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Syrian Civil War - Baba Amr (DAR)

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Ceasefires are nonsense unless informally agreed to by local commanders. The entire opposition knows they will be murdered the moment they fall under the authority and guns of the Assads again.

However dramatic the humanitarian disaster, the cities aren't truly where the Syrian Civil War is being decided -- the regime shows the reporters only what it wants them to see. I would look instead to the classified NSA satellite imagery that is cataloguing the ramp-up of the IED (roadside bomb) campaign that is, drip by drip, strangling the mech-heavy Syrian army by striking its lengthy logistical tail out in the countryside.

But again, let's keep this thread focused on the game.

Imagine, SBurke, that you have only half as many AFVs to conduct our current game (the others are immobile at base, for lack of spares), and ~20% more poorly trained and undermotivated Shabiha militiamen (OK, they've now been issued body armour) instead? While whatever they say to the cameras, the elite Special Forces units are depleted and weary from being used time and time again for costly close assaults against do-or-die resistance.

In contrast, the weary FSA militias also have slightly fewer infantry but twice as many RPGs, and also have booby traps and IED "paintcan" explosively formed penetrators. These are now manufactured in local workshops using knowhow brought in from Iraq and refined over 8 years of fighting against a vastly more capable opponent.

I'd call foul and say you were stacking the deck in our PBEM :D

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Ah, yes, that I agree with wholeheartedly. But the premise of having the FSA having more "armour" on hand in a tactical engagement than a defected BMP or two seems to me implausible -- as you likely know, there's a lot of complex logistics involved in keeping a mechanized formation in the field. Were a large chunk of the Syrian army command to defect, "liberating" a large segment of the country a la Libya, well that's something else entirely. But I'm not personally inclined to model what-ifs like that right now.

The specific topic of interest to me was: why the hell did it take the Syrian Army so long to "retake" Baba Amr with all those tanks, against an enemy armed with only a few RPGs. And by the way, there's still plenty of rebel activity in Homs, 8 months later. Most of the city is still not under government control, although the FSA hasn't formally declared itself in control either for fear of inviting another savage artillery bombardment.

SB, you know what, I'm gonna take a raincheck on Baba Amr until you get back. Want to do a touch more modding for Dienbienphu, which is sucking me in deeper the more I read. Fascinating battle, for both sides!

Have look at the link seems interesting. I've also see a really well camouflaged t-72 covered with foilage an matresses having its NSV used to dish out some AA fire on helos in Aleppo. the more stockpiles of ammo an fuel they capture along with the armor needed, were gonna see more mechanized operations from the FSA.


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Hmm, very interesting blog, thanks. As you likely know very well, these things aren't cars, so I stick with my previous statement. As I noted before, using a defected AFV or two as a semi-static heavy weapons position is a very different proposition from operating a truly mechanized unit. And I suspect it's only a short time before such vehicles are located and destroyed -- by helicopters most likely.

To me this says more about the continuing parlous state of Syrian army morale than about any fundamental change in the FSA's ability to conduct conventional warfare, however keenly we CMSFers might wish it.

Per my OP, I'm going to refrain from further comment so as not to get sucked into yet another "Who Are The Good Guys, Really?" debate....

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Very close range. Was the "unlucky one" manned? I could not make out any movement before it got really "unlucky" and the secondary snake eyes.

Numbers I heard recently of official "registered refugees" from Syria almost 480,000. This was expected to climb to > 700,000 by 2013 I think. Most of these folks left with the clothes on their backs and not much else.

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I'm seeing a lot of videos of Assad's forces losing armored vehicles to the lightly armed rebels. Also, Assad's forces cannot seem to hold supply corridors between Demascus and Alleppo. One would think that there would be a distinct advantage to having armored forces and air power to hold territory against rebels with AK's and RPGs, primarily. Makes me wonder if Syrian government troops are just so unmotivated that they cannot be relied upon to fight on the ground alongside the armor, leaving flanks exposed to RPG attacks. Maybe it's just atrocious use of combined arms forces.

Perhaps it's just that the combined arms forces vs. uncons ~2 hour long battles I am used to in CMSF do not translate well to slower moving skirmishes that can last for days or weeks in real life in Syria. Perhaps the combined arms are actually there on Assad's side, but over weeks of rebels sneaking in and launching RPGs they are able to whittle away the armor advantage more slowly than can be simulated well in CMSF.

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"Syria - More SAA tank footage from Darayya 16/12";


"Syria - SAA frontline in Darayya. Dec 15, 2012 [english subtitles]";


"Syria - Battle in Darayya 14/12"


Lots of random firing from the BMPs to preempt ambushes along the city roads.

I got to say im wincing at how the vehicles are used in these cramped spaces. They got to be pretty desperate to use them like this. Vital supply routes have to be kept it seems.

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Schmoly War,

I have no idea how good the vehicle sounds are in CMSF, but I was mightily impressed by the few minutes I've watched so far of your first vid. I LOVE a vid in which you can hear things without whatever "musical stylings" someone adds to the video. Really excellent sound recordings of the BMP-2, something I never heard before! Cool interior shots. First time I've seen any view through a BMP firing port.


John Kettler

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17 minutes of MOUT from the Syrian side of the fence. T-72, BMP-1, BMD-1 in combat. Some very good footage, to include armor advancing with Syrian infantry, observed firing of AFV weapons and hits on buildings, infantry combat, mouseholes. Extended sequence in some sort of armored command vehicle, complete with so many AK hits it practically sounds like rain coming down. Yet again, I marvel that people will do this stuff. Syrian infantry seem to have a huge herding problem when not advancing.

Baba Amr after the siege!


Baba Amr November 2011 (great street fighting audio)



John Kettler

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  • 2 weeks later...
At 13:08 and on through the rest of the video, you can see the world's worst machine gunner ply his trade.

Painful to watch. I gave a little cheer when he finally managed to squeeze off a few shots.

Someone needs to tell some of these guys that unless there is a skyscaper the other side of the wall, holding your weapon up over your head and firing over the wall 45 degrees into the sky is just converting good ammunition into noise for no reason.

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