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Game questions

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Just started playing the game and had some questions about it and was hoping someone could answer these :)

Thialand and IndoChina -

These were occupied by Japan historicaly but in the game they do not. Does Japan have to attack Indochina to get this area of is there something Japan needs to do trigger it to switch? Does Japan have use diplomatic influence to get Thailand to join the Axix. Seems like a waste of MMP to me :)

Pearl -

How many CVs does japan need? Historically they had six. As there are no fleets in the game and the scale is so large, that a single CV counter is mutiple CVs. Or am I wrong and each CV is a single carrier? I also assume that grouping them into fleets is not something the game allows correct?

Just to be safe, I sent all my CVs to Pearl (a total of five due to thinking more than one CV was in a group). After attacking Pearl two turns in a row, the results sucked imh. Sank one BBand most of my planes on the CVs were whiped out. My Naval attack value was 1 at the time. How high should it have been and how many CVs should I have sent?

I was very surprised that opposed landings by AVs are not allowed. Attacking with AVs do not seem to do much damage so if is hard to clear a spot. My Amphib Assult is 1. What should it be?

I noramlly put 1 point into a bunch of different (as a lot of it looks good :)) Should I be doubling (or tripling) some areas? Other than INF of course. I generally like to boost Ind and prod for Japan and Ger. Is that bad?

Thanks for all the help and look forward to the replies.

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Hi Numdydar

Welcome to the forum! :)

Both countries start unoccupied as French Indochina wasn't invaded by the Japanese until September 1940, and Thailand until December 1941.

Invading is generally the best way. But be warned that invasions can cause some annoyance to neutrals like the US.

For Pearl Harbor, 3 carriers should generally suffice, but check that they are in the right mode. Carriers have different settings:

Combat Air Patrol - i.e. Fighters

Naval/Tactical - for attacking ships and, to a lesser extent, ground targets

Mixed - which is trying to get the best of both worlds.

Right click on a carrier before doing anything with it to change its mode.

Most attacks at Pearl Harbor should be in Naval/Tactical mode.

You are generally right to spread your research, and Industrial and Production Technology are good as preparations for a long war.

Don't forget to check out the Manual too, as that might help with some of your decisions!

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Just started playing the game and had some questions about it and was hoping someone could answer these :)

I was very surprised that opposed landings by AVs are not allowed. Attacking with AVs do not seem to do much damage so if is hard to clear a spot. My Amphib Assult is 1. What should it be?

I noramlly put 1 point into a bunch of different (as a lot of it looks good :)) Should I be doubling (or tripling) some areas? Other than INF of course. I generally like to boost Ind and prod for Japan and Ger. Is that bad?

Thanks for all the help and look forward to the replies.

Hi Numdydar.

In SC it is not possible to do an amphib "all-out assault", you need to unload on an empty tile.

Granted, all-out assaults against occupied tiles would help the game, espacially the AI. But, as you already found out on your own, it is not possible to do this right now, the current game engine don't allow this.

Regarding the carrier attacks:

use your right mouse button to click on a carrier to change between the different modes:

Mode Fighter (Combat Air Patrol / CAP)


Mode Naval/Tactical


Mode Mix


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All out amphibious attack....hmmm...let's see = first of all try to get your amphibious tech as high as possible = attack value. Next, park your best naval shore bombardment units next to the target, usually BBs and CAs. Now bring your carriers into range of the target and if there are close airbases, station your TAC units within range of your target, and it's always a good idea to have them HQ supported. In fact you will want all your attacking units at the highest degree of readiness and morale possible.

Now for the mission, all out amphibious attack = bombard, ie. presoften your target with the BBs and CAs then move away. Bring your amphibious attack units adjacent to the target as your bombarding units were and give the target "Hell" with their attacks. Now, if you have landbased air(TAC) in range, sorti them to hit any targets that may have survived the previous attacks, the defenders will surely be reeling by now from the maelstrom.

If there are surviving units, then it's time to bring offshore CAGs from your attack CVs to bare and concentrate them on the weakest unit still effective to vanquish it so that you may land your previous deployed amphibs and attack with them once they are on dry land.

If this doesn't capture the target, then try again the next turn, but beware enemy reactions, the first assault is usually the most effective.

Now for the "mix"(yellow) mode of CV/CAG units. If you are attacking a tile that you may not have reconnoitred to the fullest extent and there is a possibility of enemy fighter interception then it is better to send your attack bombers with an escort of fighters to minimize their(bombers) losses over the target.

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