbohood? Whats that phrase, "People who live in glass states"?

They are FOOTBALL players for crying out loud.  This IS their best behavior.

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And notice gang, this is his SQUIRE saying this ... his freaking Squire! That Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke would never DREAM of suggesting that his Liege was wrong. Of course in his case he'd never have cause to say that. I hesitate to say anything nice about Watcher ... not just because of his diatribe above but because he's, you know, Watcher. But in this case I have to admit that IN THIS ONE INSTANCE AND ONLY IN THIS ONE INSTANCE he's spot on. NG Cavscout is a flaming idiot which made him the perfect candidate for House Rune. By inference the same can be said for Watcher.

In all fairness my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House we are talking House Rune here.  To even include that House's name in a sentence that includes commentary about the inspired1 leadership of the Shavian House is a unfortunate, but in this case required.  One could almost pity the members of House Rune...if they weren't so incredibly disgusting.



1  Yes I know some dimwit is gonna think themselves clever and alter the spelling of inspired, but we do try to give the unwashed masses an occasional opportunity to try and look clever during the holiday season

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How in the world do you hail this concoction as "Dutch" cuisine? Its ingredients were obviously stolen from former colonies when the Netherlands was more than just a half submerged version of Belgium, and had access to some real ingredients and superb cooking tecniques. 

You are a dimwitted donkey. Fact.


It was the Dutch who spread fine cuisine all over the world. Fact.


We did not steal anything; the people of the world lined up to give us their ingredients to make something outstanding out of them. Fact.


And it came to pass that Patatje Oorlog was born. And it rocks. Hard. Fact.


You should do what Crapscout did. Make some Patatje Oorlog and enjoy it. Make some and also amaze your friends...ow wait... eeeh. amaze your family (the ones that are out on bail currently) with this outstanding dish. Raise a glass to the fine cuisine of the glorious Dutch who sailed the Seven Seas for Patatje Oorlog.


Don't fight it, embrace it. Crapscout did and he is better man for it. Here: NG Cavsprout was correct!


Now go Nidan1! Make yourself some Patatje Oorlog! You know you want to.


Ow, and can somebody please give Emrys his medicine. He is very excited over something that makes him drool (more than usual) and mumble about poops (or something). This kind of excitement can be deadly for old people. So make sure he takes his pills!

Edited by PanzerMike
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You are a dimwitted donkey. Fact.


It was the Dutch who spread fine cuisine all over the world. Fact.


We did not steal anything; the people of the world lined up to give us their ingredients to make something outstanding out of them. Fact.


And it came to pass that Patatje Oorlog was born. And it rocks. Hard. Fact.


You should do what Crapscout did. Make some Patatje Oorlog and enjoy it. Make some and also amaze your friends...ow wait... eeeh. amaze your family (the ones that are out on bail currently) with this outstanding dish. Raise a glass to the fine cuisine of the glorious Dutch who sailed the Seven Seas for Patatje Oorlog.


Don't fight it, embrace it. Crapscout did and he is better man for it. Here: NG Cavsprout was correct!


Now go Nidan1! Make yourself some Patatje Oorlog! You know you want to.


Ow, and can somebody please give Emrys his medicine. He is very excited over something that makes him drool (more than usual) and mumble about poops (or something). This kind of excitement can be deadly for old people. So make sure he takes his pills!

The typical self-serving prattle of a people who for generations exploited the indigenous peoples of many parts of the world for their own gain. Battling with other European Colonial powers over the spice islands of Indonesia and SE Asia the Dutch STOLE the ingredients for Satay and Sambal and other sauces to enhance their own bland, tastless diet. I don't have to tell you, that spices from the Orient were sometimes valued above precious metals. Any society that takes to wearing shoes made from wood, could certainly not be trusted to create any fine cuisine without help.


I do have to admit that the Dutch were smart enough to recognize the potential of the harbor that now bears the name Manhattan, but unfortunately for them they allowed the English to take it from them dooming North American peoples to years of eating Mutton, kippers and potatoes.

Edited by Nidan1
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Don't fight it, embrace it. Crapscout did and he is better man for it. Here: NG Cavsprout was correct!

 That would carry some weight except for the fact that if he stuck his head in the toilet he'd be a better man for it. He could get a sex change and be a better man for it. He could leave and never come back and we'd think him a better man if we thought of him at all.

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Stop whining Nidan1 and start making your Patatje. It's a good start to learn about Dutch cuisine. Eventually you will want to add a Frikandel too your Patatje. Ow boy, they are good. Eat your heart out McDonalds fan boy. Nothing beats a Patatje Oorlog with Frikandel combo! Fact!

As our wonderful President likes to say; Thats not who we are as Americans. Its the right thing to do when we shun what the Dutch like to call cuisine.

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Tasmania...  Where entrenched in-breeding is a better option than Noba.


We passed over Victoria twice on the way to Tassie, as all sane people do...

And how are the local law enforcement officers treating you, still feeding you twice a day through the bars?



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As our wonderful President likes to say; Thats not who we are as Americans. Its the right thing to do when we shun what the Dutch like to call cuisine.



Mon Dieu!

There is no such animal. It there were we would sautee it in butter and wine untill it was edible, and feed it to our enemy's dogs

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Parbleu DaftLaurier. I take it you want to pass for a Frenchman? The French famous for their cuisine. Hmmmm, let's see.


Outside of the US, who has the most McDonald’s? Yup, it's the home of Freedom Fries itself, France. When Burger King opened up in Paris in November, people stood in line an hour and a half to order.  As it turns out, the French love their fast food, and more importantly, they love burgers. In a recent study, 1/3 of restaurants cited the hamburger -- sorry, "le hamburger" -- as their top-selling dish. Which is probably why one out of every two sandwiches sold in France is in fact, a hamburger. In 2007, it was one out of every seven. Au revoir jambon beurre. The fallout is that nowadays about one in 10 adults in France is obese, and almost 40% of the entire population is overweight.
Incroyable! Ce n'est pas vrai, he! Mais oui, ces't vrai! Turns out inside every Frenchman, is an American trying to get out. An overweight American.
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Hear ye, hear ye. All ye Knits, Squares, Serbs, Justaburbs, Olde Farts, Donkey boobs and Others Recognized. 
In the House of Floyd there is much rejoicing for a new scenario has been begotten: CMRT To the Berezina!
It needs some playtesting. More precisely, it needs to be played as the Axis defender against the Allied AI. Yeah, you heard it right, the AI is the attacker. That means it will probably put up a better fight than Washer.
It is quite large (large map, large force size), but since you play the defender, it is VERY manageable and not too time consuming. Trust me on that one; I do not have the patience to play monster scenarios myself, so I resist making them.
Map is finished. There is one AI plan right now for the Allies and I need to know if it is any good. There is a briefing and some briefing graphics, but they are still somewhat rough.
If you feel like you need a break playing H2H against the Pengers and want to give this a spin, lemme know. I could of course ask around at the Outreboard , but there is only SSN's there: useless feck...eeh..fellers. And the usual suspects on the Beta forum are mostly busy playing with their dic..eeh...dinky toys like the M1 Abrams (where is the fun in that?). So maybe you wank...eeh...good people can score some points with the Floydian House and help out.
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