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Entente navel units stuck in the sea of Marmar after Ottomans sue for peace.

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Weird issue with Ottoman armistice. The British captured Gallipoli and sailed past the straits into the sea of Marmar to blockade Constantinople and wreck Ottoman morale. It worked and the Ottoman Empire sued for pace. Only problem is that now the whole British-French-Italian-American Amada is stuck in the straits and can't get out as Gallipoli reverted to Ottoman control

Surely as part of the peace agreement Allied naval passage should be allowed? As it is it is tempting to declare war on the Turkish rump state just to get the fleet out

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Just playing against the AI to learn the game so no big deal. I just

cheated and went back to an earlier save / most likely what we would have

done in a multiplayer game anyway.

I just mentioned it in case you ever make another patch I’m sure the

Entente would have demanded unrestricted access past the straits as part

of any peace agreement.

Also shouldn’t Russia get some territory if she is still in the war?

It seems odd that there isn’t an option for UK/France to send the Russians

substantial aid now lines of communication opens up? I would urge you to

consider an option to “buy” Russian morale with an event that sends

material aid to the Russian Government if the Ottomans are defeated. Much

less risk of a revolution if Russian receives massive shipments of


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Hi Ulver

I've made a note of the issue you highlighted in case we do another patch.

I decided not to give Russia any territory when the Ottomans collapseas it risked getting overly complicated.

For instance, if Russia gains some territory, but then collapses herself a few turns later, what happens to the territory previously gained?

While it's possible to add in more layers of scripts to cover this, with the Ottomans out of the war it felt to me that the Middle East and Caucasus would become a sideshow, an area that wouldn't be fought in again, and the Russians would have struggled to exploit it economically, so I left it out.

Now, trade through the Dardanelles is a different matter, and Russia should start receiving MPPs again if the Ottoman Empire pulls out of the war.

The thought of it boosting Russian National Morale too is an interesting one, so I'll put it on my list of things to consider. Thanks! :)


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