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Tea Time. Beta AAR discussion threat. Not for Bill or Elvis ;-)

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It will be interesting to see how Bil handles Elvis's "Love spot". I think he will go back to his original plan to skirt it till he has more support in place. Then perhaps some flame tank action, followed by an assault. He can also just avoid any fight there (Win all without fighting – Sun Tzu), and just leave a rear guard while the rest of his force moves forward since the position does not block his path to the objectives. If the position blocks his armor from moving through from possible AT inf, then he must clear it.

Elvis certainly is having better success by not moving toward Bil as he did with his original recon force.

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Steve, All that research back in the day before the internet you had to do for CMx1 would have been so much easier if you just had a "John Kettler" button to press to get all that info.

Thanks again John, so much easier to just ask rather than to have to look all that stuff up.

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I think the biggest difference is that this time it was Bil who was moving and making noise while Elvis sat quietly until he could spring his ambush. And by splitting his squads, Bil made them more brittle and vulnerable in this kind of situation. So a number of factors shifted in Elvis' favor and against Bil. What will be interesting to see going forward is how each of them responds to this encounter, what lessons they will take away from it.


That's how I see it as well at the moment. Depending on how the next turn plays out with the armor duel this as well could be a bit of a momentum changer.


Just saw Bill's last update...I'd say he's going to need to make an adjustment. He stated it already but he is probably really hating not having more T34's :P

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Happy to help. Besides, I learned quite a bit in the process and got to revisit my dad's nemesis. The PUAZO 6-60, which ran S-60 57mm batteries during the Vietnam War. He built a black project pod for the F-4 which would find and laser designate optical flak directors. Your "John Kettler" button would've caused me to laugh uproariously, but it's late here, so I laughed uproariously in my mind. Brilliant conceit!


As for Elvis, he keeps making Bil bleed. The infantry losses gall Bil, and as my analysis on the German thread shows, I think Bil's going to have to rapidly move toward Elvis or risk a potential 120mm treeburst pummeling. He can't really retreat (short on time), sitting still keeps costing him men (might be a lot worse if Elvis decides to fire his 120s in earnest), so Bil's hand is forced. Re the armor duel, I explicitly asked Bil which ISU-122 crewmen bought it and what damage the AFV sustained. He blew me off. Wonder whether Elvis will take my suggestion to either keep pounding on the beast until it burns or explodes (wouldn't that be spectacular?) or make sure he's got infantry to pop crew members trying to reoccupy it, if it still is fightable.

Am glad to see flamethrowers back in the game, and the new flame looks markedly better than the first one. Of course, my delight in flamethrowers is highly modified by whether I'm giving or receiving!

Frankly, I'm very impressed with Elvis. Of Bil's most recent foes, he seems to be doing the most damage to Bil's force as the fight unfolds, is screwing up Bil's battle plan and is annoying him, something I've never really seen before. Usually, Bil is a meticulous, relentless machine which devours all in its path, but now, he's finding himself being chewed on. And it hurts. But when will Bil's CAS arrive, and whom will it attack? Will Elvis's flak drive away or down the Assault Aviation aircraft? Stay tuned!


John Kettler

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I've got to say that this AAR clash is really reaching fever pitch and making me hungry for some RT action of my own. What a fantastic way to market the game, as if it needed any help in convincing the majority of us around here to part with our hard earned cash! ;)

I really did fear for Elvis when this battle kicked off. Having watched Bill's previous Beta AARs, seeing the meticulous planning and detail that he poured into each of them and the resulting fruition of said actions, I thought it would be a case of same old story. What a surprise to see Elvis repeatedly bloody Bill's nose and throw a spanner in his carefully laid plans. It will surely be rivetting to witness how Bill reacts to these setbacks and if Elvis can continue to knock back the wounded red beast. One thing is for sure, I'll be tuning in from when I first get up each morning, as an accompaniment to my breakfast, during tea breaks and lunch break at work, when I get back from work and fire up the machine to see if I've missed anything during the day and then repeatedly during the evening until I call it a night and hit the sack.

One thing I ask of you though Mr. Battlefront. Please don't release Red Thunder between March 10th and March 18th. I'll be walking through the New Zealand mountains and around Mount Doom and I'd hate to be regretting doing so while my copy of Red Thunder lies dormant at home!

Game on!

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One thing I ask of you though Mr. Battlefront. Please don't release Red Thunder between March 10th and March 18th. I'll be walking through the New Zealand mountains and around Mount Doom and I'd hate to be regretting doing so while my copy of Red Thunder lies dormant at home!

How about they just delay mailing your copy?



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One thing I ask of you though Mr. Battlefront. Please don't release Red Thunder between March 10th and March 18th. I'll be walking through the New Zealand mountains and around Mount Doom and I'd hate to be regretting doing so while my copy of Red Thunder lies dormant at home!

One does not simply walk into Mordor anyway. Stay home! :D

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Mr. Emrys - DELAY getting RT? Are you crazy? I prefer it yesterday, not tomorrow! ;)

Cymru - Delay the walk? Then I'd still have to leave my fresh copy of RT behind and have the thought of it nagging away at the back of my mind!

JT - Alas, the task has been appointed for me, though I do not know the way......

c3k - Someone in Auckland won $26million in the lotto last weekend. It wasn't me unfortunately! I like your style though! :)

Looks like I'll just have to be content reading some Eastern Front literature while I'm pounding the trails.

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But when will Bil's CAS arrive, and whom will it attack? Will Elvis's flak drive away or down the Assault Aviation aircraft? Stay tuned!


John Kettler

OK, it was long ago when I played CMBB, BUT! :D

I think we won't see murderous effects of Bil's IL-2 during this AAR. He (or Elvis) already stated they've heard plane buzzing overhead, but it didn't fire. It was quite a few turns ago. I think it just didn't spot anyone at all and just left - correct me please if I'm mistaking, but that wasn't a rare sight in CMBB?

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Russian IL-2's on CAS tended to fly the 'circle of death', so perhaps its just biding its time, circling, waiting to unleash a scything torrent of 23mm API. We can only hope. Talking of CAS, wouldn't there realistically be the best part of a regiment attacking this target?

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Holy Shiite, the Soviet ISU-122 that was knocked out has come back to life and will be creeping its way toward Blau. Forget about vampire snipers, there are much scarier things afoot in the woods.

Elvis really has to use his armor wisely to regain the initiative after last turns horrendous losses. Maybe his scout will be able to spot the ISU's moving again and give him a warning.

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Having read Bil's latest posts, I see my analysis was completely wrong. Bil's backing his men out of the perceived strike zone, rather than racing them forward so as to get inside and past the strike area! On a positive note, if Elvis paid attention to my suggestion to cover the ISU-122 with infantry fire, in case it could be recrewed, then he should ruin Bil's day. The AFV does still function, and Bil's about to remount. If Elvis can stop that, it'll hurt Bil's whole game plan. He clearly states that he fears what'll happen to his troops if Elvis wins the armor battle. Hmm.


John Kettler

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It is all going to come down to the armor fight which is what it always comes down to for the most part. In this department I put my money on German armor coming out on top especialy if there are weather conditions are present as i have learned. Once that Panther starts up things will definitly get interesting to see how Bil handles it.

I'm wondering how Bil spotted Elvis's flamethrower in the building so easily? He didn't fire a burst giving away his position.

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I can only speculate that it was when Elvis moved the Flamethrower. Remember in one shot the dudes were prone in the grass, now they are in a building. Elvis is making some classic defense mistakes which is to presume that repositioning is necessary and/or beneficial.

What's really going to hurt is Elvis losing his spotting HQ. He should not have had them so close to the forest. Spotters are best used as far out as possible. He let Bil get too close.


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