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How does one deal with hidden tanks defending?

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I'm playing the Angriff scenario, and I just can't seem to take out this tank protecting the Repair Shop objective. The other enemy tank in the picture seems to have lost it's main gun. The one I'm trying to knock out is hidden behind some trees and bushes. The far group of tanks can't spot that tank either due to the foliage or something. Anyway, even with friendly tanks being knocked out ,they still can't find that tank despite the sounds it's making or the muzzle flashes. The PZIV flanking moves up but it can't spot the tank either until it reaches the location of it's death.

I could try sending tanks around the edge coming from the direct that the main gun less tank is facing, though from experience the same thing would happen, my tank will always spot the tank less an a few meters away while the enemy tank already has a lead on turning its gun.


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My gamey plan might be:

Approach from the flank, using the buildings and trees for cover. You want to end up in a position where the building behind the heavy tank is between you and it. You want to stay out of the enemy tank's LOS as much as possible while making this approach. Ideally, you can distract the enemy tank by having another tank area firing near it - at least it will button up. (The area fire should happen from a place where there is no mutual LOS).

Once in the location behind the enemy tank, with the building between you, area fire on the building. When the building collapses and the dust clears, you will be facing the enemy tank with a good LOS; he will be looking away from you and be buttoned. You should spot first and get the shot off.

Alternatively, if you could scare his infantry away and get your own infantry near the building, they could "slow" move into it and then take out the enemy tank with grenades.

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If you know the location of one threat and there is nothing else to worry about two tanks should be enough.

First have one tank move to it's flank. Make sure you give this tank a covered arc so the turret is always pointing at the threat. Make sure this tank is going fast when it first appears in the LOS. A tank moving quickly will have trouble targeting and even worse once it is stopped it will probably rotate it's hull towards the threat further delaying getting a shot off. So while initially driving fast to turn the threat's turret, at some point drive this flanking tank towards* the threat so it will fire more quickly. Probably at a point where the threat will have it's turret turned 90 degrees.

The second tank use "move" or "slow" to drive straight at the threat to where you think you should spot it then use "hunt" from there so it stops and fires. You want this tank to get into the LOS just after shortly after you think your flanking tank will get the threat's attention.

Ideally the threat will be a little slow to spot the flanking tank and start tracking it but will not get a shot off prior to your other tank moving forward and killing it.

*(This is important. Sometimes tanks put a big emphasis on rotating their front hull to a threat and this spinning on the spot can have a massive impact on firing quickly. If you don't do this you can have a situation arise when this tank goes unspotted, your straight up the middle tank dies, then this flanking tank instead of finishing the job spins on the spot for 10 seconds or so without firing and dies as well.)

ALTERNATIVELY - if you have three tanks to use you can just flat out drive straight at it. Use slow, move or quick commands to move into it's LOS. Hunt can a bad idea because if the lead tank dies first and the other two aren't close enough to spot then you have lost a tank for nothing. But again spreading these out can help and you should go one of for one.

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Spoiler alerts for those who haven't played Angriff.

I can empathize with you, having played this one. I ended up losing the majority of my armor in this scenario due to "just one more" Soviet tank popping up - more than once. The problem I had was a platoon of assault guns/tank destroyers (can't remember the exact model). 3 of them got knocked out, with one survivor hunkered down amid the burning wrecks. I couldn't see him, but apparently he could see no less than 5 different tanks of mine throughout the game, knocking them out as I used same ideas as Peregrine's advice.

I ended up taking him out with a Pz IV no less, sneaking it to the forward edge of a woodline, he managed to score a non penetration which may have shaken the enemy crew, then a few more hits with eventual penetration. The problem is to get a tank to a place where your target can be spotted, without being spotted first. You can execute a sound plan but luck plays a part.

Get the camera down to ground level and start scouting for all the locations where your intended victim can be seen from. The trick is to time the arrival of tanks at these spots simultaneously so as to increase your chances. Peregrine's advice (above) is sound. Except I found I needed more than two tanks to get the job done - fortunes of war!

... and of course, without giving too much away, there are other Soviet assets on the field that complicate things. It's a great scenario.

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Agree... tanks hiding in the woods are a PITA. The ones in angriff are not too bad I find, because they're behind the trees so LOS blockage works for both. Seen plenty ones where they hide inside trees to have decent enough LOS to their firing sector but can hardly be spotted. I dunno how to deal with those.


not that hard for angriff. your spawn area is a huge patch of woods. the pz4s spawn on the right, the panthers on the left. when the panthers arrive navigate them to the right side of the woods and advance them just outta the tree line. they'll get good los to the repair station area, more importantly place some dismounted infantry at the tree line to help the panthers spot. 2 IS tanks is there from start and 4 ISU122s arrive in short. in my second play thru the 6 panthers quickly dispatched 4. 1 IS and 1 ISU remain and was destroyed later.

my 1st play thru the pz4s were advanced to the church before the ISUs arrive and they were decimated. not good to advance early. plus they had no infantry support and some of them had to button.

actually with panthers in play the pz4s can be demoted to assault guns...

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I'm playing this h2h so the setup is different. I forgot to unhide my Russian defenders so it started out going against me, but may have worked out to my advantage.

The 45mm AT guns are quite effective against Mark IVs which was a little surprising to me. The German armored cars are taking a real beating.

Panthers are as expected difficult to deal with.

I hope I get some reinforcements or I may get overrun.

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  • 1 month later...
ALTERNATIVELY - if you have three tanks to use you can just flat out drive straight at it. Use slow, move or quick commands to move into it's LOS. Hunt can a bad idea because if the lead tank dies first and the other two aren't close enough to spot then you have lost a tank for nothing. But again spreading these out can help and you should go one of for one.

I lost three Panthers early to what I thought was a lone SU-76. I took a broad front approach with six tanks figuring that the Soviet SP would not be able to get too many shots off if it had to rotate its hull to engage various targets. Even as I learned from other units with LOS that the SP was really an SU-122, I still figured I was in pretty good shape.

I ended up getting five of my tanks knocked out within a single turn and the survivor got knocked out one turn later. They never saw what hit them.

It wasn't until after the scenario was over that I realized I wasn't facing a lone SU-122, but four of them along with two JS-1s.

It didn't help that my air support did nothing but inflict massive friendly-fire casualties in that scenario either.

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