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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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sburke…. You are beyond a doubt a most magnificent spasmodic kebob squeezer and hence forth my nickname for you is sputz, which is a cross between a spaz and a putz. Talk about sheer genius, …nailed it, even if I do say so myself, which I just did.

Go Screw yourself


Go screw yourself

My Liege ng_cavscout I have good news from the battle with sburke. A Stug is now nothing more than an expensive heavy taxi in which the crew leapt out and then facing certain pain jumped right back in. I do believe my heroic pixel guys cancelled the birth certificates of 2 sputztruppens.

Sucking up for squire promotion



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PS: sburke in usual Shavian House malingering behavior, …….your a little tardy with the PowerPoint presentation aren’t ja boy? And I do mean boy.

You gonna make a career out of this? Obviously a Power Point presentation means something different to normal people vs what you deem it to be in your dark basement.

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sburke…. You are beyond a doubt a most magnificent spasmodic kebob squeezer and hence forth my nickname for you is sputz, which is a cross between a spaz and a putz. Talk about sheer genius, …nailed it, even if I do say so myself, which I just did.

Go Screw yourself


Go screw yourself

My Liege ng_cavscout I have good news from the battle with sburke. A Stug is now nothing more than an expensive heavy taxi in which the crew leapt out and then facing certain pain jumped right back in. I do believe my heroic pixel guys cancelled the birth certificates of 2 sputztruppens.

Sucking up for squire promotion



Classic House Rune, claiming victories that well, aren't quite real. That StuG is very much alive and functional. The crew hopped out to grab some take out at Cafe Grammont and are now back on their way. Just exactly how many AT rounds did you expend on it? Oh well, your guys can at least claim to have fired their ammo.....sorta like that guy in front of the tree. I'll be demonstrating shortly what an armored Taxi with a 75 mm gun looks like to your poor misguided pixeltruppen. Surely you can count enough to know that birth certificate comment is just dead wrong .. oh wait yeah, two is about your limit isn't it?

ng cavscout, is this how you train your serfs? Making up victories in lieu of not having any real ones.

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That StuG is very much alive and functional. .... Just exactly how many AT rounds did you expend on it? I'll be demonstrating shortly what an armored Taxi with a 75 mm gun looks like to your poor misguided pixeltruppen.

Bring it. In the heat of the moment I've forgotten how many were shot, but the question you have to ask yourself is do ya feel lucky? Well do ya... punk?

Nice return rate by the way, the My Little Pony Forum down?

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Bring it. In the heat of the moment I've forgotten how many were shot, but the question you have to ask yourself is do ya feel lucky? Well do ya... punk?

Nice return rate by the way, the My Little Pony Forum down?

You think I'd waste time watching your blind as a bat baz guy wasting rounds if it was up ?

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Well My Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke, Your Devoted Liege hasn't been idle on the CM front either.

Dedicated readers of this thread, and really, who isn't, will remember that NG Cavscout was crowing about killing a scout car or two a few pages ago. Well I must report that in one single turn the forces of all that's good and true in the world today ... i.e. MINE ... killed two of his vaunted T-34/85s.

It is a Meeting Engagement and, true to his cavalry roots, he completely ignored that and, having secured the Victory Area, decided to boldly charge forward ... right into my guns.

Custer would have been proud. N.B. Forrest maybe not so much.

Once again ... I expect his surrender momentarily.

Your Liege,

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

Bah, I keep waiting for you to start making sense and have gotten used to disappointment, much like you shall have to if awaiting my surrender.

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sburke…. You are beyond a doubt a most magnificent spasmodic kebob squeezer and hence forth my nickname for you is sputz, which is a cross between a spaz and a putz. Talk about sheer genius, …nailed it, even if I do say so myself, which I just did.

Go Screw yourself


Go screw yourself

My Liege ng_cavscout I have good news from the battle with sburke. A Stug is now nothing more than an expensive heavy taxi in which the crew leapt out and then facing certain pain jumped right back in. I do believe my heroic pixel guys cancelled the birth certificates of 2 sputztruppens.

Sucking up for squire promotion



Well done lad. In recognition of your actually sticking through and completing a scenario reaching a typically Shavian House level of gaminess, combined with your impressive display of scathing and amusing abuse, I have decided to promote you to the exalted rank of Squire to House Rune.

You may immediately assume all titles, privileges, and duties associated with the rank.

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I have decided to promote you to the exalted rank of Squire to House Rune.

You may immediately assume all titles, privileges, and duties associated with the rank.

O Most Gracious Liege, I swear to never abuse the trust you have shown.............................Although I might molest it on occasion.

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Well I'll take your word that was the one that did it,......NOT

Like the Doctor said when you were born, it's going to get ugly.

I can't vouch for what he might have said, but regardless it beats getting birthed by a veterinarian. I'm betting yours shouted something like Yeehaw, more moonshine!!

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Well done lad. In recognition of your actually sticking through and completing a scenario reaching a typically Shavian House level of gaminess, combined with your impressive display of scathing and amusing abuse, I have decided to promote you to the exalted rank of Squire to House Rune.

You may immediately assume all titles, privileges, and duties associated with the rank.

Not so fast NG Cavscout ... which, by a strange coincidence, is likely what your tank crew said to your driver in the T-34/85 just before it ran into my tank ... NO ONE is made Squire in the Cesspool until I say they're a Squire in the Cesspool.

Of course it's just like you to make a Serf a Squire on the basis of a LOSING battle. Doubtless it's the best he can hope to achieve but it does set the bar a bit too low, even for House Rune ... What am I saying, you can't get any lower than House Rune.

And I'm sure you can hardly wait to exercise Primae Noctis ... Say did we mention that aspect? It may have slipped my mind ... Well you'll just have to wait lad, I'm a busy man.


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Okay ... What the hell ... By the powers vested in me by the Olde Ones in convex met, I hereby Doeth proclaim that the Serf known as Watcher (spelt but not bolded) is now and shall be considered a Squire of House Rune and of the Cesspool.

Much good may it do him with NG Cavscout as his liege. The poor lad will be yet another in a long line of Latchkey Squires foisted off on us by an uncaring and unwatchful Liege but what can you do.

If we had a Division of Squirehood Services as I've lobbied for or if more Lieges would take up my exemplary ... Uh ... example then perhaps we might have more Squires like that Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke.

Good luck Watcher, you're going to need it.

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

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I'll bet there's a distinct possibility she might fart towards him.

Many years ago I was doing barwork in the UK and a young lady co-worker decided to inform me that she had to fart. Being cheeky I asked her to let it rip. Now perhaps due to my youth and (thankfully) inexperience in the finer points of female farting I was anticipating a light, high-pitched, possibly melodic release but instead she screwed her face up, tensed and released a volumous trouser belch that would have made a sailor blush. Truly it was like Satan trumpeting his demons back to hell.

And no sburke, I didn't wait around to see what it smelled like...you perv.

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Many years ago I was doing barwork in the UK and a young lady co-worker decided to inform me that she had to fart. Being cheeky I asked her to let it rip. Now perhaps due to my youth and (thankfully) inexperience in the finer points of female farting I was anticipating a light, high-pitched, possibly melodic release but instead she screwed her face up, tensed and released a volumous trouser belch that would have made a sailor blush. Truly it was like Satan trumpeting his demons back to hell.

And no sburke, I didn't wait around to see what it smelled like...you perv.

Oh gawd, what is that awful banshee wailing noise??!!! Oh it is just Stuka again

Now just exactly what was the point of that story, something about you thinking women should have this dainty little cute "melodic" fart. Geez you were young and stupid. At least you are no longer young. Probably have a whole anime collection don't you?

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Man, the air is foul in here. Did somebody die or did Emrys stink up the place again with his poison gas farts...

Sburke? What the hell are you doing here? What has come over you? Dazed and confused by the fumes here? Get out while you can. Just follow me. Clean air and sanity lie yonder.

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Huh, I thought it was Stuka's bartending girlfriend. I am still wondering WHY she felt the need to inform him she had to fart, probably some expectation on her part that he liked that sort of thing...

They probably got a little competition going to see who could produce the loudest, longest, nastiest smelling farts. After all, he is an Ozzie and going by the story likely she was too.


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