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"Gustav Line"... Where is the French Expeditionnary Corps ?

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What a great news ! A new module is coming !

I have just looked the new unit list and... I'm a bit disappointed !! (or demanding ;)

More than 100 000 french soldiers fought on the italian theatre, involved in major battles of the peninsula.

Mountain troops, goumiers, morrocan and algerian tirailleurs broke the Gustav Line during the Garigliano Battle and we have no trace of them in the new module.

I know that developping a new product request many hours of hard work (and few dollars...) and some commercial choices but it's a pity, in my opinion, that this module is not "complete".

Perhaps they will be present on a futur add-on ?

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Nope, just reality dictating that we can't have everything all at one time.

Look at the list of what is included and then maybe you will understand better. Someone could equally argue that not including the 16th SS or Indians or South Africans is a "sick joke". And if we included the Free French, but not the Poles or Canadians, don't you think someone would make a post similar to yours?

The problem with Italy is there were SO MANY different forces fighting all at the same time. It was probably the single largest mix of international forces until modern times. Maybe Korea had more, but I haven't done a side by side comparison. In short... there is no way we can put everything into this one Module.


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I have seen that there are AA units, but it does mean that there are planes entering the map so to have a fight between them?.

It's a good habit to have good read of the new responses to threads in the forum before asking questions. If you haven't the patience to do that, then you might struggle with CMx2.

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I really wanted to have the French in this release. I've wanted to have the French military since the Shock Force days. In fact, they were the last element that I reluctantly cut from this module's scope. The "problem" is that this module is already packed tight with new material, and we have our hands full with the new equipment and nations. The Italian front had a collection of forces/nationalities/equipment that was among the most varied in the war, probably even within the twentieth century. There's just no way we can cover all of them in one or two releases and still have this made in a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable cost. We have a finite amount of time and personnel resources in which to make this, so to include the French we'd have to cut something else for the module. And then we'd have this exact same query, but with the word "French" replaced with "New Zealand" or "Polish". ;) Either way, someone isn't going to get something they want.

Luckily, with future Packs we can continue to fill in the gaps. :)

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any good pics of the french forces at monte cassino or other battles i found some online but they just look like canadians or the poles another country armed with commonwealth weapons and uniforms... If so whats the point how many countries do we need using the same stuff?

Yes, you're right... partially !

Free French Forces were re-equiped, after the tunisian campaign, with american material but they continued to use many pieces of french equipement (helmet, gazmask bag, kepis...).

Moreover, african troops were dressed with traditional stuffs.

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In Korea, the Communist forces had the North Koreans, the Chinese after the first six months, and a few Russian pilots who mostly stayed close to the border (mostly).

The Free World forces had the South Koreans, the Americans, two British brigades plus a commonwealth brigade of (mostly) Canadians and Australians, smaller contigents from New Zealand and South Africa; a full brigade of Turks, battalions from the Philippines (the role actually rotated, 4 different units served at different times) and from Thailand, and from the rest of NATO a battalion each from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece, also battalions from Ethiopia and Columbia. Tiny Luxembourg sent one platoon (78 men total served in it, full war) who served with the Belgians. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy and India each sent medical units (a hospital ship in the case of the Danes). (It might also be noted that occupied Japan provided massive logistical support, though not troops).

Operationally, the British ran their own division with the commonwealth forces (initially a brigade, grew to division size in 1951), while the others were embedded in US formations, typically 2 battalions per US division. Thus the French and Dutch served beside each other on the US 2nd Infantry division, the Belgians and Greeks in the US 3rd Infantry, the Thais and Filipinos in the US 1st Cavalry, Columbians and Ethiopians in the US 7th Infantry, while the Turks formed a full brigade in the US 25th Infantry.


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I would love to see a Korea game, lots of good books on that. I strongly recommend David Halberstam's "The Coldest Winter" to anyone who has not read it.

I just wanted to add that the defenders of the world revolution also had a hodgepodge of nationalities. Now that Soviet archives have been opened, we have found out that the Soviets used to rotate east european squadrons as well into the war, so you also had east german, polish and czech pilots who flew against the capitalist invaders.

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Ok then, the score by my count is Korea 18 Allies (not counting those who sent only medical units) and 2 Red forces.

Italy by my count is 13 Allies off the top of my head:




New Zealand

France to which I have added-








and of course later Italy

please chime in with more.

Axis: Germany and Italy (in Sicily) of course and I'm going to guess Croatia.

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Sequoia - South Africa had an entire armored division in the Italian campaign - the 6th Armoured Division.

Australian did not have ground forces, but did provide a fighter wing and a few naval escorts in support of the invasion, and a couple of fighter squadrons that fought through the whole campaign. One RAAF Wellington squadron transferred to Italy after supporting the invasion of southern France (from Sicily) and operated out of Foggia for the last 8 months of the war.

The British commandos formation Commando Number 10 used small contingents from occupied powers and assorted volunteers. And in particular, its Number 4 troop was composed of free Belgians (7 officers and 100 enlisted men) and fought in Italy with the 2nd Special Service Brigade.

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There was the Jewish Bde in Italy ... not sure how you'd count them though. Either nominally independent, or perhaps part of Britain, like Scotland, Wales, and (Northern) Ireland?

Newfoundland was an independent colony during WWII, and the 166th (Newfoundland) Field Regiment served in Italy.

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To Sgt Joch on Korean war books - if you haven't read it, you must read "The Last Stand of Fox Company", about one Marine company's fight in the Chosin against the main Chinese attack. One of the better books on small unit actions, right up there with We Were Soldiers Once and Young.

There is in particular one account of a green Chinese battalion attacking across open ground late in the fight that reads like a rather gruesome CM testbed - and could be cited to show what MG firepower does to people too tactically dumb to respect it...

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This is a bit amusing considering the ongoing nostalgia for heavily abstracted CMx1. You want French, Algerians, Brazilians? Just type into your scenario orders "The forces on the Map are Brazilians". Heck, using that technique you can have methane-breathing moon people fighting! Just tell us beforehand so we can imagine the methane bottle backpacks and plexiglass helmets. :)

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This is a bit amusing considering the ongoing nostalgia for heavily abstracted CMx1. You want French, Algerians, Brazilians? Just type into your scenario orders "The forces on the Map are Brazilians". Heck, using that technique you can have methane-breathing moon people fighting! Just tell us beforehand so we can imagine the methane bottle backpacks and plexiglass helmets. :)

Imagine? You mean there isn't a uniform mod for that yet?

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