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12th SS campaign

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baron, here is an excerpt from the 25th PGR's war diary I've found at axishistory:


Kloster Ardenne

o5.45 Uhr Report from III./A.R. 12 :

“Three red and two white flares. The enemy artillery barrage is lifted.”

o6.20 Uhr Report from II./25 :

“Nothing special to report.”

o6.4o Uhr Report from II./25 :

“Artillery fire landing behind our positions. Fighter planes attacking la Folie, enemy firing smoke shells.”

o6.4o Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Enemy breakthrough at 7./25.”

o6.5o Uhr Oberst Höhne, Art.Rgt.155, right flank, requested artillery support.

o6.55 Uhr To our request for a status from II./25, Hstuf. Schrott replied, “Wait.”

o7.13 Uhr Sudden concentration of rocket fire south of Cambes.

o7.17 Uhr Bombs falling on the positions of III./25.

o7.2o Uhr Report from Oberst Höhne:

“Art.Rgt. 155 adjusting artillery fire. The situation on the right flank is not quiet.”

o7.25 Uhr Orders to Werfer and A.R. 12:

“Fire immediate barrage in front of the positions of II./25.”

o7.28 Uhr Report from Hauptmann Steger, III./25:

“Enemy attack on 7th Company repulsed.”

o7.35 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire falling on the positions of III./25.

o7.37 Uhr Fighter planes attacking Ardenne Abbey.

o7.38 Uhr Orders of the Division commander: “Special alert on the right flank.”

o7.45 Uhr Enemy attacking II./25 with tanks. II./25 requests artillery fire in front of their positions.

o8.2o Uhr Report to Ia :

“Heavy enemy artillery fire in the sector II./25.”

o8.27 Uhr Radio report from III./25 :

“Breakthrough between the 9th and 10th companies.”

Orders to Artillerie and Werfer :

“Fire a barrage on and north of Buron.”

o8.33 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire in the sector of II./25. Tanks attacking 6./25. Situation of I./25 not yet known.

o8.35 Uhr Enemy tanks rolled over the battalion command post III./25.

o8.37 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Enemy attacked with tanks.”

o8.45 Uhr Enemy tanks broke through the 5th and 7th companies.

o9.o9 Uhr Enemy infantry and tanks broke through at Mâlon. Enemy tanks in front of the command post. No reports from the companies.

o9.25 Uhr Forward observer from the Werfer-Abteilung reports:

“Five heavy enemy tanks have driven into Buron.”

o9.33 Uhr Rockets firing on Buron. Rockets landing between the enemy tanks.

o9.34 Uhr Four enemy tanks moving from Buron to Cambes.

o9.35 Uhr Report from 2nd platoon 13./25 :

“Enemy tanks have rolled over the companies of II./25 and are milling about 200 - 300 meters behind our original front lines. The companies are back in their positions. More enemy tanks are in front of our lines.”

o9.45 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Enemy tanks broke through the 9th Company and are rolling over the positions right to left, stopping short of the battalion command post. Two anti-tank guns were destroyed.”

o9.45 Uhr Radio signal from II./25 :

“Mâlon is still in our hands.”

o9.48 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“9th Company overrun. Where are our tanks?”

o9.58 Uhr Fighter planes attacking Ardenne Abbey.

o9.59 Uhr Rocket fire on Buron. The salvos landed too wide to the northwest.

The order to fire came from Buron.”

1o.oo Uhr One reserve platoon sent towards the north to the front.

1o.3o Uhr Orders on III./A.R. 12 :

“Fire barrages on Buron.”

Also rocket fire again observed on Buron. Artillery fire on the east end of Gruchy requested by III./25.

Orders from commander, SS-Pz.Rgt. 12 to SS-Ostuf. v.Ribbentrop:

“Clear out the penetration between Gruchy and Buron.”

1o.32 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Tank support urgently needed, otherwise impossible to hold positions.”

1o.33 Uhr Rockets fired a barrage on Buron.

1o.35 Uhr One enemy tank in flames west of Buron.

1o.5o Uhr Report from II./25 :

“Enemy in St.Contest.”

1o.53 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire falling on Ardenne Abbey.

1o.58 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Our tanks are on the northern edge of Authie.”

11.o1 Uhr Two of our tanks are in the northern edge of Authie. Enemy firing artillery barrages on the east edge of Buron.”

11.o5 Uhr Two enemy tanks destroyed near Buron.

11.1o Uhr Rockets fired a salvo at the depression between Vieux - Cairon.

11.13 Uhr Ardenne Abbey received a direct hit from enemy artillery.

11.15 Uhr Report from forward observer - Werfer :

“One of our tanks and a half-track burning 200 meters before Buron.”

11.25 Uhr Battalion “Olboeter” (III./26) and Company “Ribbentrop” (3./Pz.Rgt.) attacked by 12 fighter planes.

11.28 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“To hold the command post, our tanks must get here in a hurry.”

11.32 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“9th and 10th companies overrun. 10 enemy tanks in the depression in the direction of Buron.”

11.43 Uhr Rocket fire on Buron. The fire landed on target. More fire on Buron.

11.45 Uhr Report to Ia :

“Ammunition for our artillery is urgently needed.”

12.o3 Uhr Enemy artillery fire on the road Caen - Bayeux at Francqueville Hill.

12.o8 Uhr Report from III./A.R. 12 :

“Eight enemy tanks in Epron.”

12.16 Uhr Rocket fire north of St.Contest. Good results. Bursts of flame observed.

12.17 Uhr Report from III./A.R. 12 :

“Enemy in battalion strength with tank support 1 kilometer south of Epron on the march in the direction of Caen.”

12.2o Uhr Enemy artillery fire east of Cussy and north of Bilot. Infantry attack alarm southwest of the road Caen - Bayeux.

12.25 Uhr Report from II./25 :

“Please hurry with relief. Mâlon is still in our hands. Enemy has broke through our positions. Unable to hold off attack. Evacuation of the wounded no longer possible.”

12.3o Uhr Enemy has broken through the 6th Company. Company has relocated. Hstuf. Tiray and Ustuf. Willing dead. Enemy tanks pushed through the 5th and 6th companies and are rolling over the positions from left to right. Two tanks destroyed in close combat. From the 7th Company no further report. Enemy tanks already in St.Contest.

12.35 Uhr Four enemy tanks moving south out of Buron.

12.4o Uhr Enemy trucks and cars already in Galmanche.

12.41 Uhr Report from III./25 :

“Enemy tanks in front of battalion command post.”

12.5o Uhr Between 09.00 - 10.00 hours enemy tanks attacked 16./25.

SS-Untersturmführer Werner killed.

12.53 Uhr Four tanks on the road Buron - Authie, southern entrance to Buron.

12.58 Uhr Strong attack alarm at III./25.

12.59 Uhr Artillery fire from southwest edge of Buron.

13.1o Uhr Report from III./25 :


13.12 Uhr Smokescreen east of Buron.

13.14 Uhr Radio signal from III./25 :

“When is help coming?”

13.15 Uhr Enemy tanks rolling past Buron direction 9th Company positions.

The 16./25 withdraws.

13.17 Uhr Six enemy tanks in front of command post III./25.

13.2o Uhr Four of our tanks moving in the direction from Buron to Cussy.

13.26 Uhr Radio signal from III./25 :

“When is help coming?”

Heavy enemy artillery fire on Cussy.

Enemy infantry in the garden in front of command post III./25.

Radio signal from II./25 :

“Where is the relief?”

13.27 Uhr Radio signal from II./25 :

“Where is the relief and tanks?? Enemy infantry 200 meters in front of command post. Curtain-fire urgently needed.”

13.28 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire east of Cussy. Enemy tanks have laid down smoke from east to west in front of Cussy.

13.35 Uhr II./25 reports :

“Between Battalion and Abteilung “Prinz” (II./Pz.Rgt.) no more contact.”

13.43 Uhr Division commander at regimental command post for briefing.

13.5o Uhr Rocket fire on Buron. Tanks pulling back into the woods east of Buron. Our artillery firing on Buron.

14.12 Uhr Question from III./25 :

“When is help coming?”

14.13 Uhr Radio message from SS-Standartenführer Meyer to III./25 :

“We are doing all we can!! Meyer.”

Order of the division commander to Corps Artillerie :

“Fire on Buron.”

14.2o Uhr Report from I./25 :

SS-Ostuf. Schümann killed.”

14.28 Uhr Friendly and enemy machine gun fire heard coming from Buron.

14.32 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire landing on Ardenne Abbey and Cussy.

14.52 Uhr Our rockets firing on Buron.

15.2o Uhr Report from III./25 : “We have been overrun by enemy infantry.”

15.21 Uhr Report from 13./25 :

“Enemy tanks moving from Authie in the direction Ardenne Abbey.”

15.3o Uhr Enemy artillery harassing fire between St.Germain - Ardenne Abbey.

15.38 Uhr Enemy tank burning west of Francqueville.

15.45 Uhr Our rockets and artillery firing on Buron.

15.5o Uhr III./25 does not answer anymore.

15.55 Uhr Enemy artillery firing air bursts on the road Francqueville - Caen.

16.o5 Uhr Heavy enemy artillery fire on Cambes.

16.1o Uhr Very heavy enemy artillery fire heard coming from the direction of Buron and Authie.

16.35 Uhr Report from neighbor unit to the right :

“Epron taken by the enemy.”

16.4o Uhr Rocket fire on Authie. One English tank burning.

16.5o Uhr Orders to III./A.R. 12 :

“Supporting fire on Authie.”

16.52 Uhr Enemy artillery fire on Francqueville, rounds landed too short.

17.07 Uhr Rocket fire on Authie.

17.12 Uhr Enemy firing smoke between Cussy and St.Contest, also Franqueville.

17.17 Uhr Enemy artillery barrages on la Folie. Artillery fire on Ardenne Abbey and the area between the Abbey and St.Germain.

17.22 Uhr Orders to Werfer-Abt. :

“Fire on Authie and the hill to the northwest.”

18.25 Uhr Report from II./25 :

“Enemy attacking the left flank. Can no longer hold Mâlon.”

18.32 Uhr Orders to II./25 :

“Positions must be held until nightfall, then withdraw to regiment CP.”

18.45 Uhr Radio report to Ia :

“26 enemy tanks in front of I./25 have broken through in Cussy.”

18.48 Uhr Radio report to Ia :

“Enemy artillery barrages since 18.00 hours landing on Ardenne Abbey and Cussy.”

Radio report to division commander and commander, SS-Pz.Rgt.12 :

“Enemy attacking road fork St.Germain. All available tanks to there.”

19.38 Uhr Orders to III./A.R. 12 :

“Fire to the last round.”

19.4o Uhr To Ia :

“Machine gun ammunition, close combat material and tank munitions urgently needed. Wünsche.”

2o.55 Uhr Regiment staff established new command post on the north edge of Caen.

21.25 Uhr Question to Ia :

“Is contact between our tanks and the I.25 and II./25 confirmed?”

22.5o Uhr No more sounds of battle can be heard in the Regiment's sector.

Casualties of SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25 on July 8, 1944 -

Killed: 5 officers, 19 NCOs, 86 enlisted.

Wounded: 1 officer, 20 NCOs, 116 enlisted.

Missing: 8 officers, 43 NCOs, 410 enlisted.”

The losses are most likely too high. The divisional history states 410 as total casualty figure for 7th & 8th July, more likely being around 500 because reports from one batallion were not included. Either way it gives an impression what kind of carnage must have unfolded there on these days and either way it must have been a black day for the regiment.

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I suppose these symbols represent a single ATG somewhere along that sunken road. On my map it is unfortunately not sunken, because sunken roads look weird in the game unless there are no elevation differences along their way.

Besides, I just read the AT ditch in front of Buron was 12 feet wide and 15 feet deep. So one action spot in width and about 5m deep. Yours looks a little to shallow.

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Besides, I just read the AT ditch in front of Buron was 12 feet wide and 15 feet deep. So one action spot in width and about 5m deep. Yours looks a little to shallow.

That is probably LOD smoothing. I see cliff textures so it must be at least 5m deep.

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I suppose these symbols represent a single ATG somewhere along that sunken road. On my map it is unfortunately not sunken, because sunken roads look weird in the game unless there are no elevation differences along their way.

Besides, I just read the AT ditch in front of Buron was 12 feet wide and 15 feet deep. So one action spot in width and about 5m deep. Yours looks a little to shallow.

My about 2 meters, I think if i do deeper tanks not cross it, but need to test, I will change deep of ditch.

I read memories from book, Canadians tell that was infantry in AT ditch, but on picture you can see mines behind ditch, I think this infantry looks like kamikaze without possibility to retreat.

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I just tried. Tanks can cross any ditch thats shallower than 5m. It looks ridiculous but they can just race through. 5m deep and they can cross. but 5m looks a little ridiculous, too. Another thing is, infantry can't move into 5m deep ditches either.

My solution would be a 4m deep ditch with Heavy Wood tile. That way infantry can, but tanks can't cross.

BTW I would assume the defenders would know a way through the mines behind the AT ditch. There was a website where I got all the 1944 aerial photos the first that also had great descriptions of the battles on July 8th, including information which company was in which town and how many prisoners were taken, but I just can't find it anymore.


Lol I just had an sudden idea what to search for and promply found it:


While 25th PGR suffered heavily, the Canadian batallions on the offensive also suffered heavily.

Also, I would advise you to add lots and lots of battle damage to the base map. I tried to portray the area as how it would have looked before any battles. By July 8th Buron had changed hands 4 times and was shelled for about a month. So lots of craters, destroyed building and rubble. Also depleted Germans. I don't know how many replacements 25th PGR would have recieved until July, but probably not too many.

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Also, I would advise you to add lots and lots of battle damage to the base map. I tried to portray the area as how it would have looked before any battles. By July 8th Buron had changed hands 4 times and was shelled for about a month. So lots of craters, destroyed building and rubble. Also depleted Germans. I don't know how many replacements 25th PGR would have recieved until July, but probably not too many.

I saw on photo many times and looks like town was not destroyed to much before 8 July, I saw craters only around the town.

10 Company had 200 mans - A private soldier named Richard Zimmat had been captured on 5 July, identifying his unit as No. 10 Company, 25th SS Panzergrenadier Regiment. His 200-man unit was deployed in the northern part of Buron, with No. 9 Company between Gruchy and Buron, No. 11 Company in St. Contest. No. 12 Company, the 3rd Battalion's Heavy Weapons Company with heavy machineguns and mortars, was deployed in support of the three rifle companies (9, 10, 11) of the battalion. Anti-personnel mines had been liberally planted to the front of their positions.

200 mans looks like a full strength for Company.

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I just tried. Tanks can cross any ditch thats shallower than 5m. It looks ridiculous but they can just race through. 5m deep and they can cross. but 5m looks a little ridiculous, too. Another thing is, infantry can't move into 5m deep ditches either.

My solution would be a 4m deep ditch with Heavy Wood tile. That way infantry can, but tanks can't cross.

BTW I would assume the defenders would know a way through the mines behind the AT ditch. There was a website where I got all the 1944 aerial photos the first that also had great descriptions of the battles on July 8th, including information which company was in which town and how many prisoners were taken, but I just can't find it anymore.


Lol I just had an sudden idea what to search for and promply found it:


While 25th PGR suffered heavily, the Canadian batallions on the offensive also suffered heavily.

Also, I would advise you to add lots and lots of battle damage to the base map. I tried to portray the area as how it would have looked before any battles. By July 8th Buron had changed hands 4 times and was shelled for about a month. So lots of craters, destroyed building and rubble. Also depleted Germans. I don't know how many replacements 25th PGR would have recieved until July, but probably not too many.

That account suggests that German infantry was dug into the AT ditch on the day of the assault

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Got it. Thanks BJ.

(Altho' I may not be playing many CM2 WW2 games until we get to the final patch(es) and modules. I support BF and will continue to buy products sight unseen, but I tire of playing "not quite right"/betas which are later improved by patches as I hate replaying anything and also having to redo a lot of my my mods everytime a patch/module is released.)

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Altho' I may not be playing many CM2 WW2 games until we get to the final patch(es) and modules. I support BF and will continue to buy products sight unseen, but I tire of playing "not quite right"/betas which are later improved by patches as I hate replaying anything and also having to redo a lot of my my mods everytime a patch/module is released.

Amen to that !

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(Altho' I may not be playing many CM2 WW2 games until we get to the final patch(es) and modules. I support BF and will continue to buy products sight unseen, but I tire of playing "not quite right"/betas which are later improved by patches as I hate replaying anything and also having to redo a lot of my my mods everytime a patch/module is released.)

God save BF, Amen!)))))))))

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've begun working on a Cambes-en-Plaine and Galmanche map, which will be very important for the I./25 battles. But the 1947 are not very good and and modern maps/satellite images can't be used because the village has totally changed since 1944.

There are some features mentioned in all reports from participants of the battles I can just not identify in the aerial photographies like some sort of big park surrounded by high (3m) stone wall or one or more chateaus.

So I thought I'd ask here. Maybe someone has a book or some other source I don't know about which has a map or even better aerial pictures (like Bloody Buron).

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*possible spoiler*


Played your Buron scenario as Germans and enjoyed it. Your love of artillery is apparent.

I didn't play it historically as set up - I moved the German trenches and placements into Buron rather than on the outskirts and that was much more survivable for the landser I suspect.

The point I wanted to ask you about - the flak guns behind the flanking hedge are set up outside the set up area and so can't be moved (which I assume was deliberate and I don't have an issue with). My problem was that they could not get LOS / LOF from behind the boacage on any of the Canadian assault force as set up - maybe a similar problem to Marders behind bocage. They were however fully visible to the Canadians and got pounded to bits by direct and indirect fire without being able to return fire.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A preview of the next map I'm working on after finishing the Buron-Authie-Cussy one.

I expect it to reach a little under 3x3 km in size. Main focus is on the town of Cambes-en-Plaine which saw combat between I./25 and the 2nd/The Royal Ulster Regiment.


Not sure what this is, until recently I believed this was the local school, but turns out, that is somewhere else and didn't exist in 1947.


View from the North showing the railway line which doesn't exist anymore, the Cambes wood and the Cambes park. I'm not sure if I have pinpointed the exact location and size of the park. I can't imagine what it was there for, but all battle accounts mention a huge 3m stone wall severly restricting movement.


The Cambes church. The real one is much less tall than the standard CMBN 8 story chuch so I had to destroy the top floors even though it doesn't look as good. Gameplay over looks in that decision.


A view of the unfinished Chateau with the park and the church in the background.


A top down view from the West. I'm a little sad that I couldn't stick to my usual "keep the roads straight" maxim, especially with the railway, but the scene just didn't allow that.

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