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Feature request


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Now the maps are getting really big I'd love there to be a message log window, as if it's a teleprint of radio calls that inform you of say when a unit has made contact as now the maps are so big it can be difficult to see whats going on with your units and if they have made contact etc. I'd have it as an option and be able to state the messages you want.

Make sure it obeys FOW limits. Make the message hyper linked with the sending unit so you can just click it and you got here.

It could just run as a tickertape along the bottom, or use some of the space we have in the UI.

It certainly would help me even playing WEGO so I can make sure I'm watching the right parts of the map. I bet ti would be even handier for Realtime players.

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Yes, I've been asking about this in another thread. I'd like to see a formation tree window where you would get indication of supression and contact of each unit.

Maybe have a supression bar and eye/ear symbol when in contact.

Clicking on the unit would take you to it on the map.

You could also expand this and include information about what each unit is doing, if they have some command, if they are engaging an enemy or if they are routed.

All this could be presented with simple symbols next to each unit.

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I do think that providing additional information about what's happening in larger battles might be useful. But I think that there's a danger that using a "teleprint" style notification will just cause more noise while not increasing the signal. A largish (but not huge) battle might have 2 battalions of soviet infantry, plus a bunch of support weapons, plus a number of vehicles. Many of the infantry squads might be split into half squads. So that's maybe - 100 units?

If they are engaged with the enemy, I'd be getting maybe 30-50? individual messages about each unit - and most of those wouldn't tell me anything that I don't already know.

The problem that I have (and YMMV) is that I don't notice that an unengaged platoon off on the flanks is taking fire because I'm too busy dealing with the main engagement. But I think that a message like [squad 1B, Platoon 3, Company A, Battalion 2, under fire] would be buried in the mass of other squads taking fire that I do know about.

I think what I'd prefer would be an indication on the unit icon itself that something is happening to that unit. The unit icon is already used like that to show that a unit is panicked, for example. As a rough idea, I'd like for a unit icon to turn red if the unit is affected by enemy action in any way - from taking casualties to stopping a "hunt" move due to encountering an enemy unit.

So if I scan the map, I might see a bunch of red icons in the center, where the main battle is going on - this I already know about and am taking care of. But I might *also* see a unit far off to the right which also has a red icon because a spotting round dropped nearby. This would let me know that I should pay attention to that area and is, I think, less likely to be lost that a one sentence message among many would be.

The icon should probably stay red (or whatever color is appropriate) to the end of the turn, so that I would catch it at the end of the replay and know that I should go back and review what's going on over there.

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Well as I said it would be optional..doesn't need to make a noise even and sya you ask for urgent only..then lets say you only get a message when a unit first hits contact..really thats not happening that often to your units..lets say over a big battle the prob get into new contact\firefight about three times.

Graviteam tactics I have it set to pause when a unit comes into contact and honestly the game isn't pausing that often. Again really it's just some sort of notification a unit has met the enemy and is in contact (it wouldn't send another message again unless it lost all contact with the enemy during the game and then met it again).

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Well as I said it would be optional..doesn't need to make a noise even and sya you ask for urgent only..then lets say you only get a message when a unit first hits contact..really thats not happening that often to your units..lets say over a big battle the prob get into new contact\firefight about three times.

Graviteam tactics I have it set to pause when a unit comes into contact and honestly the game isn't pausing that often. Again really it's just some sort of notification a unit has met the enemy and is in contact (it wouldn't send another message again unless it lost all contact with the enemy during the game and then met it again).

I find myself disagreeing with this.

I ( well I attempt to ;) ) break contact often - especially on the defence - you try to attrit the attacker, pull back and make him find you again.

My games would be pausing all the time, or flashing up messages all the time. So it would get turned off and then what's the point of BFC coding it ?

The casualty-flash that's there now is pretty useful - it's been suggested ( and hopefully it will come to pass ) that it should flash at least for a bit when the last guy gets hit, as right now the icon just vanishes if they all die.

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Well I'm sure with some thought something could be done so it wouldn't be at all intrusive. Again for those who want it. It's the huge maps that can be abit of a pain, having to flit around form one end to the other just making sure no one is taking fire without me being aware of it.

If it's an option then if you don't want it you don't need to use it.

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