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My guess is they're like trolls at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Yes if they give me thin hot dog instead of fat steak i am like angry stinky troll

Seriously, you want to start it over again? So who's like troll now?

Complainers have calmed down(at least for now :)) so maybe you can too?

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I think most of us have calmed down now. I have seen some threads where it does get so out of hand that BF wields the ban-hammer.

I think we all want the same thing. Just at different price points. If we had more to talk about maybe this would not get out of hand or so often. A long list of what will and what will not be included would be nice. Then we can all talk about the wonderful things we will do when we get the new module.

I am just saying...

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There are two base games CMBN and FI, and modules CW and GL. There will be more of them.I have a problem.Not eveyone have all those games, modules or upgrades.So find players to play with it, is sometimes dificult.

For example:

-Players with CMBN

-Players with CMBN2.0

-Players with CMBN+CW

-Players with CMBN2.0+CW

-Players with CMBN2.0+CW+MG

-Players with FI


How I can have diferents versions of the game to play with all the community?Can someone explain who to do that?I'm not good with computers and my english it's not good too, so thanks for an easy explication

Thanks for answers and help. Hope my question is clear. Regards

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For example:

-Players with CMBN

-Players with CMBN2.0

-Players with CMBN+CW

-Players with CMBN2.0+CW

-Players with CMBN2.0+CW+MG

-Players with FI


It looks scary but you do not need separate installs to cover all that. I have on my machine currently:

CMBN 1.1 + CW

CMBN 2.01 + CW

CMFI 1.1 + GL

The only people I cannot play with are those with the original unpatched CMBN, CMBN with the first patch and the original unpatched CMFI. To those people I say - install the patch. I will retire CMBN 1.1 + CW once my on going 20 000 point quick battle is complete.

As long as you and your opponent's game are at the same version you can play with them. If only one of you have the CW module, for example, then all you have to do is pick a scenario from the original game or pick QB parameters that the original game supports. Same goes when MG comes out.

So, here is a crazy but possible case (note I am *assuming* that the patch version of CMBN after MG will be 2.1 that is still a guess):

You have CMBN 2.1 + MG

Your opponent has CMBN 2.1 + CW

You guys can still play - you just have to stick with the scenarios made for the original game ditto for QB nationalities.

How I can have diferents versions of the game to play with all the community?Can someone explain who to do that?I'm not good with computers and my english it's not good too, so thanks for an easy explication

Thanks for answers and help. Hope my question is clear. Regards

Here is what I do. When a new game comes out I make a copy of my existing game install and give the new directory a meaning full name then I install the new module to my original installed game's directory. Take care of mods before you do that. Considering an example when the MG module comes out I will:

  1. Copy my c:\Programs\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy directory to c:\programs\CMBN201
  2. Remove the mods in my c:\Programs\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\Data\z directory
  3. Install the new module on top of the original game c:\Programs\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy
  4. Activate the new module

Now I can play out my remaining games using the original version of CM and start any new ones with the new version. Remember you can play against people without the new module using your install that *does* have the module as long as you just use scenarios or QB forces that are part of the game and modules your opponents do have.

Once you have no games going with the old version and you feel that your opponents have all patched their games you can delete the old version.

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Matrix has a near lock on more traditional wargames, this is true. But they have no one product that directly competes with Combat Mission. They have tried several times to do this, but failed. In fact I remember the creator of Matrix saying in 2000 that he was going to make a "CM killer". 13 years later and it's not happened. Why do you suppose that is?


They are trying this now :D

The Bloody First(Close Combat) is planned for release next year and will use the new 3D engine.
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Yes, this Matrix that is keeping prohibiting prices for their games counting only for biggest "funboys"(i'm not using it in much pejorative way, so don't kill me). I've seen on web many persons very interested for example in War in the East, Command Ops or Carriers at War(like me) but they give up them or use pirated versions. Compare this to AGEOD games. Is quality of those games worse? No it is not. Paradox games? Yes they are selling modules too, but in much more accessible way, and their modules change a lot in game itself. Graviteam? Their games are changing from patch to patch Are they low quality? No they are not.

I just think it's funny that every now and then, some guy comes on the forums and thinks they know a better business model than the companies that are already quite successful are currently using.

No, this is not what i've said. I accept modules. I didn't criticize Commonwealth module. It is good one. I don't have problem with Fortress Italy as a separate game. Gustav line looks good two. I talking about making too many of them without good idea.

How can you possibly say they don't have good ideas??? Every module released so far has been well worth the money - new units, new OOBs, new scenarios, new campaigns and even some improvements. You do understand that all of this takes development time and that's what you're really paying for?

Like idea of making four games on eastern front. Like Market Garden that right now looks like they are doing it ad hoc without any good idea. The project which was even consider to be canceled Maybe they are making some secret surprise but really, why they should do that if there is no pressure from community?

Are you serious? No pressure from the community??? This has to be one of the most eagerly awaited modules since CMBN was released. It's an extremely popular operation.

And how can you say anything about the eastern front Combat Mission when you don't know a damn thing about them? It's complete conjecture.

I would like to play in CM Market Garden operation but seriously 35$ for a few AA vehicles, bridges and the mill?

OK, that quote right there tells me two things: 1) you only consider units and map features as "good ideas" 2) you have no idea what goes into developing each module. You've just basically insulted every scenario and campaign designer that put in countless hours of development, every person that's worked on improving the code, every person that's put in countless hours doing historical and OOB research.

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heh... i thought that this discussion was finished some time ago but ok funny how people likes to misunderstand things

I just think it's funny that every now and then, some guy comes on the forums and thinks they know a better business model than the companies that are already quite successful are currently using.

No, i never said that just like I never said that I know better how Battlefront should sell their games. I said few thoughts and opinions and I've explained that few times before. About Matrix I even admit that they are probably doing well. However I suggest that keeping so high prices(yes, much, much higher than battlefronts ) in my opinion can have very negative effects in form of self-constricting this market which is a vicious circle. So hard to understand or what?

How can you possibly say they don't have good ideas??? Every module released so far has been well worth the money - new units, new OOBs, new scenarios, new campaigns and even some improvements. You do understand that all of this takes development time and that's what you're really paying for?

Because i wasn't talking about previous modules but about those damn list which i compared to those previous modules. And i'm happy of previous modules but was disappointed of informations about MG, is it clear?

Are you serious? No pressure from the community??? This has to be one of the most eagerly awaited modules since CMBN was released. It's an extremely popular

yeah... you mean, "Yupiiii", "awesome" :)

And how can you say anything about the eastern front Combat Mission when you don't know a damn thing about them? It's complete conjecture.

But we know that they are planning four separate EF games with separate modules each. I think that one(or two) core game with modules would be better and more comfortable than than. That's my opinion just different than "super awesome" battlefront will do what they want as always

OK, that quote right there tells me two things: 1) you only consider units and map features as "good ideas" 2) you have no idea what goes into developing each module. You've just basically insulted every scenario and campaign designer that put in countless hours of development, every person that's worked on improving the code, every person that's put in countless hours doing historical and OOB research.

Jesus... even Steve said as I remeber that this is not worth 35$ and there will be more. Even Steve said that if this module would in the end look like on those damn list it would cost less, but they are doing something more, that as he said will be worth 35$. So what you are still trying to explain me?

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When it comes to modules, what percentage of the base engine owners actually buy them? Specifically, if you sold X units of CMBN, what fraction of X bought CW module (You should not count bundling, as the module is in a sense already discounted). If the fraction is very high , your pricing strategy is certainly the correct one.

But it is more complicated than that. If the percentage of base game buyers buying a module is not high, lowering the cost might increase sales without increasing revenue. It could even reduce it.


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I do not want to criticize something that does not yet exist...

Then why do you continue to do so? You and several others have now made your anxieties over this product known not once but many times and have suggested that anyone who does not share those anxieties is some kind of blind and censorious fool. Is it any wonder that people lose patience with you? Why don't you all just pipe down and observe for a while? You might learn something that will surprise you but has long since become obvious to the rest of us, namely that you haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about. Your opinions for the greatest part are cut from whole cloth plucked from thin air and have little or nothing to do with the realities of the game, the company that produces them, the players who purchase them, or the people who post on this board.


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Steve said that we don't have full information about module, info in "The start of actual news" is not complete and my judgment is not justify, so ok, i have to wait and see apparently there is something more.

This convinced me.

No we are not continuing this. It is you(plural)It has been explained! many posts before. So why than people are over and over scavenging selectively previous quotes and are asking same questions and at the same time want us to be quiet until module would be released?

have suggested that anyone who does not share those anxieties is some kind of blind and censorious fool

Yes, it was probably mostly me- but after suggestion that people that are unhappy of this how it's appear the module will look like(eg. it will have lover quality than previous modules) are like choldern or trolls who are never happy and want more for nothing. You see it works in two ways. Also there was other thing. some people were arguing that content of that list is actually good for them for 35$ module. They can think like that, if they want and yes I called them blind or funboys I don't remember, that's true but after they said that my complains are irrational, stupid and I'm not appreciative of BFs hard work. If i don't like it I should don't buy it and go away. In fact, later even Steve said that this list is not worth 35$, if the MG module would only look like this it would cost less but they are working on something more to make it worth those 35$ So actually after this never ending story I think that it is you who don't have "foggiest idea" what is talking about

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