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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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Turn 24:00 to 23:00

Left Flank


My tank sees a halftrack. It's just a plain jane, vanille, gunnerless box. But it's all I've got to shoot at right now. Plus, it's a spy for Bil.


Hit! Actually, TWO hits. My tank used two rounds of 95mm ammo to kill the halftrack. Okay, maybe they're just warming up the barrel. I still need to kill Bil's shooting tracks, not empty transports. The 251/10 to the left, the flak in front, and maybe a flank shot on a Panther???


Speaking of his Panther, Bil is moving it...away from my tank. He is frightened. My moral superiority is paying rewards on the field of battle! That move gives my gully piat men a better shot...if I can get them into the wheatfield.


Front line of the Ardennes, I'm still trying to pry more ammo out from under this wounded man! The piat team lost a lot of ammo when he got hit a few turns back. I've been using the pause of the last few turns to see if I can recover some of it.


Deep left, the Sneakers reveal themselves. My men shoot. Of course they do. No hits, but Bil's men must be demoralized. They're probably trying to find someone to whom they can surrender.

Moves: Attack Jaggie 241. Shift some more stens for close-in defense of the town's right side. Hunt the Lucky Panther. Use the CS tank to kill some soft-skinned vehicles.

Ken out.

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If that hit on the Stummel also does nothing, then you may be justified in formally protesting to BFC, together with all the lousy outcome vids. Contrariwise, a 251 with no one in the back has multitudinous shotlines which would produce neither a vehicular nor a personnel casualty. A thin walled empty steel box, as seen by the PIAT bomb jet path.


If you'd care to look at the following pics, you'll see the core Jagdpanzer IV has Zimmerit, while the skirts don't.




The reason is that the skirt will essentially negate a HEAT magnetic antitank mine, because of standoff issues associated with early shaped charges, whereas a direct contact detonation on the AFV itself could be crippling to catastrophic, hence, the Zimmerit to stop the mine from being attached in the first place.


John Kettler

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The image of a drooping, soft-serve, mound of melting ice cream sliding off its cone springs to mind...

Using caffeine, alcohol, physical exertion, and unfathomable energies underlying the fabric of the visible universe, I have regained the ability to manipulate electromagnetic forces to my will.

I have game. (And internet.)

Bil has sent a turn. It was...interesting. I shall post imagery later tonight. Brace yourselves, lads: they are lo-res and have been banned by various u.n. committees as being too ugly to release upon the public domain. I will do so, regardless.


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Turn 23:00 to 22:00

My Tank, Bil's Tank, and a brace of halftracks

Over on my left, there was some action. I moved the support tank (CS=Close Support) FORWARD. Yes, always advance!


It's a gamble: thin British side armor against a German 37mm antitank cannon...



Nice. I don't know if Bil didn't expect that, or if he thought he'd get the drop on me. I can't imagine that he doesn't know about my CS tank. I'm sure he's got a fiendish plan to add it to the scrap heap that is my armored force. But first, there's more...



Nice. I've made an impact. Small, but there, nonetheless.


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Turn 23:00 to 22:00

My tank plans...



Okay, it's advancing BACKWARDS. I don't want that CS tank to fall too easily. That Panther will destroy it with no more than a negligent flip of its wrist. I'll reverse to keep the frontal armor towards Bil (for whatever that's worth). However, once it goes down the dirt road, I've given it a covered arc to the rear. The sneakers should be out of LOS for next turn. The turn after...that's when I should be able to catch them.

My threats on my left: the Panther, the 37mm flak. The quad 20 would be next.

If my Piat team can kill the Panther, the left side should belong to me.

Windmill update:



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Turn 23:00 to 22:00

Plans for 22:00 to 21:00



If those piats bear fruit, so much the better. If not, well, there's always my demo charges.

Bil is down to 22 minutes. I think the town fight will be close. I've got to make sure my left flank is brought into the fight. Using the cover of the bocage behind the town as a ratline would help. Jaggie 241 is potentially blocking it.

My left: if I can kill the Panther, the rest should be able to be picked off. If I can collapse his forces on that side, I can swing my company out of the Ardennes and up into his rear.

Tick, tock...


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Has that halftrack beside Church PIAT team brewed up yet...? Hate to lose those chaps to a bad brew eh.

BTW keep a stiff upper lip and carry on, good show old boy.

LOL, yeah, I thought about that. It's been smoldering for some time now. If I can get a piat hit on that panther, it'll be worth it... Oh, wait: those are piats I'm talking about. Well, if the panther's paint gets a bad gouge in it, maybe the crew will be too embarrassed by its appearance to stay in the fight.


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Yes, this AAR is top notch. The contrast between Ken and Bil's write-ups adds extra value. Both excellent in their own ways. I for one love Ken's gleefully homicidal prose. Great that he has rolled with the armour punches - a lesser man (or bottle job) would probably have folded, psychologically or literally. :eek:

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No loss, in men or materiel, is too great for me to accept in the quest for Victory! She shares her pleasures with those who earn it. My men would be grateful for whatever their role, no matter how short or grisly, that they can provide to gain her pleasure for me.

I await Bil's latest. No doubt he is in his Study, a complete recreation of Churchill's war rooms, wearing a plaid smoking jacket, pipe in hand with whisps of smoke curling upwards, whilst studying a blow up image of our battlefield pinned against the far wall. His laser pointer flicks from one spot to another as he barks out commands to his flunkies who try to outvie one another in their alacrity to write down his utterances, saving them for the programmer in the far room to input for the next turn. All while teletypes whir and jiggle, hammer and zip, spitting out exact recreations of wartime messages, culled from secret libraries and archives. Aye, that's the type of man I'm fighting...


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The kicker on the time may be that the map designer added overtime which can be anywhere from a few minutes to as long as 15 min. For your sake Ken I hope this is not the case.

Of course, the map designer was....BIL!!!

However, any more time would only allow me to kill more of his men. That could be to my benefit. ;)

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The kicker on the time may be that the map designer added overtime which can be anywhere from a few minutes to as long as 15 min. For your sake Ken I hope this is not the case.

I don't know - I think the chances of Bil knocking out as many tanks in the second half of the battle as he did in the first are vanishingly small.

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Okay...Bil took Jaws' map, cut it, changed it, placed forces on it, and designed the battle upon it!

(As mentioned waaaaay upstream, this beautiful map is Jaws' creation. It replicated the Eerde battleground very well, especially the full size map. This is a cut-down version.)


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