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US attack on Syria.

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My take is that the Western political leadership had a shot fired across its bows - from the Western military leadership. Prez going to congress to seek approval? Unheard of! PM doing the same? Likewise!

Where it goes from here is complicated: the ultimate aim was to enable the US to strategically default on its debt, i.e. anyone going to war with the USA could kiss its savings held in US Treasuries goodbye. A scam of the highest order with the lives of the soldier and citizen counted as nothing.

Poland just confiscated half its citizens' retirement savings . The Polish Gov is too much in debt to borrow any more, so it has stolen it's peoples savings - for the stated reason of being able to borrow more.

My personal opinion is that if you took several hundred people, carefully selected from all sorts of places around the world, and shot them on the lawn of the White House with full TV coverage, you'd do more to achieve the start of solving the problem than has been attempted over the last forty or fifty years. But I'm a crank with a hangover today, so its unlikely that my proposed solution is viable or helpful.:)

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If US attack Syria with tomahavk missiles, what response will be from Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. Russia send massive naval group into the Mediterranean Sea, in Syria we have many Russian citizens and naval base. WWIII possible?

sorry to disappoint you Baron, but I doubt the US and Russia are going to war..

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If US attack Syria with tomahavk missiles, what response will be from Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. Russia send massive naval group into the Mediterranean Sea, in Syria we have many Russian citizens and naval base. WWIII possible?

Even Russia is aware that such a response equals a dead Russian naval group. Won't happen. Only Syria and non-state actors (eg Hezbollah) will actually engage US forces (and likely ineffectually). Iran and Russia will only support them indirectly as proxies. They would be insane to engage the US directly.

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Even Russia is aware that such a response equals a dead Russian naval group. Won't happen. Only Syria and non-state actors (eg Hezbollah) will actually engage US forces (and likely ineffectually). Iran and Russia will only support them indirectly as proxies. They would be insane to engage the US directly.

I think US aircraft carriers will be dead too, US power not so dominating, Russia not aboriginal like usual victim of US war criminals.

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sorry to disappoint you Baron, but I doubt the US and Russia are going to war..

Now I agree with you, but what happens if cruise missiles start flying? Syria can attack Israel and Turkey, what if some US missiles will be shot down by Russian ships? You must understand that your Obama playing in dangerous game, controlled chaos can will be uncontrolled.

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Assad's wife will continue shopping, Iran will create another Photoshop wonder weapon, Hezbollah will blow up somefink in retaliation, and Russia will launch a high-velocity veto.

Not funny, if Russia will loose Syria, all this terrorists and islamites will come to Russian south boarder, I think Putin understand now he must stand to the last, or we will have new war on Caucasus and in middle Asia.

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Baron your an idiot.

'Dont tread on me'? 'My Obama'? First of all, Syria is a satellite interest of Russia. Thats exactly the neo Colonialism and imperialism you Russians are always screaming about with the US. Fact is we have reasons for wanting change, you have reasons for not wanting change. The only way of deciding who is right depends on what nation you were born in.

Second of all, claiming Obama is playing a dangerous game is also blindly ignoring the meddling and insanity YOUR PUTIN ( you know, the ex KGB agent, who is now your de facto dictator who loves to prance around with his shirt off?) deals with everyday. Putting a 'dont tread on me' picture referencing Russia is the biggest laugh I've had in ages. You have hundreds of journalists who are dead from criticizing Putin. Your country just made homosexuality illegal. What Im saying is, your country has zero human rights laws for people, is a dictatorship, and has/is easily doing just as much wrong as mine is and has. Maybe you dont understand the whole concept of the 'dont tread on me' thing, but trust me it's not a concept that stems from jamming your nose in other people's business to prop up evil dictators for financial reasons. That'd be like Americans getting all pissy with Iran during the 80's during the Iran/Iraq war. Oh, we didn't like them, and we definitely gave Iraq weapons (including WMDs) but at least we weren't on the news crying about imperialism everyday.

p.s. - if Russia's such a great place where are the communities or sections of towns where it's mostly Americans living there? Oh wait, there are none because Russia is a $hitty place to live. On the other hand, in Boston we have parts that have signs in Russian, same with NYC and other places. So what's really going on here? I think it's just like the Cold War - people vote with their feet.

By the way, the aboriginals the US normally fights - not that you guys have done that great fighting the same people in Chechnya and Afghanistan. Seriously where the f*ck do you get this stuff

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Most of the time Russia has the balls to say that they are working for their own benefit. Even if they give another reason the smirk always gives it away. Russians don't have any illusions about Putin, they see through him. But from what I've seen and heard, many actually believe the rhetoric of the talking heads in the US & EU. That's the big difference.

The US speaks hypocritically of "human rights & democracy" when they're looking to improve their own economy and sphere of influence. How's that whole human rights & democracy thing working out in Egypt? Oh, wait, I forgot, we are supposed to divert attention away from it and not comment on it.

Use of nukes? Check. Use of chemical weapons? Check. Propping up evil dictators? Check. Destabilizing foreign countries for the sake of own interests? Check. Telling other countries to not do the same backed with threats of violence? Check.

The US shifts alliances how it suits them. The US helped to create and arm mujahideen to fight the Soviets, then it fought them in Iraq & Afganistan and now the US is prepared to act as Mujahideen Air Force in Syria. I don't blame them, its' realpolitiks.

(I could also list a billion things that are wrong with Russia, but right now I'm more than annoyed that Mr. Nobel Peace Prize is ready to play with fire for money and power.)

This whole thing smells, it's gas alright...A bit like Iraq & WMDs.

If the US was open about things and would say "Hey, we're gonna bomb Syria a bit to ensure that our military-industrial complex keeps spinning, oil & gas prices go up so we can sell to Europe and we lure Iran into defending Syria so we get a justification to bomb them too because the Israelis keep asking about it" I wouldn't be as annoyed, but it's that fake smile and the smell of bull**** that gets to me.

Also, Soviets/Russians fought in Afganistan/Chechnya/Georgia with mostly low grade troops and equipment. Call it smart or stupid, but the US sent a lot of good troops and equipment to the grinder for very little gain...

Sorry for veering into the verboten flaming politics territory, but I've had a bad week followed by a bad day and I'm tired of the constant BS on the news. I simply could not resist the Siren's Call. I am weak. Had to let some steam out.

Here's a smiley. :D

To lighten the mood, I think the worst Hizbollah could do is open a hundred fast food chains in the US. More damage than any conventional weapon could inflict.

Also, I don't approve of dictatorships or killing innocent people. Or killing in general. Nor do I think Assad is a nice guy. But I also don't approve of trying to profit and gain political leverage from the plight of others, usually further destablizing the situation and causing even more death and suffering.

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Baron your an idiot.

'Dont tread on me'? 'My Obama'? First of all, Syria is a satellite interest of Russia. Thats exactly the neo Colonialism and imperialism you Russians are always screaming about with the US. Fact is we have reasons for wanting change, you have reasons for not wanting change. The only way of deciding who is right depends on what nation you were born in.

Second of all, claiming Obama is playing a dangerous game is also blindly ignoring the meddling and insanity YOUR PUTIN ( you know, the ex KGB agent, who is now your de facto dictator who loves to prance around with his shirt off?) deals with everyday. Putting a 'dont tread on me' picture referencing Russia is the biggest laugh I've had in ages. You have hundreds of journalists who are dead from criticizing Putin. Your country just made homosexuality illegal. What Im saying is, your country has zero human rights laws for people, is a dictatorship, and has/is easily doing just as much wrong as mine is and has. Maybe you dont understand the whole concept of the 'dont tread on me' thing, but trust me it's not a concept that stems from jamming your nose in other people's business to prop up evil dictators for financial reasons. That'd be like Americans getting all pissy with Iran during the 80's during the Iran/Iraq war. Oh, we didn't like them, and we definitely gave Iraq weapons (including WMDs) but at least we weren't on the news crying about imperialism everyday.

p.s. - if Russia's such a great place where are the communities or sections of towns where it's mostly Americans living there? Oh wait, there are none because Russia is a $hitty place to live. On the other hand, in Boston we have parts that have signs in Russian, same with NYC and other places. So what's really going on here? I think it's just like the Cold War - people vote with their feet.

By the way, the aboriginals the US normally fights - not that you guys have done that great fighting the same people in Chechnya and Afghanistan. Seriously where the f*ck do you get this stuff

First of all, I don't call personally anyone idiot or something, this show to us your American traditional bad manners.

Second, of course Putin not 100% democrat and I not vote for him on last elections(I not believe in democracy at all), but you think in US you has democracy? You just has small choice between democrats and republiсans, which conduct same politics of imperialism and tyranny.

Third - human rights? What hell are you talking about!? Go to White House and scream F...ck USA, I want to watch how many times you will be sit in jail.

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p.s. - if Russia's such a great place where are the communities or sections of towns where it's mostly Americans living there? Oh wait, there are none because Russia is a $hitty place to live. On the other hand, in Boston we have parts that have signs in Russian, same with NYC and other places. So what's really going on here? I think it's just like the Cold War - people vote with their feet.

By the way, the aboriginals the US normally fights - not that you guys have done that great fighting the same people in Chechnya and Afghanistan. Seriously where the f*ck do you get this stuff

Russia is great place to live and we have much more freedom now that you can imagine. ****ty place it is your dead town Detroit.

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First of all, I don't call personally anyone idiot or something, this show to us your American traditional bad manners.

I remember that not so long a ago you openly admited and defended national socialism as your ideology of choice and you also insisted on using racial slurs. That got you banned for a while. Basically your way of thinking is an insult to many people that is even worse than beeing called an idiot. And posting a photo of you wearing an SS camouflage jacket while holding an AK in your hands, along with a line that in this context implys a threat, doesnt make you seem more reasonably.

But anyways, this thread is the most perfect example for why there is a rule in this forum that prohibits politicals discussions. Apparently such discussion have a significant tendency to turn into a flamewar, not matter what age the discussing partys are.

EDIT: I personally would rather live in the US than in Russia for obivious reasons. But, that beeing said, the US also wouldnt me my number one home of choice. Austria, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Finnland, Sweden, Canada or France score higher on my list of countries of wich i believe that i would enjoy living there most.

And just out of interest: is that AK fully automatic or semi automatic?

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*yawn* Always a fun thread when a Russian nationalist tries to take the moral high ground. And the fun continues when it's pointed out that the US doesn't have the moral high ground either because it's track record isn't all that great either. Then the measuring sticks come out and it continues. Depending on what system of measurement you use, one comes out better than the other. Funny enough, it is usually the one holding the stick who declares the winner.

Syria is a mess because it is inherently a state held together by force (terror). Assad had a chance to peacefully give up the rule of minority over majority and declined to do so. All this mess is, therefore, on his shoulders. Anybody who can't see that should probably refrain from posting their opinions as they obviously haven't the intellectual and/or factual basis to hold opinions of worth.


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