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II SS Panzer Corps was where on July 11, '43?

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Psyops JonS those SS Nazis had everything, that little jingle would wipe whole divisions from the battlefield. With that as a spear point... *shudder*

Indeed. If the British had a joke that would cause every German within earshot to laugh himself to death, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the SS (who after all do have bases on the Moon) might have an ice cream jingle that would completely unman every Russky soldier who heard it and send him into helpless confusion. It was a very desperate and brutal war with no trick left unturned.


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A few points - gotta love the comments section when someone asked John about Soviet beam weapons the aliens helped them with. John just coolly replies that since the Germans first made telepathic contact with the aliens in 1917.. bla bla bla. So if aliens were helping these sides, why would they develop nukes?

Also earlier in the article John claims to have proof of a Nazi nuke program, goes on to state that there's decisive evidence the nukes were tested in 44-45. Later he says the Nazis used a nuke in combat in 43. Which is it? 43? or 44-45?

Finally - the VBIED thing. John (or his sources) claim the Germans took some Jews, and conveniently left the halftrack (with nuke hidden inside, or truck the same way) running near the Jews and left them unguarded. So obviously they just stole the truck and drove to the Soviets. Boom right? It makes no sense. No one would ever deliver a nuke that way, not even a terrorist group. It's idiotic, and how could you be certain where the Jews would drive? What if they drove the wrong way?

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..and not any old ice cream van, oh no, I'd wager, but the latest LSSAH Ausf. H ice cream van. And it won't be dispensing Mr Whippy either! No! Should Ivan Komradski queue at the hatch and request a double-choc chip with hot fudge topping he's going to get a frozen choc-covered cyanide pills and something that wont free easily from the roof of the mouth. What a foul and despicable asymmetric means of waging war!

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Also earlier in the article John claims to have proof of a Nazi nuke program, goes on to state that there's decisive evidence the nukes were tested in 44-45. Later he says the Nazis used a nuke in combat in 43. Which is it? 43? or 44-45?

Obviously you haven't kept up and missed the time warp technology they have. The answer to this question is they are both true. It was tested in 44 and then the decision was made that for it to have a proper impact it needed to be deployed in 43. Sheesh do I have to explain everything?

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The ice cream truck was a cover for the time machine. The jaunty yet invisible stealth jungle jingle was a cover noise to conceal the whirring and clanking of the LSSAH GeheimAbwehrZeitArbeit mit der Speiseeis ausf.H (LSSAH GAZA mdS a.H ).

Not a lot of people know that, but I have proof, found in recently discovered personal diaries, plus official documents rated Top Secret and above!

The AZA a.B was fully functional and ready for deployment at the time of Munich, but the music was not to Hitler's liking. There followed a protracted re-development effort to find and integrate a jaunty jungle jingle that found favour with der Führer.

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I've just been awarded a Patristic Doctorate in Early Christian Tie Down Giza Pyramids from the highly respected College Shed, University of Paddock. It cost two sprouts and a carrot but I think its worth it because students will flock and heed my words without question.

I shall write a paper in two Mars days on Kursk and Things That Go Pop Badly with an interesting book cover picture.

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LSSAH's having secret and better tie downs? A truly inspired jape! I do feel constrained to point out that the tactical situation on July 11 was hardly the same as on July 4, when Fall Zitadelle began. As I clearly indicated in the post, both sides were weary and hurting. Thus, the defense couldn't have been solid, which created an opportunity for a kind of nuclear-armed Trojan horse.


If you watch a doc called "UFO Secrets of the Third Reich" on YT, you can see for yourself that the Germans did indeed make contact with something/someone profoundly nonlocal, that information was provided which was the genesis of the German saucer projects, via the Vril Society which made the contacts.

UFO Secrets of the Third Reich


More on the Maria Orsic story, the origins of key German occult societies and what came through her mediumship and that of others. These were the contacts which led directly to the German saucer programs.


Further, the core of the Nazi Party lay in the Vril Society and the Thule Gesellschaft, both as occult as the day is long. Mind, this isn't to say the Nazis ever had direct contact, but their tech base exploded, and I mean way beyond even the Me-262, Me-163 and Taifun. This one, partially translated from Russian, lays out the 411 on the Nazi/Antarctica/UFO/German saucer issue. Note particularly the caliber of those interviewed, to include a Captain, First Rank in full uniform who also has what we'd call a Ph.D in, I believe, Military Science. Been a while since I saw it and am in the middle of (sweating out) a family emergency so memory not the best. In any event, the doc details the enormous German effort in Antarctica, the wholesale movement of men, materiel and whole facilities there. Also covered is the incredible amount of effort the Germans put into recovering and using both ancient occult techniques and lost tech to create a wholly new kind of military power. What "Raiders of the Lost Ark" depicted was a fictionalized look at a huge, very expensive Nazi effort going back to the early 1930s called the Ahnenerbe, a branch of the SS.

Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica)

Between them, these docs will give you some sense of what really went on regarding the Nazis, their extraordinary tech and why.

As for Nazi beam weapons, while I don't necessarily agree with everything said here, I believe you'll find the internal hardware and diagram of some interest.


Joseph Farrell explains the KSK (Kraftstrahlkanone =Strong Force Cannon) in ROBS and reports the Germans disintegrated 200 rats using this technology in 1944! Note: This KSK is NOT to be confused with the standard KSK (Kriegschiffkanone = Warship Cannon). Two entirely different things and a trap for the unwary!

And here's a picture of one Nazi energy weapon armed saucer doing weapon tests. The image is awful because it was made from a neg that's 70+ years old, wasn't in ideal storage conditions and was clandestinely shot on very grainy film from a handheld Leica. Explanation here. At least some of the other imagery is of the "keep it sold" variety which was produced AFTER the saucers were built.


Color pic of saucer doing energy weapon firing trials (note glow underneath)


Here's another in B&W showing something similar.


As for a thrown together nuke's being used before proper testing could be accomplished, there's lots of precedent on the conventional side of the history of warfare. The VT fuze was rushed into mass production when the fuzing success rate reached a mere 50%. Why? This was a "good enough" result that even such iffy performance would materially improve antiaircraft artillery effectiveness.

Early naval radar was down around half the time, and when it did work, often failed miserably, as seen in the Slot, where our destroyers couldn't resolve Japanese ships with land behind them. And that was with modern centimetric radar.

My father sent a handbulilt, one-of-a-kind, TOP SECRET optically directed flak location and designation system called PAVEFIRE III into combat during the Vietnam War. So secret and sensitive was it that the F-4D Phantom II carrier aircraft had two kinds of top cover: MiG CAP for protection from enemy fighter and a second set of F-4Ds armed with unfinned napalm and instructions to obliterate plane and crew with same if the PAVE FIRE III bird went down over enemy territory. The best Phantom II crews the Air Force had served on that program.

Something you might also wish to consider is that the U.S. dropped Little Boy a uranium gun-type Bomb, without ever having tested such a device. Trinity was plutonium implosion-type Bomb, so it was tested. And what was the Nazi A-bomb under discussion? A gun-type uranium Bomb! That alone should give you pause.

Stalin's Organist,

Here's a Chapter 4 of ROBS link, from which I've made certain extracts.


pp.79 and part of 80

(Fair Use)

Romersa's own words:

There were four of us: my two attendants, a man with worker's clothes, and I. "We will see a test of the disintegration bomb.11 It is the most powerful explosive that has yet been developed. Nothing can withstand it," said one of them. He hardly breathed. He glanced at his watch and waited until noon, the hour for the experiment. Our observation post was a kilometer from the point of the explosion. "We must wait here," the man with the worker's clothes ordered, "until this evening. When it is dark we may leave. The bomb gives off deathly rays, of utmost toxicity. its effective area is much larger than the most powerful conventional bomb. Around 1.5 kilometers...."

Around 4:00 PM, in the twilight, shadows appeared, running toward our bunker. They were soldiers, and they had on a strange type of "diving suit". They entered and quickly shut the door. "Everything is kaput," one of them said, as he removed his protective clothing. We also eventually had to put on white, coarse, fibrous cloaks. I cannot say what material this cloak was made of, but I had the impression that it could have been asbestos, the headgear had a piece of mica-glass12 in front of the eyes.

Having donned this clothing, the observation party then left the bunker and made its way to ground zero:

The houses that I had seen only an hour earlier had disappeared, broken into little pebbles of debris, as we drew nearer ground zero,13 the more fearsome was the devastation. The grass had the same color as leather, the few trees that still stood upright had no more leaves.14

There are peculiarities of Romersa's account that one must mention, if this were the test of nuclear bomb. First, some of the blast damage described is typical for a nuclear weapon: sheering of trees, obliteration of structures, and so on. The protective clothing

10 Meyer and Mehner, Hitler und die ,,Bombe", p. 64.

11 "Auflosungsbombe".

12 "Glimmerglas".

13 "Explosionspunkt".

14 Luigi Romersa, private telephone interview with Edgar Meyer and Thomas Mehner, Hitler und die ,,Bombe", pp. 62-66, my translation from the German.


worn by the German technicians as well as the polarized glasses also are typical. And the test does appear to have involved use in a "populated area" with houses and so on, in similar fashion to prosecutor Jackson's exchange with Speer, and Zinsser's own comments in his affidavit. However, Romersa, apparently a careful observer, fails to make any mention of a fusion of soil into silicate glassy material that also normally accompanies a nuclear blast close to the ground.

But whatever was tested at Rugen, it does have enough of the signatures of an atom bomb to suggest that this is, in fact, what it was. Most importantly it is to be noted that it coincides with the time frame of Zinsser's affidavit and the phone service outage in Berlin, and the timing of the British alert.15 Finally, it is perhaps quite significant that during this same time frame, Adolf Hitler finally signed an order for the development of the atom bomb. In context, this can only mean that he has given approval to develop more of a weapon already tested.16

Apparent nuclear test witnessed while aloft and monitoring it. October 1944. In law, unless formally contravened, an affidavit is legally considered fact. (Image of actual affidavit after text I present).

ROBS, Chapter 1


Excerpt (with Farrells's commentary)from sworn affidavit of Hans Zinsser, a flak rocket expert.

So, what exactly did the German pilot Hans Zinsser see on that night of October, 1944, as he flew his Heinkel bomber over the twilight skies of northern Germany? Something that, had he known it, would require the previous badly written Wagnerian libretto to be almost completely revised.

His affidavit is contained in a military intelligence report of August 19, 1945, roll number A1007, filmed in 1973 at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. Zinsser's statement is found on the last page of the report:

A man named ZINSSER, a Flak rocket expert, mentioned what he noticed one day: In the beginning of Oct, 1944 I flew from Ludwigslust (south of Lubeck), about 12 to 15 km from an atomic bomb test station, when I noticed a strong, bright illumination of the whole atmosphere, lasting about 2 seconds.

The clearly visible pressure wave escaped the approaching and following cloud formed by the explosion. This wave had a diameter of about 1 km when it became visible and the color of the cloud changed frequently. It became dotted after a short period of darkness with all sorts of light spots, which were, in contrast to normal explosions, of a pale blue color.

After about 10 seconds the sharp outlines of the explosion cloud disappeared, then the cloud began to take on a lighter color against the sky covered with a gray overcast. The diameter of the still visible pressure wave was at least 9000 meters while remaining visible for at least 15 seconds.

Personal observations of the colors of the explosion cloud found an almost blue-violet shade. During this manifestation reddish-colored rims were to be seen, changing to a dirty-like shade in very rapid succession.

The combustion was lightly felt from my observation plane in the form of pulling and pushing.

About one hour later I started with an He 111 from the A/D24 at Ludwigslust and flew in an easterly direction. Shortly after the start I passed through the almost complete overcast (between 3000 and 4000 meter altitude). A cloud shaped like a mushroom with turbulent, billowing sections (at about 7000 meter altitude) stood, without any

24 "A/D" probably "aerodrome".


seeming connections, over the spot where the explosion took place. Strong electrical disturbances and the impossibility to continue radio communication as by lightning, turned up.

53. Because of the P-38s operating in the area Wittenberg-Mersburg 1 had to turn to the north but observed a better visibility at the bottom of the cloud where the explosion occured (sic). Note: It does not seem very clear to me why these experiments took place in such crowded areas.25

In other words, a German pilot had observed the test of a weapon, having all the signatures of a nuclear bomb: electromagnetic pulse and resulting malfunction of his radio, mushroom cloud, continuing fire and combustion of nuclear material in the cloud and so on. And all this on territory clearly under German control, in October of 1944, fully eight months before the first American A-bomb test in New Mexico! Note the curious fact that Zinsser maintains that the test took place in a populated area.

There is yet another curiosity to be observed in Zinsser's statement, one that his American interrogators either did not pursue, or, if they did pursue it, the results remain classified still: How did Zinsser know it was a test? The answer is obvious: Zinsser knew, because he was somehow involved, for clearly the Allies would not have control over a test site deep in Nazi Germany.



The entire documentation of this report is as follows: "Investigations, Research, Developments and Practical Use of the German Atomic Bomb,"

A.P.I.U. (Ninth Air Force) 96/1945 APO 696, U S Army, 19 August 1945." The report is classified secret. Note that the report begins in no uncertain terms: "the following information was obtained from four German scientists: a chemist, two physical chemists, and a rocket specialist. All four men contributed a short story as to what they knew of the atomic bomb development." (Emphasis added). Note also the suggestive title of the report.


(Fair Use)

The above is but a small portion of the evidence Farrell presents in ROBs. To this, I appended information from the Russian Academy of Sciences types, information obtained from the progeny of Operation Paperclip scientists whose fathers worked on the Nazi A-Bomb programs during WW II and more. I did, in fact, briefly quote the latter on the state of the opposing forces at Kursk on July 11, 1943 and incorporated their comments on the what and the how of the strike and its aftermath. To say I have no factual basis for the post is simply ludicrous, all the clowning by some in the thread aside. I hope to soon be able to provide a JPEG of relevant material from one of the period (highly illegal) diaries.

Recapping, the Russian academicians say the Nazi A-Bomb strike happened, the Operation Paperclip scientists and their progeny say it happened, Baron Oshima reports some terrible German weapon was used on the Eastern Front, etc. This is but a small portion of the evidence supporting the case for the Nazi A-Bomb and its use in combat.

All I care about are the facts, however ugly, hard to imagine or even seemingly impossible. The material stands or falls on its own merits or lack thereof.

The names of the highly reputable Russian academicians are known and have been withheld at their request. They'd like to keep their jobs and go on living in a country in which a bunch of journalists have been murdered for revealing far less. The same holds true of the Paperclip side of the house, and for a variety of reasons. What I presented is the distillation of the information collected from a bunch of such people.

As for Joseph Farrell, while he does indeed have a Ph.D. in Patristics (papers of the early Church) from Oxford, his writings make clear he's totally familiar with and comfortable in the higher realms of mathematics and physics. Further, he knows how to find, evaluate and effectively present a stunning array of information, from which he crafts a whole new picture of the latter parts of WW II. As I said, I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, as seen in my blunt statement that Joseph Farrell was wrong and Jim Marrs was right on the Nazi A-Bomb strike at Kursk issue.

I urge you to read ROBS, check out the pics, the KSK link and the two vids I mentioned. If you can, do so with zero reference to me. This isn't about me. Res ipsa loquitur.


John Kettler

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What do you mean the US never tested a nuclear device before using one in combat? What the hell were the tests in New Mexico then? How do you explain the delivery story, utilizing Jews and a conveniently parked truck or halftrack to escape and deliver the bomb in? What military, let alone the SS in 1943, would rely on civilians to unwittingly deliver a weapon in those circumstances. Especially not people they despised and were actively murdering in the millions. There were plenty of shiny blued eyed boys who would have gladly driven any nuclear weapon anywhere and killed themselves for Hitler. No the story is nonsense. It reads like fiction, like many of your other 'academic' accounts you post, refer to, or link.

anyways man spare me the endless links. Just because some random assed German hauptmann says this or that doesnt prove anything to me. My dad is a retired Lt Col from the USAF and he's more or less bats$it crazy. A uniform doesn't necessarily confer truth to ones statements. And just because some Russian academians say something, or someone makes a webpage doesnt make it true either. The story doesnt make sense, and is complete nonsense. There would be loads and loads of information on it, had it happened. Mind you verifiable, accepted knowledge. Not crazy UFO bs, and alien telepathic contact reptilian nonsense. Really I dont even know why I posted this, because I have no desire whatsoever to debate this point with you. I know quite well you truly believe all these things that I would believe in less than Santa Claus.

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less than Santa Claus.

I was with you up to that point but you stepped over the line into delusional nonsense here - are you saying Fr. Christmas is not at this very moment, with his elven Happy Helpers not planing his Christmas run from his top secret Arctic base and airborne strike reindeer?


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If its flippin' Fr Christmas I think there will be no shortage of excited, cloying infants who would happily scribble down first-hand accounts of queuing to see Santa at the local mall grotto AND his green elf AND have VBIED been delivered down their chimney by reindeer with obvious names from somewhere east of France.

I don't think we can get more prima facie than that?

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I said, and you really do need to pay attention to what I wrote, that the U.S. never tested the uranium gun-type Bomb before using one in combat. Trinity was a test of a plutonium implosion Bomb.

Trinity Wiki


"Trinity used an implosion-design plutonium device, informally nicknamed "The Gadget".[12] Using the same conceptual design, the Fat Man device was detonated over Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945. The Trinity detonation produced the explosive power of about 20 kilotons of TNT (84 TJ)."

"Following the success of the Trinity test, two bombs were prepared for use against Japan during World War II. The first, dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, was code-named "Little Boy", and used the "gun" design and uranium-235 as its fission source. It was an untested design but was considered very likely to work and was considerably simpler than the implosion model. It could not be tested, because there was only enough uranium-235 for one bomb."

Note 1 The gun-type assembly was not tested before it was detonated at Hiroshima."

What part of "untested" in reference to the gun-type uranium Bomb called Little Boy do you not understand? It's stated quite plainly in the text.

Understand, therefore, that after spending 20 billion dollars (expressed in constant 1996 dollars) to produce 1 plutonium test article (Gadget), uranium Bomb ("Little Boy") and 2 plutonium Bombs ("Fat Man" and an unnamed one, which was in reserve), the U.S. dropped an unproven, untested uranium gun-type bomb in its strike intended to end the war in one stroke. Four devices for an expenditure of 20 billion dollars means an average of 5 billion per Bomb or atomic test article. Do you really believe our world class physicists, technical experts, project management, senior national officials and the President would gamble on a 5 billion dollar failure? Seriously?

Here's the Brookings Institute's analysis, in which you can read the numbers for yourself.


People can be manipulated into doing just about anything. We went to war over an anguished Kuwaiti girl (really Kuwaiti royalty) and "stolen incubators," (depicted as meaning Kuwaiti babies left to die) in a masterful scheme concocted by Hill & Knowlton.

You appear to fundamentally not understand the Nazi, especially SS, mindset. Why shed pure Aryan blood, the flower of German youth, to deliver a weapon to kill subhuman Communist Slavs? And how splendid to have Polish Jews kill the Slavs for them while the slaves are thinking they're escaping to freedom! Remember, these SS leaders and their ilk are the same people who optimized mass murder via economic analysis, who cynically provided delousing showers that weren't, who extracted as much energy as they could from slave laborers before killing them and who then used every part of their corpses to fuel the war effort and keep the civilian economy going.

There was no need to waste this kind of racial purity (below) when other means were to hand.


(Fair Use)

"Another distinguishing feature of the SS was its racial composition. Himmler imagined the SS not only as an elite military force but also the embodiment of racial purity. He ordered that all recruits be subject to strict physical requirements and “genealogical investigation” before acceptance. For instance, enlistees in the Leibstandarte (or ‘Life Guard’, Hitler’s own personal bodyguard regiment) had to be between 23 and 35 years of age, 5’11″ (180 centimeters) in height, of Deutsche Blut (‘German blood’) and with no history of criminal behaviour or alcoholism. The racial requirements for SS officers was even more stringent. During the 1930s officer candidates had to provide certified evidence of Aryan heritage, dating back to 1750. The presence of a Jewish ancestor – even just by marriage – was enough to have an application refused. Those already in the SS were subject to strict rules about mixing, fraternising or fornicating with persons of undesirable racial origins. Before marrying, an SS officer had to provide evidence of his wife’s Aryan status and good character. - See more at: http://alphahistory.com/holocaust/the-ss/#sthash.66ggYtGv.dpuf "

(Fair Use)

It's not my job to make the facts conform to the desires of you or anyone else. The Paperclip types agree the story is correct, though the jury's out on whether the device was on a timer or command detonated. It's possible, too, that the planned escapees were told that they could deliver the (unspecified) weapon and would have time to get clear themselves. Again, German cynicism raised to the level of art. No matter what the details, both sides agree (the Russians via the academicians) the strike did take place and was devastating. Your inability or unwillingness to accept such a shocking truth in no way negates its reality. There are also the reports of Baron Oshima.

I continue to look for further corroborating evidence and, if I can really figure out the likely location (basis for starting the thread), I intend to search for the telltales of a surface nuclear burst, be they the crater proper, vegetation discontinuities, residual site radiation, biological surveys or other means. How big that crater should be is discussed here under Holsapple's model.



John Kettler

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[ice cream van] jingle

Oh, we we were so blind to the obvious! Not any old jingle jangle, but an SS jingle jangle.

Die Glocke, a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 9 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be "filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was otherwise cautiously "stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead"

Well, this is another matter altogether. Would an Opal Blitz deploy both these terrible arsenals into the fray?

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What I want to know is, if the Nazis had all these über secret weapons so far ahead of anything their enemies possessed, why did they lose the war? Or wait a minute...did they? Could it be that the unfolding of history over the last 70 years all be the smooth execution of a clever Teutonic scheme to enslave the rest of the world without our even realizing it? Kind of gives you the willies, doesn't it? Suddenly a lot of otherwise inexplicable things now fall into place and shine forth. Wow! I may have to lie down for a while and think about all of this.


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Yes, with Opal Blitzes like this I'm afraid the allied war on both fronts was doomed from the start.

I will immediately send off written letters to all my previous reactionary history teachers and demand they fix or sumfink. WTF, this is disgraceful! Where is my Congressman or local regional SS point of escalation!

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Oh I knew you'd say that JK - however thats a minor point. The fact is the US tested a nuclear weapon, found out it worked, and then decided to proceed. The different trigger mechanism isn't the huge deal that proving an atomic explosion would work (and not say, set the atmosphere on fire)

Anyways argue with someone else. You'll never convince me that this is even plausible, or the UFO, black project nonsense either.

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Yes, with Opal Blitzes like this I'm afraid the allied war on both fronts was doomed from the start.

I will immediately send off written letters to all my previous reactionary history teachers and demand they fix or sumfink. WTF, this is disgraceful! Where is my Congressman or local regional SS point of escalation!

I could go for a cheese blintz right now.

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It's not my job to make the facts conform to the desires of you or anyone else. The Paperclip types agree the story is correct, though the jury's out on whether the device was on a timer or command detonated. It's possible, too, that the planned escapees were told that they could deliver the (unspecified) weapon and would have time to get clear themselves. Again, German cynicism raised to the level of art. No matter what the details, both sides agree (the Russians via the academicians) the strike did take place and was devastating. Your inability or unwillingness to accept such a shocking truth in no way negates its reality. There are also the reports of Baron Oshima.

I continue to look for further corroborating evidence and, if I can really figure out the likely location (basis for starting the thread), I intend to search for the telltales of a surface nuclear burst, be they the crater proper, vegetation discontinuities, residual site radiation, biological surveys or other means. How big that crater should be is discussed here under Holsapple's model.



John Kettler

I believe it was detonated by a teleporting Chihuahua. It is well known that this breed of dog has those abilities and me being the owner of one have in fact witnessed it teleport on many occasions. Many times I get up to let the dog out when it is barking at the door only to find there is no dog there and to see the dog laying down on the sofa as if it had been there all along. It also has appeared right in front of my fox terrier as soon as he was about to chew on a rawhide to have it quickly snatched away before he even gets a single chew.


This documentary on youtube will prove that Hitler did in fact use Chihuahuas in combat.

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