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Questions on QB scoring and Buddy Aid

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BTW, I got some clarification on the QB victory points. The answers are in the manual, though obviously it's not entirely clear. Communication is definitely an imperfect experience :D

This hasn't been 100% approved "as written", but it should help things out for now. The corrected text, once double checked by Charles, will be passed along to get in the manual:


That's great, Steve. But a couple of things. One, I don't know why you don't just list the exact values for each game type, like they are on the first page of this thread. It could save people some trial and error.

Second, where it says the game adds "an enemy-casualty UNIT objective for each side" that sounds a lot like an all-or-nothing threshold that you either meet or don't meet. But that's not how it works anymore. We know this because you told us :D

In the game you saw played out there is a generic threshold for causing enemy casualties and the points that come from exceeding the threshold come away from the points awarded for Victory Locations. In this case neither side tripped that threshold, therefore neither side was awarded any points for casualties. Which means the Victory Location control determined the victor.

Now, we're aware that this is suboptimal for QBs for a number of reasons. It's a point that our Testers have brought up already. But with our plates full of all kinds of things we didn't prioritize addressing this issue prior to the AAR battle you watched. However, we have now dome some tweaking so there are explicit points for killing stuff and those points are subtracted from the Victory Location's worth. Meaning, the player that controls the Victory Location/s at the end of the game will likely win *if* he's not taken unreasonably high casualties compared to the other player. The range of victory awarded (Major, Tactical, etc.) can be influenced by casualties as well.

So this gets back to my original question: are the "explicit points for killing stuff" awarded based on casualties caused or the purchase point value of the unit destroyed? And what did you mean when you said the points for units destroyed are subtracted from the VL's worth? That would suggest that if you end the game with no VLs but some of your units destroyed you could have a negative score.

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GaJ, yeah... language is a funny thing. One word in one place means a whole different thing than in another. Or at least it can be perceived differently. AFAIK it is 1000 points in total, which means both types of victory conditions. Not casualties on top.


Kill points are always based on the purchase value of the unit. There's no parallel system that says "a tank is worth 5 points, a soldier is worth 1 point". What I don't remember, and I've asked Charles for clarification, is how the system breaks out crew value from the vehicle they ride in. Because the purchase value includes both.

Though I don't know why this matters one iota either way. QBs are simply two forces going up against each other. The one that kills more of the other has a benefit, with the benefit being weighted to the type of battle being fought (e.g. Probe, Assault, etc.) Why is it important to understand it more than that? It's not like this information has practical use in a QB setting and it isn't relevant to a Scenario.


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It's not like this information has practical use in a QB setting, and it isn't relevant to a Scenario.

Yeah it is - scenarios have DESTROY unit objectives too, so knowing how that works is relevant to scenario designers, at the very least.

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how the system breaks out crew value from the vehicle they ride in. Because the purchase value includes both.

Though I don't know why this matters one iota either way.

IMHO it matters because after I have KO'ed an enemy tank and the crew bails and runs off I have to make a decision in game about how much risk I am willing to take on to chase that crew down. If the crew is half the points I might rush forward quicker and take more risk to get the other half of the points. Where as if the crew are only worth 1/10 or the points I would probably expend no effort to hunt them down and instead go after the next juicy target.

The above decision does not really reflect how I usually play but the answer the the question about how many points the crew is worth will probably influence in game decisions.

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