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I've playng the latest patch of Breakthrough and here are some stuff I have seen...

Russian Civil War

1-The AI keeps sending french troops too far away from Odessa, I just take my time and leave them cut off, wait some turns and I have france out of the war...

2-I think that 5 squares from Odessa is too short for the french do something, maybe a 7-8 would be nice....

2.1-Maybe make france morale drop even faster if french forces are further than 10 squares and fall just a bit if between 5-10...

3-The Bolshevik AI is kind of disapointing... I had no problems fighting the reds as there was no atk on the baltic nations... no effort to hold perm and fight the ural cossacks... no armies to fight the south whites and invade ukrania, I started to see red forces invading Ukrania around late 1919... a good red force formed when I was marching to Moscow and steamrolling all the red forces.... AI at 100% 0.5 exp bonus...

3.1-I had some challenge fighting the Whites AI, they made me loose Perm, fall back on my atk in the baltic nations, but no effort was really made by the south to stop my invasion of Ukrania with the core of the red army, or any good Atk on Tsaritsyn.... Ai was dumb to go too far with the Ural Cossacks and leave the corps with no supply, I made a quick move and captured the cossacks capitals and made the Whites loose 4 corps and 2 HQs... North whites did some advance, they took a lot of time on that.... Poland was a disapointment, as they couldn't stand agaisnt a small force of the reds and were destroied.... AI at 100% 0.5 exp Bonus

Russia's war

1-Russians focus too much force against the Ottomans.... The Ai plays as it was expected with Russians, but I saw a way too big focus on the ottomans, even when my german forces were closing in on Moscow and Petrograd...

2- It could be interesting if German High command would take money from the player for a few turns to pay for events in hte west, or middle east, or Italy... things like big battles, as Verdun, or Gallipoli....

3-Von Rennenkampf deploys later, not as in Call to Arms, where he is ready for use from the start of the game....

That is all :)

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I would add that the Reds under AI control are totally disorganized and cannot concentrate the forces on a particular front (what they should do) so human playing Whites & Co. can easily beat them.

the AI playing Whites is even worse I would say because the AI's disability to concentrate forces is more critical in this case.

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