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How Do I Find Other Eos Players?

bill brock

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This is a good place to start. I'd generally avoid posting your email in the forums, since bots might read it and collect your email address for spamming. But, if people respond to your message in the forums, you can private message them and send your email address (which will keep it out of sight from spam bots).

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Hi Berto,

I live in Texas, but actually lived in Italy for three months many years ago. Italy is actually one of my most favorite countries, really like it there. So I'll see if I can post my email in my profile. Like Brit said I probably won't post my email on this forum page. But it would be great to get a game going.

Bill B.

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This is a good place to start. I'd generally avoid posting your email in the forums, since bots might read it and collect your email address for spamming. But, if people respond to your message in the forums, you can private message them and send your email address (which will keep it out of sight from spam bots).

Hi Brit, I still have not found any players. I feel like a rookie at a singles bar. If you have any friends who might want to try a multi player PBEM game of EOS, please have them contact me at billb166@yahoo.com.



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