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Where will the Demo be posted?

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Guest John Maragoudakis

We are going to get a chance to get it before the general public. So I guess that means the download will be available here before other sites get it.

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Guest Big Time Software

We will initially have it here and a few other places. This should expand to other sites as well. John is right about the insider thing...


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It should be noted that CoolColJ's countdown is something he made up wink.gif (naughty boy) and is NOT based on any estimates coming from BTS.

Just in case people start taking it as gospel



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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The Gospel according to CooColJ. LOL

There is no wargame but Combat Mission and Steve is its prophet. smile.gif


'And thus spaketh Steve, 'There shall be no smoke trails on panzerfausts for the faithful have shown them to be ahistorical. And to be ahistorical is a sin.'

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Guest PeterNZ

'And ye, unto Steve did the fans post lamentatoins of a foul beast tormenting their minds, and Steve said unto the throng:

"Silence ye fools, the beast you fear is easily vanguished"

..and with a stroke of yon might Keyboard Steve warned the beast thrice and all was well

And so celebrateth they, singing and clapping and giggling and chortling and throwing flowers and beets and fruits and small pebbles.

And then sayeth the Steve, "soon unto you will i gift my child, called CM, and CM shall bring joy to all peoples and there will be much rejoicing"


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Guest Tom punkrawk

I don't know if this question was already answered(i'm sure it was)and I'm sorry to ask again.

How large is the demo going to be?


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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And The Grodnerds, did cometh and speak many utterings which they thought they had understood. And Steve did say to them many times " Verily, Verily I say unto you, hast thou not checked FAQ. And many still do not.

May the prophecy of CM come true...SOON.

Thus spaketh SGTRockth


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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And so, if we wish to transform the ideal wargame simulation into practical reality, we must, independent of the powers that have thus far ruled wargame publishing, seek a new force that is willing and able to take up the struggle for such an idea. For it will take a struggle, in view of the fact that the first task is not creation of an excellent wargame, but above all elimination of the existing bad wargames. As so frequently in history, the main difficulty lies, not in the form of the new state of things, but in making place for it. Prejudices and interests unite in a solid phalanx and attempt with all possible means to prevent the victory of an idea that is displeasing to them or that menaces them.

And so, unfortunately, the fighter for such a new idea, important as it may be to put positive emphasis on it, is forced to carry through first of all the negative part of the fight, that part which should lead to the elimination of the present state of wargame publishing.

A young doctrine of great, new, fundamental significance will, displeasing as this may be to some wargame publishers, be forced to employ as its first weapon the probe of criticism in all its sharpness.

It indicates a lack of deep insight into wargame publishing when today people who call themselves Grogs make a great point of assuring us over and over that they do not plan to engage in negative criticism, but only in constructive work; this absurd childish stammering is 'grognarding' in the worst sense and shows how little trace the history even of their own times has left in these minds. Grognarding had a goal, and it, too, was a constructive activity; but previously, nevertheless, it practiced criticism for many years, annihilating, disintegrating wargames, and again criticism, which continues, until old wargame publishing is undermined by this persistent corrosive acid and brought to collapse. Only then can actual new 'development' begin. And this is self-evident, correct and logical. Existing bad wargames are not eliminated just by emphasizing and arguing for a future one. For it is not to be presumed that the adherents, let alone the beneficiaries of the old games now existing, could all be converted and won over to the new one merely by demonstrating its necessity. On the contrary, it is only too possible that in this case two wargames will remain in existence side by side, and that these so-called 'wargamers' will become a party, unable to raise itself above its limitations. For the wargame philosophy is intolerant; it cannot content itself with the role of one 'wargame beside others,' but imperiously demands, not only its own exclusive and unlimited recognition, but the complete transformation of all public life in accordance with its views. It can, therefore, not tolerate the simultaneous continuance of a body representing the former condition.

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-25-99).]

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Guest Mikeman

And the Prophet speaketh, saying, "Woe unto you who heed the voice of the false prophet CoolcolJ. The demo shall not rise up to occupy the land until the fullness of time"

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Her O - Whatya saying? Should the Grogs jump on opposition boards pointing out the flaws in their offerings and then point the duly humbled masses to CM for salvation? Can't say I find fault with that, but TG I'm not a Grog - sounds like heavy fighting that will eat into gaming time smile.gif

Your manifesto sounds a bit Anarchistic (and that's not a critisism either - there we're a time and place for anarchy throughout history - when the atrophy of mediocrity became unbearable?)

Visited an Anarchist site the other day. Guy suggested 10 ways to get back at someone. One of the ways that struck my fancy was to send some-one to your victims front door to keep him busy, while you sneek into his back door and **** in his fridge...

As an appy Grog I would imagine that would qualify as an Assault from the Rear.

[This message has been edited by Johan Brittz (edited 10-25-99).]

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For God's sake man, read your history!!

Actually, the post was supposed to be a bit of fun poked at all of us... there are rabid fans of all kinds of games...

Please open Mein Kampf, turn to the Philosophy section, and read. Make a few substitutions, change a few words, and there you have that sick man's thoughts...

Perhaps it was a poor joke, but it was intended as one...


[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-25-99).]

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Herr Oberst was simple using portions from Mein Kampf to make an ironical statement.

Of course people who didn't recognise the writing style and the phraseology utilised might take it the wrong way.

personally I found it very funny and particularly liked the way you managed to substitute the Weimer republic and Hitler's rantings against it for the gaming industry wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Tom punkrawk

I was looking at the wargamer.com forum and came across a topic about CM from way back in May(BTW,if you've been waiting for this games since May,I feel sorry for you smile.gifI'm one of the lucky one's I suppose....only been waiting for a month or longer wink.gif).

This is only a one thing they said,that I found interesting... smile.gif

"It looks really good, and is supposed to be out in late summer, certainly in time for Christmas. The developers are independents, so hopefully the finished product will actually BE finished."

Late summer, eh? smile.gif

Oh well, it's well worth the wait!


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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