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John Kettler status report

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First: wish John K well on recovery from his injury.

Second: Most of his theories sound like shows from the History Channel. Should we start a History Channel is crap thread next?

Here's to John, the crusty old basterd- get well you curmudgeon.

@ Belenko: Seems like crap is all that sells on cable these days...

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What did the modal phenomenologist say when he was invited to the party Friday night? He might put in an appearance.

What did the Taoist philosopher say when he was invited to the party Friday night? "I am on the way".

What did the Marxist philosopher say when he was asked whether he was in the party Friday night? He took the fifth.

What did the esoteric philosopher do on Friday night? Wouldn't you like to know...

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What did the modal phenomenologist say when he was invited to the party Friday night? He might put in an appearance.

What did the Taoist philosopher say when he was invited to the party Friday night? "I am on the way".

What did the Marxist philosopher say when he was asked whether he was in the party Friday night? He took the fifth.

What did the esoteric philosopher do on Friday night? Wouldn't you like to know...

I thought all the Philosophers were down the pub on Friday night:


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In no particular order...

My thanks to those who expressed concern and caring for me--whether or not they agreed with many of my views. Some of you desperately need to learn compassion, as evidenced by your vile posts. You'd best hope the kinds of things visited on me to date don't happen to you--unless you think you'd enjoy a stack of assaults and no less than four car wrecks.

My detractors (one with several warnings), as usual, spare no lies in their efforts to vilify and slander me. I have NEVER advocated drinking bleach. This is a deliberate distortion of a story in which a man put his Alheizmer's diseased wife in a very warm bath after first giving her a big dose of MSM, which opened up the pores and allowed the aluminum to leave her brain and bond to the chlorine in the weak bleach solution (about a cup of bleach for the entire tub of water). In very short order, she recognized her devoted husband and was able to function again.

JFK was killed by a cabal, and the key players are all now known. LBJ's personal attorney directly identified him as being involved in the plot. Also involved were key LBJ contributor Billy Sol Estes, Gov. John Connolly (My God, they're gonna kill all of us!), the Cabbell brothers (one Director of Ops at CIA, the other Dallas chief of Police; Kennedy had vowed to destroy the CIA), Hoover (in the coverup; hated the Kennedy's), the CIA's ZR Rifle, CIA personnel Hunt, Harrelson, etc., the Mob and someone later to become notorious, Carlos Ilyich Sanchez (the Jackal). He supposedly fired the kill shot. Am told there's a period picture of Bush Senior in front of the Grassy Knoll. He's leaning on a rifle (muzzle down) like it was a cane. Bush and Nixon were both in Dallas that day. The special Army Intel advance detachment which normally secured presidential visits by removing threats and closing windows along the route was ordered to stand down and not leave Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. This is just the tip.

I have spoken with an expert military rifleman who got to shoot Oswald's rifle, thanks to a former military connection with abuddy who later became a Warren Commission attorney. It was so awful that he got no hits, after 50 shots, on a full body target from 20' range! So, how did "Maggie's drawers" Oswald accomplish all those shots, firing down onto a car moving away from him (much harder than level fire on a static target, let alone with a rifle with a loose front scope mount and an action described to me as "felt like gravel" (improves speed and accuracy, right?)? If you knew the history f replicated condition firing tests, you'd know they've been epic failures. The only success was with a marksman and a thoroughly gone through weapon. Not even sure it was a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano, never mind the random thing Samuel Cummings's InterArms shipped Oswald. I've seen some of the InterArms Kar98Ks, and they were in frightful shape. And the Kar98K was a great rifle to begin with, unlike the Mannlicher-Carcano. Nor did 200+ people who witnessed things or knew things all die within the next few years, way before their actuarial life expectancies, by accident. They were murdered, with others intimidated into terrified silence.

My commitment is to truth, however ugly, shocking or outright incredible it may appear to be. Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction. And well do I know it! In deference to Steve G, I won't take this any farther in terms of "Other" specifics. If you can't or won't accept the overwhelming evidence, that's your problem. Whole countries have now released their once classified files.


John Kettler


Loved the philosopher jokes!

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I read this thread, and some of the discussions with John Kettler on the linked threads (not even one thing on one of his links, mind you), and now I've got myself a huge headache.

Nevertheless, welcome back John, because the discussions and reactions that your opinions create, sometimes produce a big smile on my face.

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Then why are my critics frowning?


John Kettler

Well John, I'm not entirely certain, but maybe they're not insecure enough to realize that folks that use an overwhelming amount of arguments and/or information are basically insecure. Just like judgmental people, macho people or arrogant (yours truly?!) people or condescending people or bossy people or power hungry people or whatever people, and nearly everybody else.

You can only really smile at things in life when you understand that nearly everything we people do, is based on our inner fears and/or insecurity. You then can smile because you know that what you do or say, is in fact not very much better or worse than what anyone else says or does.

But make no mistake, it's not a happy smile. Practically all wars and crimes and other nasty things we humans do unto one another, find their origin in insecurity. So there ain't to much to smile about, except for the strange realization we're all, no one excluded, dumb f#$kers from time to time.

I certainly am, and that's why I smile.:)

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In no particular order...

This is a deliberate distortion of a story in which a man put his Alheizmer's diseased wife in a very warm bath after first giving her a big dose of MSM, which opened up the pores and allowed the aluminum to leave her brain and bond to the chlorine in the weak bleach solution (about a cup of bleach for the entire tub of water). In very short order, she recognized her devoted husband and was able to function again.

...Carlos Ilyich Sanchez (the Jackal). He supposedly fired the kill shot. Am told there's a period picture of Bush Senior in front of the Grassy Knoll. He's leaning on a rifle (muzzle down) like it was a cane. ...

My commitment is to truth, however ugly, shocking or outright incredible it may appear to be. Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction. And well do I know it! In deference to Steve G, I won't take this any farther in terms of "Other" specifics. If you can't or won't accept the overwhelming evidence, that's your problem. Whole countries have now released their once classified files.


John Kettler


Loved the philosopher jokes!

And the truth shall be self evident and set you free. No independent third party verification needed!


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You can only really smile at things in life when you understand that nearly everything we people do, is based on our inner fears and/or insecurity. You then can smile because you know that what you do or say, is in fact not very much better or worse than what anyone else says or does.

I certainly am, and that's why I smile.:)

Isnt it more like that everything we do in life is based on our drive to satisfy or most basic instincts? Every wish higher than that is just abstracted. When we send a robot probe to mars for example we do that not out of learned fear or insecurity but rather because we hope that the knowledge gained will one day help us to fill our plates with more food, make us live longer and give us the chance to increase the rate at wich we reproduce (ie have more sex).

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JK, I am glad you have recuperated from your misfortune. I enjoy your groggy contributions to this forum and the links you provide. :)

I do not condone the personal attacks on you and your outside beliefs by members of this forum nor do I condone your publishing your personal (off topic) conspiracy beliefs inside the CMBN forum. I believe the moderators should shut down or delete any of the above infractions immediately.

I do appreciate your zest for contribution to this forum in all aspects towards game play.

If everyone would/could/should keep these parameters in mind I think this forum would be a better place.

That being said, this forum is one of the more civil forums I have visited and I respect the vast amount of (Factual)knowledge shared on this forum.


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I have NEVER advocated drinking bleach. This is a deliberate distortion of a story in which a man put his Alheizmer's diseased wife in a very warm bath after first giving her a big dose of MSM, which opened up the pores and allowed the aluminum to leave her brain and bond to the chlorine in the weak bleach solution (about a cup of bleach for the entire tub of water). In very short order, she recognized her devoted husband and was able to function again.


My commitment is to truth, however ugly, shocking or outright incredible it may appear to be.

I was relieved to read the latter part of this post. As such you should accept the basic truth that there is NO link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. This was an urban myth which circulated in the 1970's - but is competely unfounded. There is a brain disease associated with absorption of aluminum sulphate through the gut which can lead to a rare form of dementia but its pathology is distinguishable from that of Alzheimer's disease and moreover is extremely rare - the most famous case being when a water supply became contaminated in the UK in the 1980's and one woman died some two decades later.

I looked at some of the sources you have posted elsewhere on many of your other posts - all of which I considered unconvincing and inadequate but each to his own I guess.

Nevertheless, what does concern and provoked me to write this post is when I saw a reference somewhere to the "New World Order" conspiracy. Now, I have nothing else to go on regarding your personal beliefs in this area but from my personal knowledge this theory appears to lend heavily on the extreme wacko idea that there is a Jewish Socialist conspiracy that has plotted to subvert "good old old Adam Smithian capitalism" (whatever that really is) and replace it with jewish controlled western corporate capitalism, it was apparently responsible for communism and Soviet Russia, created an entire mythology around the Haulocaust (which was grossly exaggerated, or worse, didn't even occur), is responsible for the growth of "welfarism" in the developed nations (as well as other social democratic ideologies) and is now the hidden hand behind all Govt - by controlling global finance - and is thus ushering in a "New World Order" where Jewery and Zionists will rule the world.

Now, being a tolerant guy I don't have an issue with wacky beliefs and ideas but this is one specific area where I am apt to take gross offence. The proponents of these ideas and their works are, entirely without exception, the most discredited socio-political writers/ historians on the block. Few, if any have enjoyed any academic training, are not affiliated to any academic institution or body, or not even recognised by scholars in the academic field. Their claims are spurious at best and a great body of their work is unsupported, unsubstantiated and often easily debunked by even the casual reader via a quick wikipedia search.

The problem for me is that; where belief in psi, pyramids on Mars or even an inside job on the Twin Towers I can easily ignore as harmless nonsense perpetuated by crazies, there's something altogether more deeply insidious and alarming about preaching to a guilable readership the falacies that are cynically developed and presented to form the basis for fostering contempt for Judaism and Jewish people by systemically distorting historical understanding in thinly veiled anti-semetic propoganda.

In summary John, I hope you'd agree that absorbing conspiracy material is a gauntlet walk for the more impressionable amongst the population. Such persons are apparently very easily duped into believing that the claims have substance & merit where they actually do not. Your story about Alzheimer's cured with bleach being merely an innocuous case in point of a deficit in the capacity of some people to exercise judgement founded on; healthy scepticism; the qualification of available evidence; and the overiding principle of rationality and reason.

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