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Squad Casualty List is terrible


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The bright red casualty label in the squad summary at the screen bottom is terrible At a glance, with casualties it looks like I have more men in the squad than what are there. If men are dead or casualties, just drop them off the list, like CMBN and Italy. Its distracting, and harder to read.

This looks like some community graphic mod that was adopted for the official game code.

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The bright red casualty label in the squad summary at the screen bottom is terrible At a glance, with casualties it looks like I have more men in the squad than what are there. If men are dead or casualties, just drop them off the list, like CMBN and Italy. Its distracting, and harder to read.

This looks like some community graphic mod that was adopted for the official game code.

no actually it was done to give perspective on what the force was BEFORE you took casualties. I am sure folks will mod it to change the look, but many folks have actually wanted this.. Personally I just want all the names of the guys so I know who in the squad is that guy carrying the MG. :D

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Hah. Just goes to show you can't satisfy everyone... this was indeed a frequently requested feature, which I'm sure is why BFC put it in; I really doubt they just decided to make a UI change for the sake of creating more work for themselves.

The reason why it can be helpful is that squads don't necessarily start a battle at full headcount, and casualties taken during the current battle are the strongest single factor in a unit's morale and resiliency. So you want to know when a unit has taken a recent casualty.

Before this feature was added, if you had, e.g., a German squad which has 9 men at full TOE strength, but started the battle with only 7 men, and then dropped a casualty in the bushes somewhere during a long move, then if you happened to miss the casualty event while watching the turn, it was hard to remember when you clicked on the unit again whether the squad had just started the battle with 6 man headcount, or if it had taken one more more recent casualties -- if the casualties themselves are separated from the unit's current position, they can be easy to miss in dense terrain.

It's also helpful in that it shows you exactly what weapons are currently down "on the field" with the casualties, without having to move right up to the body with the camera on "1" view and search around on the ground for the dropped weapon. Once you start playing battles where squads start with depleted headcounts, it can be hard to remember e.g., whether your Panzergrenadier squad that started the battle with 5 men and just took a casualty had two LMG42s and just lost one in a casualty incident, or if it just always had only one -- makes a difference when you're considering whether to go back an buddy aid that KIA or not.

Personally, I'm neutral on it; I don't mind it, but I don't really need it. I play WEGO and am pretty slow and methodical, though, so I rarely miss a casualty event while watching the move turn. I can see how for RT players, and even for WEGO players who maintain a faster pace, it would be a welcome feature.

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Yup, as stated above this has been a long requested feature since CMSF. Not surprisingly it was a requested feature of CMBO and made it into CMBB. So that's twice the community has asked for this and for the same reason.

When you go into battle with less than 100% forces it was very difficult to keep track of how many casualties you had taken on a unit by unit basis or force wide. Was that Squad 9 men to start with or only 7? And if it is now 6, did you lose 3 men or just 1? Now there's a definitive answer.


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Have to agree, not very helpful at all. It now takes longer then it should to determine weather the squad is combat effective or not.

lol, that was the common complaint before. "Is this 6-man squad at full strength or 50% casualties?"

I do, however, agree with one aspect of this complaint: I wish the weapon graphic were a different color than lightly-wounded yellow. Personally, I'd like a red weapon with an overlaying symbol to indicate severely wounded (cross) or dead (skull & bones), rather than the red casualty text over the yellow graphic, but that would mean a lot of extra graphics.

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I like the feature, both for a quick check of a squad's brittleness as well as to let me know whether I've lost the LMG.

I don't really have a strong opinion on the UI after one quick battle (in which, BTW, the Germans kept picking of the guy carrying the LMG). It does a good job of making the casualties obvious, which I like a lot.

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As a commander, I really don't care what I have lost, I only care about whats available. Its very cluttered now compared to the older games.

While I agree it's important to know what you have, from a commander's standpoint it is very useful to know where you started from. It's the best way to evaluate progress, or lack there of ;)


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