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You know it....when....

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While we wait for the full-version (yes i know, i should be happy because i have the demo, but i want winter scenarios oke? smile.gif )

i have found a new way to kill time.

How about a topic "You know when you're addicted when........".

I came up with some which i think are funny (or at least a bit). So start posting. Let the world know Grognards do have a sense of humor. smile.gif

- You know you are addicted when...you park your car and make absolutely sure it's hull-down !!!

- You know you are addicted when...you hear your boss down the hall and wonder if you should button-up now...or just wait another turn.

- You know you are addicted when...you see your neighbour's dog chasing the cat again and wonder where the hell that arty is you asked for 15 minutes ago.

So...that's it, maybe not such a good idea after all...ah well...only 40 minutes to go before i can leave for lunch smile.gif

Take Care


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- You know you are addicted when... you watch the cars go by and starts calculating how much lead the bazooka is going to need

- You know you are addicted when... you see a flock of birds in formation and wonders what the effect would be if they dropped their bombs now

- You know you are addicted when... your fligh is approaching the runway and you start wondering how much damage you could have inflicted on the buildings below with a .50 HMG.

- You know you are addicted when... you can't see a map without plotting lines of advance, killzones and minefields

- You know you are addicted when... you look at a building and starts guessing on how many squads you'd need to clear it out and how quick they'd do it

Oh God, it's only monday and I'm utterly bored! smile.gif


Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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You know you're addicted when...

You rhythmicaly point the direction you are going when you stop at crosswalks, ect.

You always kneel when you get where you're going.

You're answer to everything is "feuer Einstellen!"

You see three people walking together and wonder whether the real number is nine or twelve.

You see stars or crosses when someone dissapears into their cubicle.

Your boss says that his wife is a real hellcat, and you wonder why he would compare her to a vehicle.

You wonder why you can't beat the Amis, even with a Tiger.

You decide to redo the entire war using Fighting Steel, Silent Hunter II, The Operational Art of War, Combat Mission, and Achtung Sptifire.


Climb to Glory!

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Guest John Maragoudakis

You know you are addicted when...You wake up realizing that you are not a new tank crew recruit going off to training in his spanking new overalls.

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You know you're addicted when you go to an airshow with the express intention of "getting even with those Jabos".

You know you're addicted when you start visualising your neighbourhood in terms of CM's street tiles and house tiles.

You know you're addicted when looking at rolling terrain you try to spot all the hull-down positions with good LOS to the road and give yourself extra credit if you can spot good positions on both sides of the road with LOS to one particular area for that "killer ambush".

You know you're addicted when its time to get up but you have't lain down yet.

You know OTHERS are addicted when you get emails from your PBEM opponents telling you to send the turn back NOW!!! cause they want to see what happens to the Tiger (MATTIAS I'm looking at you here wink.gif )

You know OTHERS are addicated when normally sane people agree to call an AAR "Bloodbath Bend" and feel its a rational and logical choice wink.gif

You know YOU'RE addicted when you run right into an American infantry platoon with your Tiger just to see the nahverteidigungswaffe in action again wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Tom punkrawk

haha those are all good.Unfortunetly I don't have anything like that,but something that happens to me everynight when going to sleep.

Ok everynight you know right when you lay down to go to sleep,a lot of things are flying through your mind at that point...now I'm always thinking about my girlfriend(no not in that way)and I keep seeing her w/ a rifle squad moving to a group of trees while my .50 cal covers them..and tigers keep drving past her....that's happend to me the last couple nights..Do I have problems? smile.gif

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You know you're addicted when ... you check your e-mail every 30 minutes to see if another PBEM turn has been sent.

... you get a dedicated phone line for the internet just for PBEM games of CM.

... you look at photographs and wonder what view level they were taken from.

... you try to figure out the experience level of your dog by how timing how long it takes to obey your orders.


gotta go I just checked my e-mail and I have a new turn smile.gif

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