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The term "ambush" is maybe a little misleading in the game. Maybe "target point" would be better? In the Army, the platoon leaders would often designate such target points while in a defensive position. They would give the direction and an engagement range... a target point. Would renaming the ambush marker to something like target point feel less like a workaround?

BTW, I am not sure if people are aware that a leader can set a number of such target markers (not only one) and individual squads/units can aim for these independently.

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Yes I figured that out, about setting up multiple ambushes with one leader. One thing though, is that the leader must have LOS into an ambush zone...is this necessary, I mean the leader could, say - ok set up an ambush there, and go hide behid a tree and not see the ambush area smile.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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Yes I figured that out, about setting up multiple ambushes with one leader. One thing though, is that the leader must have LOS into an ambush zone...is this necessary, I mean the leader could, say - ok set up an ambush there, and go hide behid a tree and not see the ambush area smile.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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Guest Madmatt


What I figured out last night was that the Leader CAN mark several Ambush Points all around and here is how. During the setup Phase you can Place AND set up Ambush Points. So what I did was place my leader near (as close as I could get at least) the spot I wanted to Ambush and then clicked on the Ambush Point marker, then I would place the leader somewhere else on the map and also lay down an Ambush Marker. When I was all through I put the leader back into a nice safe hiding spot and had about 4 or 5 ambush points all pre-plotted and ready to use. One trick to get a good point down the road is to place the leader in the middle of the road as close to the Phase Line as possible, then Drop an Ambush Marker along the road. I was able to place it about 50-75 meters further ahead than usual that way.

So I suppose this is sorta a workaround, while the leader does HAVE to have a valid LOS, but only to place the marker, not to maintain it.

Madmatt out...

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-02-99).]

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I think a name change might help. Or at least have it spelled out more clearly in the documentation. I know that the problem I had (and I suspect I'm not the only one) is that I expected the 'hide' command to act like Close Combat's 'hide'. In CC, hide means don't open up unless a unit is within 30 or so meters of the unit, while in CM, it appears that hide means, wait until you get a good shot, which is an important difference. Now, in my first game I was a little frustrated when my bazooka opened up at 190 m. I didn't think to use the ambush command though, since I was expecting hide to accomplish the same thing. I think it might just be a learning curve issue. As such, I doubt the mechanics of the game need to be changed, just try to figure out how to shorten the learning curve...

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Good tip about the setup, Madmatt--Thanks!

I find myself having to use these "Ambush" markers a lot more than I would like, simply because units ordered to "hide" open fire much earlier than I think is practical. I don't much like having "hidden" bazooka and Panzerschreck teams open up at 200m at moving vehicles. All they do is blow their cover and tell the world, "Here I am! Please shoot me!"


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Guest Madmatt

Yeah, I rationize this setup 'workaround;' by thinking of it this way. The Field commander walks around prior to the battle, scans the landscape and says "Hmm, this would be a good spot (Wham! Drop a Ambush MArker) then he walks around some more (Click on Place and drop him somewhere alse) and says "I bet those pesky Tanks are gonna attack down this lane. (Wham drop another Ambush Marker) etc....

Madmatt out, and waaayyy over his head...On most stuff wink.gif

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How can you set an ambush marker and assign a tank to it? Can you set an ambush marker for an AT gun like an 88? I tried doing this using my company HQ, but the points I was trying to set for the tank / AT gun were way out of range of the HQ units weapons, so it wouldn't allow me to set one. How are you supposed to be able to presight AT guns, etc., if you can't set an ambush marker at long ranges?

Next question, how can you move your tanks into positions down closer to the action, but then order them not to engage infantry targets w/ their main gun, but rather wait for enemy AT / Tanks to show themselves (i.e. kind of an overwatch close in type of situation)?


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Hide Command

Maybe it is just luck but I have never had troops open fire to erly. On The Last D as US I had my I had a platoon of men and Zoka start on the far right-hand side of the map. They sneaked forward to the road and were hiding in the woods. Well a Tiger and a Platoon of Germans came down the right (left from the German perspective) side. The Tiger stopped about 100 yards from my men and waited while the infantry moved forward to check the are even though the Germs came within 50meters of my men; they never unhide. Finally 2 turns later the Tiger moves down to the road and heads into town. As soon as the Tiger turned its vulnerable flank to the Zoka he Unhide himself and opened fire the first shot hit the upper side turret and did no damage, the tiger continues into town but turns its mighty gun towards the Zoka. Just before the gun comes to bear the second shot catches the Tiger in the lower rear hull (goodbye engine!) The loss of the Tiger so early in the game led to my Total Victory!


"Armchair Generals never lose any men"-Darstand

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"As soon as the Tiger turned its vulnerable flank to the Zoka he Unhide himself and opened fire the first shot hit the upper side turret and did no damage"

I think that's the reason why your bazooka team worked so well. A bazooka is ineffective against a tiger's front armor, so he waited until it turned to get a good shot. If that was a StuG or halftrack instead of a tiger, your bazooka would have been more likely to open up when it was 180 meters away.


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