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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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...something about fast-tracking his toy-boy into a corner office with keys to the executive toilet...

Since when has a '5 minute squire' with only 2 wins to his name (against Watcher no less...talk about a gimme) get imminent elevation to the Kniiggetthood??

Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

I recall having to play Croda on a huge sized ME, at night, in heavy fog whilst raining. I had 150mm artillery and no FO or target markers and at one point our tanks passed each other going in opposite directions (easily enough done with only 15m of visibility).

Now that is where a squire earns his stripes, not by bringing a shiny apple to teacher's desk every morning and being a supreme butt-sniffer.

Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

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Since when has a '5 minute squire' with only 2 wins to his name (against Watcher no less...talk about a gimme) get imminent elevation to the Kniiggetthood??

Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

I recall having to play Croda on a huge sized ME, at night, in heavy fog whilst raining. I had 150mm artillery and no FO or target markers and at one point our tanks passed each other going in opposite directions (easily enough done with only 15m of visibility).

Now that is where a squire earns his stripes, not by bringing a shiny apple to teacher's desk every morning and being a supreme butt-sniffer.

Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

In your day Stuka, in your day? You never had a day, oh there was some talk at one point about giving you a minute but then someone reminded the Olde Ones that you were Australian and that put a stop to that foolish notion.

Your assessment of Watcher is spot on of course, the only reason he was taken to Squire is because he was, literally, the last available choice. That Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke put him to rout with ease not once but twice and Watchers mewling "well done" is contrary to all the finest Traditions of the Cesspool.

sburke, on the other hand, has proven himself in battle and on these pages repeatedly and well deserves the honor that will shortly be bestowed upon him.

You ... Well you fought Croda ... need I say more?


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Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

Really? Then how the hell did you ever make kniggethood? You can't possibly believe that what you have been spewing all this time qualifies as "high level heavy duty taunting". Oh wait, yeah you are an Ozzie, to you that probably does seem high level. Just like the day you learned about cooked food and thought you had discovered haute cuisine. What can one say about a "country" where ancestry.com is considered a prime dating site.

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Since when has a '5 minute squire' with only 2 wins to his name (against Watcher no less...talk about a gimme) get imminent elevation to the Kniiggetthood??

Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

I recall having to play Croda on a huge sized ME, at night, in heavy fog whilst raining. I had 150mm artillery and no FO or target markers and at one point our tanks passed each other going in opposite directions (easily enough done with only 15m of visibility).

Now that is where a squire earns his stripes, not by bringing a shiny apple to teacher's desk every morning and being a supreme butt-sniffer.

Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

How about a turn there....Orence of Arabia. Enough of the past, get back to the present.

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Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

You still here? Done playing squat tag in the asparagus patch are ya? In all honesty I want to know when we start voting people off around here because you are in contention for first place in that category, a ranking I’m confident that has never been experienced by you before. When you are dead, you don't know you are dead but other people do. It's the same Stuka, when you are stupid, and given the evidence presented if stupidity was a disease you’re in the terminal phase.

Comprehension is not your strong suite is it? The post was obviously way over your head. But then when you’re nothing but a worm with limbs anything is over your head. See if you can comprehend this you spazmatic toe jam licking zit sucking waste of human flesh. If I have ten cakes and you ask for one how many do I have left................that’s right 10.

You drooling picking pork rinds and juju beans off your I love Dora tee shirt pocket pen protector wearing retarded crackhead. Many geeks have a suboptimal sense of personal hygiene, but you reek to a level normally associated with mass graves. I’m sure you used to live an active life- played football, tennis, did car racing. Sometimes played poker and pool. But when your computer broke, everything ended.

Your idiocy, and that of Justicar Joe, far exceeds anything I've had the displeasure to encounter before. Why you both weren't executed at birth I'll never know. I’m still expecting one of you to post a.... make $75 hr at home ad.

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That Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke put him to rout with ease not once but twice and Watchers mewling "well done" is contrary to all the finest Traditions of the Cesspool.

sburke, on the other hand, has proven himself in battle and on these pages repeatedly and well deserves the honor that will shortly be bestowed upon him.


It wasn’t until this post that the realization two people could be that mentally deficient and still be able to breathe was understood by me. Understanding sarcasm is obviously well beyond your abilities. But then I would imagine waste elimination without messing is also beyond your capabilities.

Both you and Stuka are strong arguments for the case of infanticide. Never in human history has the world been so afflicted by two maroons of such magnitude at the same time. It’s apparent to all that suffer from the experience of wading through your attempted posts that you only gargled and then spit from the fountain of knowledge.

When I force myself to read your posts I feel a nameless dread. Well, there probably is a long German name for it, like Gesch-pooklichkeit or something, but I don't speak German. Anyway, it's a dread that nobody knows the name for, like those little square plastic gizmos that close your bread bags. I don't know the name for those either.

And to think you’re the Justicar, how sad for the CessPool,….. are you sure Boo isn’t the real one? He at least can tie his shoes, granted it’s only the simple bow and it takes 20 minutes, but think of all the effort and years put into the learning. Whereas you, having the intellectual ability of pigeon droppings, are maxing out your resource’s walking and keeping the heart beating at the same time.

An honor for sburke to be a knight in the Shavian House? I would say surely you jest but as humor and jest are concepts you apparently have no understanding of I won’t. sburke would be better served to be initiated into the Mickey Mouse Club, certainly the intellectual conversation would be at a significantly higher level. But then he’s probably a charter member already.

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Since when has a '5 minute squire' with only 2 wins to his name (against Watcher no less...talk about a gimme) get imminent elevation to the Kniiggetthood??

Back in my day, a squire had not only to win practically campaigns-worth of battles BUT also post the AARs (screenshots included as proof) AND prove one's mettel in the 'parry and thrust' world of high level, heavy-duty taunting.

I recall having to play Croda on a huge sized ME, at night, in heavy fog whilst raining. I had 150mm artillery and no FO or target markers and at one point our tanks passed each other going in opposite directions (easily enough done with only 15m of visibility).

Now that is where a squire earns his stripes, not by bringing a shiny apple to teacher's desk every morning and being a supreme butt-sniffer.

Now as for YOU, Watcher...I've had quite enough of your mewling, 'fair thee well met', honor in defeat odes to sburke. It's sburke fer feck's sake! He didn't beat you...you were cheated! No squire should ever admit defeat, it is the AI's fault, gaminess on the part of your opponent or your addiction to drugs/porn that is to blame. The Cesspool was built on hate...HATE godammitt and that is whats kept it going lo these years. Seanachai, (may he rest in peace) has only our hate to thank for keeping him from being consigned to a cardboard box in a pauper's grave. You'll never do well to be nice to your opponent, oh no...

That's what I'm talking about! Why before ol' Croda made me a Kniggettt, I had to fight RLeete in Crodaburg (Brrrrrrrr... that was painful!) AND write an ode (an ODE fer cryin' out loud!) to the "beauty" of the scenario!

THEN I had to fight AussieJeff in JABOS! (I think that even someone with your flattened brain pan can appreciate the pants-dampening horror of that!).

AND THEN I had to fight Yeknod in some... fecking... abomination cooked up by Berli and I think it was Rune, saints preserve us, where I had green mountain troops climbing down snow-covered mountains at night to try to stop his panzers along a narrow road.

I think the game ended before my troops even got down the freaking hills!

But for some reason, Pshaw seems to think that the tradition of the MBT (Long May It Wave) is best served by coddling (Yes, I said coddling!) these n00bs, so about all we can do is repeatedly tell him how wrong he is, and I for one have no problem with that.

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I think I first used that line about 7 or 8 years ago in the MBT (Say it loud, Say it proud!).

Well, young Watcher, if you're going to steal, steal from the best, I say.

Can't always be on the cutting edge now can I? So who did you steal it from so I may give proper credit where it's due?

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J Feckin christ - you guys were playing CMx1 so stop whining about how hard you had it. Cmx2 is the REAL game. Next you'll be crying about how when you started you had special checkers rule. Gawd the nonsense you get when old timers start trying to recall what things were like in the "good old" days. Yeah we are dependent on your memory of events, fat chance that has any relation to reality.

And just to be clear, did you have some difficulty figuring out how to get your troops down a mountain? Hell I think almost anyone here would be willing to just give you a push.

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Not only CMx1 you gormless twit, the demo to Cmx1! Played a hundred times over (both scenarios) through foul weather, through thick and thin amidst the torment of pissweak computers and terminable dialup speeds. This is where us Olde Ones cut our teeth, learned the ropes and formed bonds of hatred that wet behind the ears, fresh from ROTC, johnnie come latelys such as yourself could never comprehend, let alone adapt to. This is why N00Bs like you wake up with frag grenades in your tent.

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You still here? Done playing squat tag in the asparagus patch are ya? In all honesty I want to know when we start voting people off around here because you are in contention for first place in that category, a ranking I’m confident that has never been experienced by you before. When you are dead, you don't know you are dead but other people do. It's the same Stuka, when you are stupid, and given the evidence presented if stupidity was a disease you’re in the terminal phase.

Comprehension is not your strong suite is it? The post was obviously way over your head. But then when you’re nothing but a worm with limbs anything is over your head. See if you can comprehend this you spazmatic toe jam licking zit sucking waste of human flesh. If I have ten cakes and you ask for one how many do I have left................that’s right 10.

You drooling picking pork rinds and juju beans off your I love Dora tee shirt pocket pen protector wearing retarded crackhead. Many geeks have a suboptimal sense of personal hygiene, but you reek to a level normally associated with mass graves. I’m sure you used to live an active life- played football, tennis, did car racing. Sometimes played poker and pool. But when your computer broke, everything ended.

Your idiocy, and that of Justicar Joe, far exceeds anything I've had the displeasure to encounter before. Why you both weren't executed at birth I'll never know. I’m still expecting one of you to post a.... make $75 hr at home ad.

Not bad. Your punctuation and phrasing need some work, but not bad at all.

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That's what I'm talking about! Why before ol' Croda made me a Kniggettt, I had to fight RLeete in Crodaburg (Brrrrrrrr... that was painful!) AND write an ode (an ODE fer cryin' out loud!) to the "beauty" of the scenario!

THEN I had to fight AussieJeff in JABOS! (I think that even someone with your flattened brain pan can appreciate the pants-dampening horror of that!).

AND THEN I had to fight Yeknod in some... fecking... abomination cooked up by Berli and I think it was Rune, saints preserve us, where I had green mountain troops climbing down snow-covered mountains at night to try to stop his panzers along a narrow road.

I think the game ended before my troops even got down the freaking hills!

[channeling Watcher] "Well goolley, Mr Radley sir, you sure had it tough in those days. Those Crodaburg and Jabos games are something i've only read about in the archived mystic tales of times long past (read slowly of course with help from a grown-up on the bigger words), you must really be a great guy, so pleased to have met you, may I brush your coat down or polish your boots while i'm here sir? Would sir be requiring the washroom at all sir? Please allow me to escort you sir, would sir prefer a shake or a tap? If sir is requiring a heavier duty bathroom visit I would point out I am familiar with both the 'scrunching' and 'folding' forms of managing the paperwork, as sir prefers...sir" [/channeling Watcher]

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How about a turn there....Orence of Arabia. Enough of the past, get back to the present.

yeah, yeah, yeah...hold your horses there Sparky.

Just re-installed CMBN all the way up to 3.11 again last night, things seem to be working properly in that I can see my troops again and your guys are more than black squares.

Your dieing-alot-now will recommence shortly...

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[channeling Watcher] "Well goolley, Mr Radley sir, you sure had it tough in those days. Those Crodaburg and Jabos games are something i've only read about in the archived mystic tales of times long past (read slowly of course with help from a grown-up on the bigger words), you must really be a great guy, so pleased to have met you, may I brush your coat down or polish your boots while i'm here sir? Would sir be requiring the washroom at all sir? Please allow me to escort you sir, would sir prefer a shake or a tap? If sir is requiring a heavier duty bathroom visit I would point out I am familiar with both the 'scrunching' and 'folding' forms of managing the paperwork, as sir prefers...sir" [/channeling Watcher]

That was truly disgusting. Congratulations.


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yeah, yeah, yeah...hold your horses there Sparky.

Just re-installed CMBN all the way up to 3.11 again last night, things seem to be working properly in that I can see my troops again and your guys are more than black squares.

Your dieing-alot-now will recommence shortly...

Anyone with the Combat Mission history that you just ascribed to yourself should find the loading of patches and upgrades as easy as tieing your shoelaces.......oh wait you have not been introduced to shoes yet, at least not the ones with actual laces. Tell me, can the camels in the gulf be trained to bring you a gin and tonic upon request?

Crashing the game on purpose will not garner you any special favors.

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Who's to say they aren't? Hmmm, Skeezix?

Good point. Your supposed father certainly didn't have scaley skin did he? Should known that unblinking stare of yours had nothing to do with acquired poker skills, after all one can't just teach oneself to have a nictating membrane.

I'll have that previously mentioned person do a write up on you in his blog. Your 15 minutes of "fame" as it were oh wanna be Justicar.

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Good point. Your supposed father certainly didn't have scaley skin did he? Should known that unblinking stare of yours had nothing to do with acquired poker skills, after all one can't just teach oneself to have a nictating membrane.

I'll have that previously mentioned person do a write up on you in his blog. Your 15 minutes of "fame" as it were oh wanna be Justicar.

It's interesting (In a completely non-interesting kind of way), but this reads like you originally wrote it in English and then ran it through Bablefish into... I don't know... Samoan, maybe? Tlingit? And then translated it back into English.

You must have an inordinate amount of time on your hands.

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I'd vote for Boo in a New York minute over OFJ. This disturbing, nauseating, lusting over new found, young-ish flesh leads me to believe a coup is in order to depose the corrupt, former self-imposed dictatorship.

You are I guess late to the show or you simply can't read Boo's sig.. . . Or simply can't read at all. It certainly is better than your fetish for aging or dead flesh.

You might also want to look up self-imposed as you clearly missed the point. Not surprisingly

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It's interesting (In a completely non-interesting kind of way), but this reads like you originally wrote it in English and then ran it through Bablefish into... I don't know... Samoan, maybe? Tlingit? And then translated it back into English.

You must have an inordinate amount of time on your hands.

Wrong. Google simply has difficulty translating lizard, particularly the Akron dialect of lizard And yes spending time chatting with you is a waste of time, fortunately my IPad has this nifty wireless connection so I can reply while taking care of important business on the toilet. We call this multi tasking. Yes I realize even one thing at a time is too much for you hence the need in your house for one of those JC Decaux toilets. For the rest of us (excepting Stuka) multi tasking is the norm. Good thing for you. If we couldn't you would have no one willing to waste their time trying to converse with a lizard speaking Akronite.

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They're so cute when they growl and show their teeth aren't they? It makes the confused look on their stupid little faces all the more gratifying when you put the boot! into them all roight and proper loike.

I mean. Watcher can't piss in his own boot without falling over it and sburke is so concerned with banging his tin drum whilst prancing around in front of the casket carrying his beloved ex-justacarrot that he hasn't noticed there's been a regime.

Time to fawn at the feet of a new master, spurke.

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