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Baseless Speculation on the Market-Garden Module

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Hi all,

Has anything been hinted about the contents of the next CMBN module? We know that it focuses on Market-Garden, but it also brings the war in Western Europe up to the point just before the snow terrain falls.

This thread is for guesses and hopefully confirmation (or pooh-poohing, mockery, and locking) by Battlefront. What else will be included in the module? What do we need?


King Tiger (Henschel turret)

Slightly later Shermans

Are there later British tanks to worry about?

In any case, I don't think this is going to be a big vehicle module.


German Fallschirmjagers

Polish Airborne

French military units--would these look like anything other than less experienced Americans?

I wonder if we might get the addition of partisan irregulars.


The largest amount of new material might be on the map itself. The terrain needs to look less Norman and more Northern, meaning not just new colors and new trees but different buildings and the ability to make convincing urban terrain. Aachen, anyone? I'm assuming (since we're going to Arnhem) that we'll also see long, impressive bridges wide enough to allow actual maneuver.

Game Mechanics:

Every module is accompanied by a significant patch, but CMBN should already have received its version 2 update before Market-Garden. Still, I wonder if we'll see the addition of anything surprising. Assault boats, perhaps?

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Off the top of my head, add:

- Significant revisions to the American Airborne TOEs, which changed a lot between Normandy and MG. Probably also some changes in British Airborne TOEs, too (I'm less familiar with these).

- Assuming the module is intended to cover a time period extending a bit beyond the the end of the formal MG operation so that it is contiguous with the future Battle of the Bulge game family, Pz-60s. The Pz-60 started production in September '44 and so probably started reaching frontline troops in October '44. Pz-100s didn't start production until November '44 so I doubt we'll see these until the Bulge game.

- M18 Hellcats and M36 Jacksons. IIRC, neither of these vehicles played a significant role in MG itself, but both of these were definitely arriving in theatre by Sept. '44, and were certainly active in combat by Oct. '44.

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Also speaking of the AA weapons. I really feel they're needed in the games, there was a lot of 20mm German weapons that we're not seeing that were commonly used.

Even more so, in several recent PBEMs Ive had aircraft used against me. My first issue is I think the air support is way to accurate as it is. The 'bullet stream' is very tight and not very spread out or long. I dont think even modern aircraft could do so well. But whatever, I can accept it, and I welcome the addition of aircraft to the game if nothing else for variety. But cant we get it like how CMx1 was, I dont care about seeing the plane, or effects of AAA but as it is now if you get airplanes used against you, you're simply a helpless bystander watching them circle round and round mangling your troops. Which is fine if you have no AAA, but what about when you have assets that would normally be AAA? I think if nothing else the weapons should be able to shoot up in the air at the invisible plane and get a % chance of driving off the attack..

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How about fixed demo charges for destroying bridges? Not use useful in single battles, but in campaign mode, it could be a pivotal decision for the German defenders.

I would image they'd work like TRP's.

Actually, you can do that with a TRP and a large-calibre naval artillery module with 'severe' ammo. Pu the TRP on or under the bridge, then when the TRP owner decides it's time to blow it, they call in the heavy guns. There should only be a couple of rounds that arrive, but at 15" or 16", a couple of rounds should be all it takes. And, there's always the chance that the rounds will miss and leave the birdge intact, which represents the chance that the dems fail (see: Nijmegen; Nijmegen Bridge; Demolitions; Bridge Commander; Conniption).

For extra l337-ness, you can set the bridge as a 'Preserve' objective for the side that needs the bridge in an operational state (and/or the side that has the naval artillery under their control - that way they have the power to destroy the bridge, as well as the incentive to keep it intact).

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If the game gives bridges a way to be wired for demolition, then it also needs to give enemy engineers/pioneers the capability to unwire them (provided they can get close enough and remain unsuppressed enough to accomplish it). For example, make the "Mark Mines" order function on bridges in such a way that they can detect whether a bridge is wired, and (given enough time) disarm the charges.

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Also speaking of the AA weapons. I really feel they're needed in the games, there was a lot of 20mm German weapons that we're not seeing that were commonly used.

Even more so, in several recent PBEMs Ive had aircraft used against me. My first issue is I think the air support is way to accurate as it is. The 'bullet stream' is very tight and not very spread out or long. I dont think even modern aircraft could do so well. But whatever, I can accept it, and I welcome the addition of aircraft to the game if nothing else for variety. But cant we get it like how CMx1 was, I dont care about seeing the plane, or effects of AAA but as it is now if you get airplanes used against you, you're simply a helpless bystander watching them circle round and round mangling your troops. Which is fine if you have no AAA, but what about when you have assets that would normally be AAA? I think if nothing else the weapons should be able to shoot up in the air at the invisible plane and get a % chance of driving off the attack..

Seems to me that more often than not the reaction of units actually engaged, or expecting to be engaged in ground combat at any moment would be to move to cover and hide in the face of air attack rather than attempt to return fire. Spraying tracer up into the air is a great way to let enemy ground units nearby know exactly where you are.

However, I completely agree with your other statements regarding air attack. CAS in CMBN (a) is way to easy to call in, (B) comes in way to quickly, © spots and directly targets enemy units on the ground, especially infantry, way too easily and (d) is way too accurate, especially strafing runs.

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I wonder if an easier way to do that would be to designate a "firing point" which the blowing side must occupy in order to dem the bridge. I'm not aware of any cases where engineers were able to successfully disarm dems charges while under fire. But there are cases where the firing point was rendered ineffective (again, see: Nijmegen; Nijmegen Bridge; Demolitions; Bridge Commander; Conniption) and thsu the bridge saved.*

*although, in the Nijmegen case, it may have been that Dutch dood that saved the bridge by disabling the dems ... days before the battle occurred.

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Also, how about a change to the way water levels work on maps -- since much of Holland is below sea level. I don't think the old "use marsh terrain as fake water" trick would work as well in Holland, and it would be nice to see the canals actually flowing above the land terrain level, with the land lower and behind the dikes.

It's possible to do this now. All water on a map take the elevation of the lowest water tile, not the lowest tile. It's therefore quite possible to have an elevated canal above lower lying terrain.

Imagine the following string of numbers as a cross section of a map, with the elevations as noted. Green for grass, blue for water, black for road.

10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 13 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10

This will create a 5m tall dyke running through the middle of a paddock that is 10m above sea level, and the dyke fill of water that is 3m higher than the paddock. The road running along the top of the dyke gives the dyke wall a nice vertical aspect.

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Also speaking of the AA weapons. I really feel they're needed in the games, there was a lot of 20mm German weapons that we're not seeing that were commonly used.

Even more so, in several recent PBEMs Ive had aircraft used against me. My first issue is I think the air support is way to accurate as it is. The 'bullet stream' is very tight and not very spread out or long. I dont think even modern aircraft could do so well. But whatever, I can accept it, and I welcome the addition of aircraft to the game if nothing else for variety. But cant we get it like how CMx1 was, I dont care about seeing the plane, or effects of AAA but as it is now if you get airplanes used against you, you're simply a helpless bystander watching them circle round and round mangling your troops. Which is fine if you have no AAA, but what about when you have assets that would normally be AAA? I think if nothing else the weapons should be able to shoot up in the air at the invisible plane and get a % chance of driving off the attack..

I'd like to see the 20mm in game and even more I'd like to see it used against aircraft - even if it just has a % chance to put them off as Sublime suggests.

My experience of enemy air is similar to Sublime's - enemy aircraft circle around and every other turn, swoop in to obliterate a squad with Star-Wars-like accuracy.

I know that 20mm and similar flak didn't necessarily have a great chance to bring down a plane ( although they did from time to time ), but I also know from pilots' accounts that it freaked them out plenty - so really, the presence of firing flak - ie. larger than MG - should at least dramatically increase the chance that the strafe misses its target.

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