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Taking Screenshots


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I'm hoping someone can clear up a mystery for me. I'm trying to get screenshots of the CM:FI map that I've made to include as a tactical map for a scenario I'm working on. Now I did try to use the Search feature here to see if anything had been posted about this, but my eyes can't resolve the code you are required to enter anymore so I'm afraid I'm out of luck on using the search function here. Some time back I posted this question and folks recommended I get a screen capture software, which I did (Screenhunter Pro 6), but I'm getting the same results as when I simply used Print Screen. That is, when in Scenario Editor with the 3D Map Preview displayed, when I take the screenshot all I get is the CM:FI front screen (the menus that come up when you first open the program). I kept trying and finally got a really rough image of the map but a lot of things are missing, like foliage. Can someone please explain to me how this process works and what I'm doing wrong that I'm not getting good screen shots please? I'm not sure what else you need to know so if more info is required, fire away and I'll provide that.

Thanks much!


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I need to amend the above just a bit as I've found out new info from experimenting with this. It seems that the screens that I get are always 1 or 2 screens behind what I currently have up. In other words, if I switch maps to take a screen shot of, I'll get a screen shot with the previous map showing. This seems to be pretty consistent, but I'm never sure of what I'm going to get in the shot. Almost certainly it's not what I have currently on my screen. There's some concept I'm not grasping here so if anyone can clue me in, I'd appreciate it. Thanks much!


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Lots of free screen capture utilities out there that may be more intuitive for you.

Some have the feature to adjust the area that the screen shot is being taken.

Sometimes you are taking the screen shot however you might be missing out where the default file is. (happened to me) Then 6 months down the road you find it.

I use a Mac now and it has a very good screen shot utility built in.

After you do get a screen shot you should convert it from .bmp to .jpg

I use Photoshop but it is expensive

Gimp is free and allows you to edit/resize/colorize, change format etc. of your screenshots. Lots of free tutorials on the web as well.

I have not tried FRAPS and a lot of people use it I would go with the flow here if I were in your predicament.

Good luck

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There's also DVD videosoft who have taken massive strides in their tools and applications in recent years:


I use a lot of their many other tools for various tasks - I strongly recommend:


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Thanks for the help here gentlemen. I'm convinced now I have some sort of hardware issue going on. I changed the option in Screenhunter to where you click and drag a cursor to include the part of the screen you want (as General Lee Irked suggested), and as soon as I click the mouse to drag the handles, the game jumps back to a previous screen, and that is what I capture. It's the same thing as before only now I see what's happening rather than just getting an image of something I wasn't looking at. It's really bizarre. It's also what was happening (and still is) when I simply hit "PRT SCREEN". What's even more perplexing is that it works fine on any other program I've tried it in (flight simulator, desktop, other programs). In every case though, when I take a shot, the game immediately jumps back to the previous screen and that's what I get. For example, if I'm loading a scenario and I go from the main menu to the Battle listing, then press the hotkey to take a shot, immediately I get the main menu back up on the screen and that's the image I get. Similarly, if I advance from the briefing to the setup screen (the setup phase in the game), as soon as I hit the hotkey for taking the pic (whether it be PRT SCRN or the hotkey for Screenhunter), I immediately jump back to the briefing screen. This happens in every case. I really have no idea what is happening here, but if anyone here has any clues on this, I'd sure like to hear it (other than that I've lost what few marbles I have left - that's a given :D). I could get FRAPS but I suspect it's not the screen capture program that's at fault here because it happens with 2 programs designed to do that now. I can say for sure the problem is occurring before I ever get it into Photoshop (I use CS6 and am very familiar with it) because PS will display what the screen capture took just fine. It's what the screen capture is seeing that is the problem. So I guess I'll have to play with this until (if?) I can find an answer. I'm wondering now if it's my video card (Nvidia GTX 560), but if it were that, you'd think I'd have the problem on more than just this game. Very strange.

Anyway, thanks again for your assistance. If anyone thinks of anything else I can try, I'm all "eyes" :).


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Thanks very much Sir :). I'll do that ASAP. I have been experimenting a bit more and found by setting the option to click and drag the area you want to capture, and doing it often enough (like, 5 or 6 times) you will eventually get the shot you want. That sure is time consuming though, but at this point I'm primarily wanting to get screen shots to use for making scenarios to upload. I do have other options available there so it's not the end of the world if I don't get it working, but I'd hate to waste the $32 Cdn for Screenhunter :D.

Many thanks again for the help. Much appreciated!

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Thanks womble. I may give it a go and see what happens. I found that if I use the adjustable screen area capture option, and take several shots of the same area, I do get the desired screen, but if I simply use the fixed or full screen modes, all I ever get is the front menu screen no matter what I have on the screen at the time. Man, this is weird. I'll try the FRAPS free version and see. Thanks for the tip and I'll let you know how it goes.


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Well, shows you how much I know. Thanks for the suggestion womble, et al, regarding FRAPS. I downloaded & tried FRAPS and sure enough, works perfectly. Problem solved. No idea why it works and others don't, but you don't argue with success. I'll purchase the full version later tonight.

Many thanks to all who chimed in. Really appreciate it. Now, time to get back to scenario building. I hope to upload fairly regularly (gotta give back to the community, ya know :)).

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