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Problem Getting AoD to Run

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Hubert, it's Jollyguy with another version problem. Using what I learned in my 1.04 post I copied over my entire 1.02 folder and bought and downloaded Aod there. in a folder named Aod. Everything seemed to go okay and a shortcut even loaded on my desktop, but I got the following error:

"Could not find bitmaps\border_sprites.bmp

I checked the Aod folder and that was there. So I deleted the entire folder and copied over again and copied the patch from my download file, same thing. So I then went into 1.02 and copied over the bitmaps folder and told the system to copy, etc. a bunch of times and then saw to x for ignore the next like 40 prompts and x'ed and they all copied. I then clicked the icon on my desktop...same thing. So that's the limit of my abilities, I need to know what I'm doing wrong. I was curious and 1.02 and 1.04 are both working fine, so it seems to be limited to AoD. A bit frustrating since I got 1.04 working and did the exact same thing for Aod or so I think. Bob.

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Hi Bob,

AoD works with the base Global game in order to run properly so I would suggest the following to get yourself up and running.

Re-install Global to any directory you prefer, so long as it is installed properly via the installer and not located in a folder where you have cut and pasted the installation then AoD should work fine with it.

After you do that install AoD to its own folder using the installer, it should not be installed into the same folder as the Global base game and then AoD should launch as expected.

I hope this helps,


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I have had this problem before, and reinstalling the base game does not always fix it. There seems to be some residual information lying around somewhere that logs where you initially installed the base game. If you then MOVE that base game somewhere else it messes up the installation of an upgrade like AoD.

Maybe Hubert's work around will work for you. It didnt for me with Gold and I had to put my SCGC base game back into the same drive letter and directory as I had first installed it many moons ago.



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Ah... so it requires a proper uninstall first rather than just a delete folder. That may well be my problem from ages ago then. Having said that Windows seems to do a not very good job of uninstalling stuff at the best of times, but I'll give that a go myself!

Hubert - presumably a full uninstall and reinstall uses up another license key slot though?

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Actually no, a full uninstall and reinstall will not use up a license key as you can uninstall and re-install on the same machine as many times as you like so long as it is not on a recently formatted hard drive or update to your OS that wipes out previous machine info etc.

In that case your machine will no longer be aware of the previous installs and then another key is used up as suggested.


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Hi Bob,

For uninstalling I am referring to using the 'Uninstall' option found in the game installation folder or via the Program Group links for the game.

This would then properly uninstall the game and any 'machine' info for the game left on your system.

A proper re-installing would then have to be done via the original installer... do you still have that handy by any chance?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to give up on trying to get AoD to run. Keep in mind that I'm not the most astute computer type. But I was able to finally the 1.04 patch to run, that was a stupid oversight on my part. But I think the AoD issues are deeper. I uninstalled and re-installed both AoD and a copy of SCG, and no dice. I think some of your players, like me, might need a bit more hand holding on how to get things to work. It's a bit frustrating as it goes all the way through the setup and then at the very, very end when you hit finish it says it couldn't load something. Maybe I need a fresh copy of SCG but info on when I bought is years old and long since deleted from my e-mail so I'm stuck with these copies of my original file. So maybe one work around is to scour your records and grand longtime players me a new SCG game which I could download into a fresh folder along with my AoD and maybe that would work. I've spent about 6 hours on-and-off trying to get AoD to run.


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Hi Bob,

Do you have an installer 'Setup' file for SC Global? If so that is all you would need and a new version of it, as far as I know, would not make any difference to your installation issues.

If you have the installer file, in order to get AoD running I would suggest the following:

1) Uninstall SC Global using the uninstall EXE found in your SC Global installation folder.

2) Uninstall AoD using the uninstall EXE found in your AoD installation folder

3) To be on the safe side, reinstall SC Global using the setup installer you have on your end to the default recommended folder. After that apply the v1.04 patch and confirm that SC Global is running as expected.

4) Reinstall AoD to the default recommended folder

If you do all of that the game should launch as expected, let me know if this helps,


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  • 1 month later...

I've been able to avoid trying to get AoD to run by just playing SCG 1.04, but now I'm in the AoD tournament and need it to run. So, I did (as far as I'm capable) what you said above, but no dice. I spent probably another two hours trying this and that but nothing seems to work, yet my 1,04 still works fine. AoD does the same thing on each attempt, get's all the way to finish, attempts to launch...then doesn't work. It even puts the shortcuts on my screen, but then everytime gives an error.

So I think I have two possible solutions:

1) I completely purge every element of SCG from my computer including 1.04 and reinstall fresh copies. I've already paid for SCG, Gold, and AoD, but the problem is other that except AoD I don't have my old e-mail with codes. So, perhaps you could give me new download codes for everything and I'd download everything into a completely fresh folder. I guess I could just buy again if I had to but that seems like paying for the same real estate twice.

2) You get on my computer like the IT guys do at work and fix the problem. My guess is you could figure things out quickly. This would be an imposition though.

I'd love to participate in the tournament but if I can't get AoD to run then I guess that's the end of my SC run, as I think most 1.04 players are migrating over.


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Hi Bob,

I would recommend 1) as even if I took control of your computer I'd need to pretty much do the same, i.e. purge every element of SCG from your system and reinstall.

If you open a ticket at the Helpdesk, http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk, they should be able to help you find your installation keys and help you with redownloading the games for reinstallation.

If you do all of this and you are still stuck we can take it from there but that should resolve your issues for you.


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Sorry to say that I withdrew from the AoD tournament. I seem to have an insurmountable problem getting AoD to run on my computer. I've probably spent upwards of a dozen hours trying to get the game to run but I have to surrender! I've been playing SC and it's successors for I believe 9 years and absent Hubert getting on my computer to fix this I believe this is how it ends. I followed the instructions provided step-by-step, even got a second version of 1.04 to run. Then when I overlaid with AoD it still didn't work. I tried probably 4 times, each time I got the same exception. Hubert, if you want to get on my computer send me an e-mail as I'm pretty frustrated and won't be checking the board anymore. If possible I would also like to ask for a refund of my AoD purchase, Battlefront has my particulars. Best to all.


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Just to try and be helpful. Jolly - I have had this issue before myself and I ran some tests. The results are very significant:

1. Once Gold is installed it is no longer sensitive to the location of the original SC Global. I have no idea why... Hubert might know - but it means that you may well be able to run Gold quite happily but have Global in a different location to its initial installation. This is the case at least on my system - I just tested it.

2. HOWEVER - AoD is instantly sensitive to it. I was able instantly to replicate your error simply by changing the name of my Global installation directory. AoD could not find it... and got the error you have. But Gold was absolutely fine.

3. Hubert is the God of SC... and he knows his stuff of course because he built the game... but being a bit of a rebel here i have not been able to get my machine to "forget" the initial installation position of Global by doing an uninstall as Hubert describes. Maybe it is a windows thing... or maybe a different peculiarity that might be related to permissions or virus software or who knows what.

So - what's my solution? You need to wrack your brains over and over and put your global installation back into the drive with the same letter and same folder name as your original SC global game was installed into many moons ago. That should get AoD working instantly.

If it doesnt then Hubert - surely it must be possible to discover WHERE AoD THINKS that Global is? Is it recorded in a data file somewhere in windows?

Alternatively you need to get someone over with some computer knowledge and do a really really clean uninstall of the original global and start again. As I said before - and no insult intended hubert - I have not had the described correct wiping of the game using the uninstall in the game directory, but there are some power uninstall packages out there that might do it properly without having to do manual registry editing.

Jolly - hope you can get it working. If you can remember the original install location of SCG and put it back there then I am convinced your problem will go away. Have you installed new HD at some point or reorganised your folders and directories since you first installed global?

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Hi Catacol Highlander,

Just for some quick info, GOLD uses elicense to keep track of the original installation of Global and does not rely on any assets from Global for proper functionality.

As AoD now uses a different licensing system that no longer supports base version checking we had to do things differently and build AoD as a true expansion product with reliance on the base game location and base game assets in order to properly run.

So that being said, having multiple installs of the base game can sometimes mess things up and usually uninstalling cleans your system of the install information and a reinstall will set everything straight for an expansion such as AoD to work properly.

One extra thing you could try is uninstalling the base Global game, a reboot, and then reinstallation and that should hopefully do the trick.

However, if not then what is more or less happening is that AoD is finding a mismatch between where the registry is telling it Global is and where Global is actually installed and that again is likely due to the multiple installs of Global causing some issue that for whatever reason a typical uninstall is not resolving.

I've scheduled a session with Jollyguy to take a closer look at his system and hopefully we'll be able to sort this out soon enough for him :)


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