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"Er Brennt" cries his loader.  Yes, he can see the flames.  The hatches are thrown open and the enemy crew bails out, smoldering from the hungry flames. 


Schreiner imagines he can see the crazed look of fear on the smoke blackened faces of the enemy tankers.  Someone shouts that the tankers have weapons.

Schreiner claws for his handgun.  The danger is not over...

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The rabbits in their flame-scorched uniforms flee into the woods.  He only counts three so not everyone escaped the flaming coffin.

Schreiner takes a few half-hearted shots with his pistol, knowing he has no chance to hit them.

Fear ripples down the trench as more purple flares are seen on the right flank.  More enemy tanks.  He shudders and holsters his pistol.  Then he starts to run towards the new threat, sick with the knowledge that Rolf must be dead.



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  Really nice effect with the snow.  Is that adjusted rain to look like snow?  How do you get that effect in game?


Happy New Year

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-blue-1

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-blue-2

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-blue-3

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-red-1

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-red-2

CMRT Winter Mod force-specific-background-red-3


Those are photoshopped but they are used for game loading screens.

CMRT will not have “real falling snow” until official module pack, but we can trick rain little bit with shaders to look like snow. Take a look here http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121301-cmrt-winter-mod-thinktank/?do=findComment&comment=1646039


Thanks for trying Winter Mod. You really know how to bring personal stories to pixel soldiers :)

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The rabbits in their flame-scorched uniforms flee into the woods.  He only counts three so not everyone escaped the flaming coffin.

Schreiner takes a few half-hearted shots with his pistol, knowing he has no chance to hit them.

Fear ripples down the trench as more purple flares are seen on the right flank.  More enemy tanks.  He shudders and holsters his pistol.  Then he starts to run towards the new threat, sick with the knowledge that Rolf must be dead.



These vignettes are like crack! Keep it up. :)


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The push is on to rescue fellow comrades in the Cherkassy pocket.  Max is watching the carnage as it unfolds before his Tiger.  His view is from the gunner's reticule.

Hauptmann Lohmeyer has his head out the top hatch as usual.  He calls out "T-34 12 'o clock, dead ahead."  His voice rarely changes from calmly conversational, even when in the heat of battle or chastising the crew for some wrongdoing. 

Max has already seen it and made the corrections.  This is a sharp crew and Max is the sharpest.  He has to be - this is a Tiger.  He pulls the trigger without command from Lohmeyer, such is the trust his Hauptmann has in his abilities.



Max seems to visually walk the shell to the target - TREFFER, a hit.  He saw the impact to the enemy turret moments before the flames.


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Even after these many years of combat, the possibility of burning in a tank still horrifies Max.  It is probably a universal terror shared by all fighting men who venture out in steel beasts.

Max sees the tank commander pulling himself out of the flames that rush from the interior out the top hatch like a fireplace flue gone mad.

The loader is already ramming home another shell as Max keeps the target reticule on the enemy tank.

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"Four out," Max calls on the intercom. He doesn't know why he did that.  Perhaps he wanted his commander to know for situational awareness.  He can see the enemy rolling in the snow to put out the flames on their uniforms.  He imagines the terror they must be...

"HE out," calls the loader.  Max is stunned for a moment.  How did he miss that?  Hauptmann Lohmeyer ordered HE instead of armor piercing.  Was he daydreaming? thinks Max, alarmed at the possibility.

"Shoot," calls Loymeyer.  Instinctively Max pulls off the shot, having dropped the elevation a fraction without consciously realizing he'd done that.  The commander means to shoot the crew too.

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Lohmeyer watches with satisfaction from his command position.  The enemy will not be using that tank again. 

He catches a glimpse of movement to the right of the tank.  "One running," he calls.  The loader has already run another HE round into the breech, as there was no change in orders from the last shot.

"Max, come to 3 degrees to the right...don't let him get away."

Max realizes that his commander wishes a clean sweep of the tank and crew.  Numbly he makes the corrections to line up the shot.  HE only requires that he is close.  The deadly shrapnel will do the rest.

He pulls the trigger, and the tank rocks as the huge 8.8 cm shell rips from the muzzle.

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The tank crewman disappears in a gout of flame and shrapnel.  He almost made it.  Probably not enough left to bury, thinks Max.

"Come on, Max.  Stow your conscience," orders Lohmeyer.  "This is the eastern front.  What do you think they will do to us if we have to bail out?  Feed us cake and wine?"

"We are an elite crew of specialists in Tigers," he reminds his crew.  "The Russian beasts will burn us alive over a fire if they catch us."

"Stay alert, more enemy ahead."  Forward is the order given and the tank lurches into motion.

Max tries to shake the horrific visions out of his head and puts his eyes against the gun sight. It is kill or be killed.

The war continues... 




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