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BATTLE DRILL - A CM Tactics Blog

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When the Market Garden module gets released I will be releasing officially the Combat Mission Tactical Problems Blog (link).

It has been up for some time as I have been slowly adding content. Eventually I will have practice scenarios that will be targeted towards practicing and experimenting with different tactical concepts. The first scenarios are completed and tested, only waiting for the module to release and for me to finish the content necessary for their completion. These problems will be progressive, meaning that you will start with small units (squads and tank sections) and then build to full company (+) combat teams.

The tactical concepts and procedures will get more complicated as you progress. I will add to this content as I get the time and motivation.

I thought a little sneak peek, now that Market Garden preorders are active, was in order. Feel free to look around and comment, either on the blog or in this thread if you have any questions or if you see any errors or issues.

If any of this information helps your CM play, in any of the different CM games (the concepts will be similar from game to game) please drop in and let me know.

Here is the overview post from the Combat Mission Tactical Problems Blog:


Combat Mission Tactical Problems (CMTP)

Purpose: Using the www.battlefront.com series of Combat Mission games (initially CMBN- v2.10). Providing a means from which to learn battlefield tactics, building from small units and eventually moving to larger combined arms forces.


-The player will attempt to solve a series of problems involving a tactical situation or a series of tactical situations

-Problems will be progressive:

---Start with the squad and section problems

---Progress to platoon problems

---Progress to company problems

---Finally move on to combined arms force problems

---There is no correct answer, only a correct result

-Types of problems:

---This course in combat skills will include situations involving:

---Infantry only actions

---Tank only actions


---Support units

------Machine Guns


------Tank Destroyers

------Anti-tank guns

---The combined arms team

------Infantry company with tank support

------Tank company with infantry support

------Combat Team (Kampfgruppe)

---Units in attack

---Units in defense

---The delay or fighting withdrawal

---Combat resupply

---And more (TBD)

Tactical Toolbox: The Tactical Toolbox will be the repository for all basic tactical skills necessary to complete these Tactical Problems. They will be added to on an as needed basis, The following is a list of some of the subjects that will be addressed:

---Movement techniques

---Fire and maneuver

---Battle drills

---Coordination and teamwork among all components of a tactical unit, such as a tank or infantry platoon

---Coordination among dissimilar tactical units, such as squads of a rifle platoon and sections of a tank platoon

---Application of support assets

---Distribution and control of the firepower of available weapons

---Friendly course of action analysis

---Enemy course of action analysis

---Terrain appreciation and analysis

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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So, Bil, what are the best tactics when taking on you? Not merely placement and maneuver considerations but also any personal weaknesses, eccentricities or quirks. Color blindness? Thanks in advance!

Personal weaknesses? Well I'm easily distracted by an attractive woman or a fast car.. so send one of those my way and you are guaranteed victory... though my wife might have an issue with the former. ;)

Beating a good player is primarily done by not rushing, and taking it slow. Make sure you have an idea on what the enemy is doing and what force he has where... I rarely make a decision to move until I have some intelligence on the enemy force or movements. Regardless, always think through an action and understand the consequences could be annihilation if you screw it up, for example, not ensuring your flanks are secure.


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I'm playing Carbide Carbide. Its my 3rd time playing h2h. As the Allieds my right flank got crushed and that pretty much ends it for me as the Germans have interior lines of communications and can easily reinforce other sectors while the Allieds are seperated.

My other h2h game I'm the German defender and so far giving my opponent a rough time. Seems like a tough nut to crack if your the Americans. My first h2h playing Carbide as Americans I lost. Most of my infantry was shot to pieces.

In another h2h-Crossroads I'm having a tough time with well placed Panthers.

I seem to run out of time in many of my games.

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Beating a good player is primarily done by not rushing, and taking it slow. Make sure you have an idea on what the enemy is doing and what force he has where... I rarely make a decision to move until I have some intelligence on the enemy force or movements. Regardless, always think through an action and understand the consequences could be annihilation if you screw it up, for example, not ensuring your flanks are secure.


No rushing, move after you have some intelligence on the enemy force or movements, always think through an action and understand the consequences ... is a really solid start to a good game of CM and an attractive woman :)

Your Blog looks great Bil. Thank You.

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Thanks for putting this together Bill. Quick question will Battle Drill take into account WW2 tactical doctrine of their respective combatants or more or less current refined tactics?

It will be an amalgamation of period and modern tactics. They are similar though to how most western armies operated at the lowest level even then. I will get in to more nation specific doctrine and technique but on average what I will present will be generic and applicable to all.

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Bil's blog should be a big help to many. For new guys, or the tactically challenged this is a MUST to check out. For veterans, or military it should be a nice refresher in the fundamentals. Nice job with the site Bil. It looks like you are taking a K.I.S.S. approach, which should be easy enough for anyone to follow.

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Thank you for this undertaking Bil, your AARs are both entertaining and educational (edutainment? ugh!)

I was curious if your plans for this included small scenarios that illustrated a specific topic? Or possibly an example from an existing scenario you break down the doctrinally correct solution to a specific problem and then we can work through the same scenario giving your tactics a try (homework?)

Thank you for your efforts!

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I was curious if your plans for this included small scenarios that illustrated a specific topic? Or possibly an example from an existing scenario you break down the doctrinally correct solution to a specific problem and then we can work through the same scenario giving your tactics a try (homework?)

Yep, there will be accompanying scenarios specially crafted to help you practice/gain an understanding for each concept as they are introduced.

The first two scenarios are complete and have been tested. These will be released after Market Garden is out.. you will need that module or the 2.10 patch to CMBN to play these.

The first two scenarios will be:

---Infantry Squad Attack

---Tank Section Attack

I only have one more Battle Drill to add before all the prerequisite reference material is ready for these two scenarios, and that is: Fire and Movement... coming your way in the next few days.


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