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CMPzC Normandy '44 Caen Operation - Allied HQ

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Turn 12 completed:

Some interesting shots here. A 51mm mortar round arcs over the battlefield from one of A Coy's mortar teams - "go free my beauty!"


More alarmingly, a rather larger mortar round coming down (or rather flying horizontally like a mini zeppelin :rolleyes:) on A Coy's western flank?! Is this one of mine falling short? I fear so.


Bang! Happily just off map and nobody hurt (Incidentally I've noticed that there are a very high proportion of gingas amongs the Glens. Which is appropriate perhaps since they are Highlanders, albeit of the Canadian variety. One of them carrying a Bren mid-screen)


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Turn 12 completed:

Moving on from the excitement facing A Coy, the Stuarts supporting C Coy have come under fire from two sections of German infantry crowded into the corner of the hedge line facing down the diagonal road


Here are the culprits. To give them credit, they aren't taking a step back here. I'm not sure its wise. next turn they will be getting about 4 mgs and 3 37mm and two 51mm mortars concentrating on that corner.


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Turn 12 completed:

Finally and not forgotten, D Coy's gallant chaps, tired but happy, move past the second east-west parallel running through Buron and into the orchards beyond, with still no resistance


The epitome of warfare in Normandy villages, 2: the short terrifying dash from one area of cover to another


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Awesome! Really following with interest. Note that I made Buron to be as much like it was in 44 (from what I could tell be the aerial photos) as possible, so it is much more realistic than most of the other city/village maps in the game.

This map, along with the rest of the Caen map project, basically kick started this whole operation. Without the maps, preferably realistic, and at least 2000 x 2000m, that represent the PzC victory point hex locations, it becomes a fudge to get CM maps to fit in with PzC. This is because, although the defenders hex only represents 1000 x 1000m, you have to have enough no mans land radiating around that area to allow attacks from all directions. Therefore, you need at least a 2000 x 2000m map to give you a no mans land of 400m between the attackers set up area, and the defenders set up area, from all four map edges.

Thanks for making the map Rocko, and if you, or any other quality map makers, are about to make some more, keep in mind the 2000 x 2000m size, and I can incorporate them into my operations.

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I appreciate that noob!

I really enjoy seeing people playing on this map because it means I didn't do it for nothing.

Take note that I didn't call it Caen Map Project for nothing ;)

I have some more maps from the area in the works with some nearing completion. Of course with it being a the nicest summer since a long time is kind of hindering progress right now obviously.

Also, most of what I write at my TOE problems threads comes from my research about the actions of 12th SS in this area and the problems with recreating its organization with the TOE ingame.

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I appreciate that noob!

I really enjoy seeing people playing on this map because it means I didn't do it for nothing.

Take note that I didn't call it Caen Map Project for nothing ;)

I have some more maps from the area in the works with some nearing completion. Of course with it being a the nicest summer since a long time is kind of hindering progress right now obviously.

Also, most of what I write at my TOE problems threads comes from my research about the actions of 12th SS in this area and the problems with recreating its organization with the TOE ingame.

Rokko the fact that you, Noob and people like you are putting together maps like this, add-ons to the game like the CMPzC idea and Mods which supplement the base game produced by CM is fantastic. I am a newcomer to CM games but it is evident to me that the effort which you all put into your work adds a great deal to the enjoyment everyone gets. You should also take a great deal of satisfaction from that: it is well deserved

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Rokko the fact that you, Noob and people like you are putting together maps like this, add-ons to the game like the CMPzC idea and Mods which supplement the base game produced by CM is fantastic. I am a newcomer to CM games but it is evident to me that the effort which you all put into your work adds a great deal to the enjoyment everyone gets. You should also take a great deal of satisfaction from that: it is well deserved

Well, once you have a decent script, and a good set, you then need good performances from the actors :)

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Ok turn 13 completed

D Coy has now reached its first stage objective and is gathering its breath before beginning to push west and south-west to through and to the south of Buron, with the ultimate objective of bagging the defenders in a mini-kessel. The whole company is now tired so they will have 5 mins to re-organise and recover before setting off.


Stuarts to the south of Buron continue spraying fire across the rear of the German defenders


C Coy continues advancing south through the orchards and buildings in East Buron, ready to swing west.


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Turn 13 completed

Stuarts pound the two German sections in the corner of the hedge line in Central Buron. The fire power going into this area is impressive and I am hopeful that casualties have been caused. The still picture doesn't really give credit to the ordnance hitting this spot


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Turn 13 completed

A Coy's firefight develops with casualties on both sides. 3 men from A Coy are hit and at least one German


The German on the far right goes down. The Glen in the centre is hit




I am moving a section around the other side of the building to the right to try and get some flanking fire into the German position, and the effect of that will hopefully become evident next turn

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Turn 14 completed

A horrible turn. A Coy's fire begins dominating the defenders and two of the German section can be seen crawling away under heavy fire. The flanking fire is now hitting the German position


Nonetheless A Coy takes a further casualty



Then disaster strikes. Towards the centre of A Coy's position, the weight of fire is impressive


A mortar round hits


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And takes out five men. What is worse is that I am convinced this is friendly fire - A Coy's HQ is spotting fire to a position about 100 yards to the East of where this German section is sitting but none of the spotting rounds have hit in that area - they are coming straight down on A Coy!. I have cancelled the fire mission now. The five casualties were all prone when the round hit, so for all five to be hit was probably unlucky as well. Aargh!!!!


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In other news, the Glens' Battalion commander is being telephoned by Brigade to find out what the @&*% is going on!:mad:

Brigade knows what's going on, you just lost half of A CO's HQ squad, which has put a damper on an otherwise nice little skirmish. Next time, remember to keep them out of the soup old chap :)

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@Kensal - Read this: https://sites.google.com/site/cmpzch2hoperations/home/combat-mission/cm-battle-victory-conditions

So you need to inflict over 50% casualties on the Axis side to win the battle, and take the hex.

Noted, of course I am planning to inflict 100% casualties with my "manoeuvre de derriere" as will become clear from the situation map below... :)

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Turn 15 completed

Stuarts supporting C Coy continue to fire on the hedge line ahead. they are taking incoming smalls arms fire (i can hear the rounds pinging off their armour plate). C Coy's sniper sadly gets hit



German infantry retreat down the first parallel road in East Buron


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