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AFV Crews in Peril

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This was probably discussed before but will there be an option in the final release of CM to have the crew of a tank or other AFV bail out of the vehicle if you feel there lives are in peril?


I am playing the Chance Encounter scenario by email and I have a StuG immobilized facing the wrong way with an American strong Flank attack in progress. Hopeless to stop it my poor StuG crew were in grave peril and I couldn't get them out of their vehicle! Eventually the Stug was hit by a Sherman AP shell and the crew then bailed out taking casualties while they raced in the open under withering MG fire to cover.

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I think you have to write those off as out of your control.

The way I try to think of a situation like that is as the commander (platoon or battalion) "you" probably were observing the Stug in action through your trusty binoculars.

Even if you said that there might be a Stug commander around in another tank, who is to say whether or not the guy actually sees the "event" in time to radio a warning?

I agree it's frustrating- but then again, that's war, right?

Just food for thought! wink.gif


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Guest Scott Clinton

(I beleive) It has been stated elsewhere that this is already in the most recent Beta versions.


The Grumbling Grognard

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There's a good story relating to this in Forty's _German Tanks of WW2_ from the "action reports" section of the chapter on the PzIV (might have been III, but I'm pretty sure 'twas IV)

A pair of PzIVs was ordered out to find a scout car that hadn't reported back. After driving through several klicks of forest, they were beset by several dozen Russian infantry armed with Molotovs and grenades. The initial assault wounded the TC of one tank and burned part of the radio gear. For all purposed the vehicle was combat ineffective at that point. The loader (who related the story for history) couldn't figure out why he couldn't see out any vision ports, or up through the TC's hatch. Finally, the crew was able to get the commo gear back up, and heard the other tank's TC (his vehicle had not been harmed in the attack) shouting "What's wrong with you, idiot, stop driving! You're covered in enemy infantry!!" The covering tank was then able to pepper the damaged tank with MG fire and clean off the Russians.

This was definitely a crew in peril, and I think some things should be noted here:

1) they were out of contact due to damage (in CM, if a vehicle is damaged it may well be out of communication, and ordering a bail-out is impossible)

2) even if ordered to this crew wouldn't have bailed, since it was more dangerous out of the tank than in (any info on whether this is a rule, or an exception?) IOW, how often is bailing out of a clearly combat-ineffective really the best thing to do? I've heard of vehicles on all sides using the "shoot til the target burns" tactic, which would make staying in a damaged vehicle more dangerous, but how often did AFV crews (especially German) expend a half dozen (or however many) rounds to make a tank burn, as opposed to "we hit it, and there's a big hole in the side, and it's stopped moving, so let's move on"


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I think most sides had a shoot till it burns or they abandon it policy.

You gotta remember it isn't easy seeing a 75mm hole at 500 metres wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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