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What ever happened to 'Fionn'?

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noob - ha! you'd be surprised - if you met a lot of my ex girlfriends the families were intimidating, and they didnt even realize it. Sometimes seeing where someone comes from really enlightens you as to why people are the way they were.

however I meant specific examples - like a lot of 'urban' youth get out of school and flood the public transit system at certain times of day. And they like to sag their pants, yell n*gga to eachother as a noun, adjective, expletive, really as an all purpose word for everything. And I also have noticed these said 'urban' 15-16-17 years olds notice when people get annoyed, or in one case when this old black lady winced every time they said n*gga so of course they started doing it more. Made them feel powerful I assume. Maybe they just didnt care. Ive noticed it quite a bit though, and I've noticed their outrageous behavior is in direct proportion to how many weak, female, or otherwise normally victimized parts of the population are around. Anyways Im gonna stop on the topic what Ive just posted has a good chance of having this thread locked, and Ive probably revealed quite a bit about my personal biases as well.

That being said I've been equally unimpressed with my ex gf's (and mother of my son) family in the projects in south boston. they epitomize 21st century white trash. I.E. theyre all addicted to crack and heroin (well mostly. 13 out of 15) and use words like 'boughten' and stuff. Oh and they're on food stamps, live in subsidized housing, and yet always have new nikes and have comcast cable with .. wait for it.. EVERY MOVIE CHANNEL. priorities seem to be in order.

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However Im starting to notice people younger than me, and my age as well seem to find any sort of neutral or negative face to face encounter as a frightening confrontation and therefore will lie, not tell the truth, or generally avoid any situation that involves them saying anything thats not positive to someones face.

You have just described what makes Britain great.

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That's outrageous !!!....what sort of people would use their families to intimidate people ?!?! they should intimidate people themselves !!!

heh heh meet my family, they'd intimidate Assad. Maybe I can hook him up with my sister, that'd alter things in Syria.

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CMx2 and how the round in the tanks breech magically fits whatever it's shooting at as expedient fix, I don't like it. I'm not a game designer, and we could argue the pro's and cons. I just think tanks should have a default HE or AP round in the chamber.

In an ideal world, sure. But whihc should it be - HE or AP? Or Smoke? Or HEAT? Paint? Or ..? Why? When? Under what curcumstances? What if you want to change?

In this world, going with what I think is the very minor absraction of Schrödinger's Round means that a bunch of annoying and mostly useless UI can be omitted, and the AI doesn't need a ton of work so it can devine what kind of ammo 'should' be loaded in any and every conceivable situation.

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You have just described what makes Britain great.

I thought it was the gobs of puke and urine in Piccadilly circus on a Friday night. I swear if my company sends me there for another office upgrade I am asking they foot the bill for some decent waterproof footwear.

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noob - ha! you'd be surprised - if you met a lot of my ex girlfriends the families were intimidating, and they didnt even realize it. Sometimes seeing where someone comes from really enlightens you as to why people are the way they were.

however I meant specific examples - like a lot of 'urban' youth get out of school and flood the public transit system at certain times of day. And they like to sag their pants, yell n*gga to eachother as a noun, adjective, expletive, really as an all purpose word for everything. And I also have noticed these said 'urban' 15-16-17 years olds notice when people get annoyed, or in one case when this old black lady winced every time they said n*gga so of course they started doing it more. Made them feel powerful I assume. Maybe they just didnt care. Ive noticed it quite a bit though, and I've noticed their outrageous behavior is in direct proportion to how many weak, female, or otherwise normally victimized parts of the population are around.

You must have put in a staggering amount of research to come to those conclusions, i look forward to reading your paper, please post a link to it when it is ready.

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One possibility is that people could be physically wired into the Internet - so that a painful shock can be administered.

Actually, nowadays this should be possible via Wireless.

I'm VERY OLD - over 40 - and I occasionally have critical thoughts about The Younger Generation - when I'm not staring at their tits - as in 'they're all becoming totally crazy - peering into gadgets all the time'.

But really, I don't think that people are becoming more socially inept - anonymity has always brought out the worst in people, and the Internet just allows more anonymity.

Wargamers by their nature tend to be immature and socially inept - present company excepted, of course.

All this War Talk the general public gets constantly on the TV and at the movies also has a certain effect.

Men especially are prone to a lot of deceptive posturing - a biological imperative that is hard-wired.

You can see it it any gym - guys suffering from ILS - Imaginary Lat Syndrome.

Or on any freeway - VLSS - Very Loud Stereo Syndrome.

Here at BFC it's often expressed via memorizing (or Googling) more about the official narrative than the other guy, and expressing your opinion as vehemently as possible - pretending to have some special qualification or RL experience is part of the game as well.

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hmm me thinks we are in a rapidly accelerating slope into a social perspective breakdown. Let's get back to what kind of round is loaded.

I am with JonS on this one. I don't want to have to play "inventory my vehicle rounds" game. I'll leave that for a tank sim like M1 tank platoon or something.

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That being said I've been equally unimpressed with my ex gf's (and mother of my son) family in the projects in south boston. they epitomize 21st century white trash. I.E. theyre all addicted to crack and heroin (well mostly. 13 out of 15) and use words like 'boughten' and stuff. Oh and they're on food stamps, live in subsidized housing, and yet always have new nikes and have comcast cable with .. wait for it.. EVERY MOVIE CHANNEL. priorities seem to be in order.

How can you not be impressed with people that, despite being addicted to heroin, have such a good lifestyle ?

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Id be more impressed if they werent supporting their lifestyles and habits off the few people around them who care and are clean. sburke is right this should get moved or locked this has nothing to do with cm. and I admit a lot of it is my fault..

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the truth'll set you free no? im just guilty of speaking my opinions. that doesnt mean I didnt know my opinions would piss people off - and we should still restrict it to history and cmbn. if i wanted to discuss drugs I just need to leave my house =(

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Id be more impressed if they werent supporting their lifestyles and habits off the few people around them who care and are clean.

Anyone addicted to drugs as demanding as heroin and crack have my sympathy, and anyone unfortunate enough to become an addict of those particular drugs need medical and financial help from the state if all else fails, so i can sympathise with you if the people you know don't have those options.

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the truth'll set you free no? im just guilty of speaking my opinions. that doesnt mean I didnt know my opinions would piss people off - and we should still restrict it to history and cmbn. if i wanted to discuss drugs I just need to leave my house =(

It's not the subject it's the delivery, if you are going to use anecdotal evidence to make sociological and psychological generalisations about people and society, you have to expect people to challenge them and ask you to back them up with some form of data, or at least poke fun at such audacious behaviour, just the same way that you would expect someone discussing military matters to do.

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but of course. however that's also why I stated they were my opinions. they're highly subjective to my experiences and the places Ive been and people I've dealt with.

As far as the drug thing - I'd be more sympathetic, except I went through the same bs and I managed to get away from it and change my life. It wasnt easy but many things are not. However, if I could do it after years of wasting away, than anyone else can too.

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Oh and I gather your from London. Unfortunately on this side of the Atlantic the state is far less sympathetic to drugs and addicts in general, than say in many European countries. The state is only willing to offer so much assistance to addicts, if any at all.

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but of course. however that's also why I stated they were my opinions. they're highly subjective to my experiences and the places Ive been and people I've dealt with.

I know, so it would be less provocative if you made that very disclaimer prior to such statements.

As far as the drug thing - I'd be more sympathetic, except I went through the same bs and I managed to get away from it and change my life. It wasnt easy but many things are not. However, if I could do it after years of wasting away, than anyone else can too.

That's not true, you should not judge people by your own standards or actions, people are different and deal with situations differently, your view denies them individuality, it is perfectly feasible that someone may not have your ability to overcome adversity on their own, or in the way you did it, and if so, they should not feel ashamed that they need help, recovering from illness should not be a test of character.

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Oh. I needed help. I needed oodles of it. In fact without help I probably would never have done it. we'll have to agree to disagree - I think anyone can do it, given enough help and the motivation and desire to truly try it - and they can only do that themselves. Anyway this isnt going anywhere so Im off to play xcom. gnite.

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Oh. I needed help. I needed oodles of it. In fact without help I probably would never have done it. we'll have to agree to disagree - I think anyone can do it, given enough help and the motivation and desire to truly try it - and they can only do that themselves. Anyway this isnt going anywhere so Im off to play xcom. gnite.

What???!!! Now that is sacrilege. You can spend all that time on societal ills, but when you decide to go play a game it isn't even CM? You sir are oh wait no, that's how we got so far down this rabbithole...

Enjoy the game, I keep hearing about it, but so far it hasn't grabbed my interest.

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Since this is my first outing with something other than halftracks in CMBN, I had no idea the up the spout round changed instantly to suit the target. Ridiculous!

That's how it worked in the CMx1 games. Why did you assume it was different now?

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I don't know, you lot winging on about the younger generation and how the worlds going to hell in a handcart - you do realise that you are morphing into your parents don't you?

I'm an oldish git (over 50) and I think the young folk nowadays are just as good as we were, if not better. And yes there are a lot of d1ckwads out there being total twonks, but I grew up in the era of Skinheads, and I'll take a bit of mild annoyance over somebody's musical tastes

- but I must admit, I have noticed that those that play it LOUD have very little concept of what is good - I mean to say if you are going to play it loud, put something decent on like Sabbath, Zep or Free ;) -

over getting your head kicked in just because you don't belong to the 'Throckley Mad Crew' or the 'Longbenton Aggro Boys'.

Lets face it, people are people and don't change much, the new generation will still go and make the same mistakes as the previous generation - and the previous generation will in turn carp on like THEIR elders used to.

Did you know that there were fears that Television would be the death of conversation and prior to that, they worried about the spread of pianos and family singing - thinking it that a family grouped around a piano singing 'If you were the only girl in the world' would inhibit their ability to have knowledgeable conversations.

What goes around comes around etc etc

"It used to be all fields around here when I was a lad" (that was me that was)


I'm with JonS on the Schroedinger round.

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