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What ever happened to 'Fionn'?

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"It is nice actually to have a game forum populated by reasonably polite people for a change."

One of the reasons I enjoy logging in almost daily. Where else can you get telephone pole grog answers with photos and links as well!

As for "a random fluctuation or a true trend" it may be a "general trend toward maturation" on the part of the regulars here on the game forum. Enjoyed reading about Fionn and the history of the early days. Hope whatever the cause of Fionn's banishment has passed and he enjoys CMx3.


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Glad you found it. No Mac version, but I think the new, improved PE was called Panzer Elite, Special Edition. Make sure you get the real thing, not that awful arcade thing, which was the second PE game that came out. Not even sure it was JoWood, but I remember being appalled that such a thing was under the PE banner. I believe I saw a download of PE SE for something like $5 U.S. the PEDG was a hoot, what with Teut, Claus Bonnesen, rexford and Jeff Duquette(?)!


John Kettler

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I was entranced with PE for... about a week. However as stated above the infantry was a complete after thought (2d sprites anyone?) and though it obviously (especially 12 years ago) would be very difficult to model any WW2 tank combat game (or even modern day) is NOT complete AT ALL without heavy modelling of the infantry aspect.

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Even tho' it was a first person game, PE was definitely not a shooter... more like what CM would be if you could actually occupy individual tanks and fight em as a crew. The inf in PE was very much an afterthought however, and not done well.

True. To win, you often had to let your gunner handle targets alone while you issued orders to your tank platoon. But then, assuming you're doing that, you're essentially playing CM. But CM has everything else a realistic battlefield requires in spades and, like you said, infantry (and ATGs, and HTs and...) was a dismal afterthought in PE.

So, PE was a groundbreaking first iteration with excellent potential, but one that did not come close to covering all the bases in its initial form.

I've often wondered if Battlefront would attempt a CM/first-person hybrid. Something like, taking CM as it stands and giving players the ability to command infantry ala Ghost Recon and tanks ala PE. Perhaps multi-play could have all the HQs controlled directly by human players, giving orders to their AI-controlled sub-units, with the higher-level human commanders able to issue orders to the lower human HQs through level-appropriate interfaces.

Something like that could work, I think. But now I'm probably too old to play it! These days, I just like to give commands and let the AI "young-uns" actually fire their guns. He-he (but I'm not that old, really.)

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Heh. all sarcasm aside I still dont understand the random complete d*ckhead comments some people make sometimes for no apparent reason. I guess it makes some people feel cool or tough to put down someone else on an internet message board.

Myself? I think it sucks. It just scares away new people who could potentially have a lot to offer, and just brings more *****y elements of the real world I thought we were all trying to escape from right here to my escape. Sometimes I just wish I could somehow magically summon whoever I wanted right next to me so I could punch their head in for a minute. I think even the possibility of that happening would make people a lot more respectful. Well.. Maybe not of me, but Im sure there must be some threatening people out here.. ;)

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Hmm, seems you missed the irony.

Never mind.

The only bullseye around here is attached to BS feebly trying to masquerade as fact. What's your opinion on Panthers on Mars, pre-chambering, and V2s that can fit through the eye of a needle, and any other random bit of woo?

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Heh. all sarcasm aside I still dont understand the random complete d*ckhead comments some people make sometimes for no apparent reason. I guess it makes some people feel cool or tough to put down someone else on an internet message board.

Myself? I think it sucks. It just scares away new people who could potentially have a lot to offer, and just brings more *****y elements of the real world I thought we were all trying to escape from right here to my escape. Sometimes I just wish I could somehow magically summon whoever I wanted right next to me so I could punch their head in for a minute. I think even the possibility of that happening would make people a lot more respectful. Well.. Maybe not of me, but Im sure there must be some threatening people out here.. ;)

Believe me, Fionn is one of those who can take it.

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Yes I did miss the irony. You both will have to be a bit more specific with me - nuance isn't sent very well over type, so if you.re trying to insult me just be more specific and do it openly...

And Fionn could take what exactly? It's actually ironic, all this discussion of him being banned I never had a problem with him and I did interact with him several times. Not quite a bit but still.

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Oh and Panthers on mars? Neither the biological or Pz V are there. As far as I know. Pre Chambering? I may have to break my ban on google searches to find out - but if you're referring to CMx2 and how the round in the tanks breech magically fits whatever it's shooting at as expedient fix, I don't like it. I'm not a game designer, and we could argue the pro's and cons. I just think tanks should have a default HE or AP round in the chamber. If a tank rounds the corner while my Sherman is firing HE at the Germans I feel the round loaded (if one already is) should be HE until its fired and loaded with AP. Just how it works in real life sometimes. I'm sure people would get pissed, but it might also level the playing field with armor a little, and be more realistic too.

And V2s through the eye of a needle. Hm. Well.. who cares I know your post wasn't serious. Still though, whatever is between you and Kettler is no business of mine, however he's always been more than polite to me, and I've been surprised how polite he's been to you. He does add useful links and information. Is it always 100% correct? No one's is. I don't think anyone's contributions (when they're genuine attempts at contributions) should be bashed repeatedly just for bashing. I've never seen him disseminate neo nazi propaganda, or espouse neo nazi views, (I can think of someone whose active here that has and probably still will do the second) deliberately troll, or post links to anything about Panthers on mars etc etc etc.

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oh then I apologize. no he wasn't a wimp, I actually never was referring to him directly in any of my posts. I think he got banned for bashing back. Like I said the one TC/IP game we played he kicked my ass...

I just meant that I think a lot of the insults, and smart assed comments and stuff probably would not be as readily said if we were all here, in person.

Christ I ride the subway (t) every day and you wouldnt believe the crap people put up with any wont even say anything. They'll let people walk all over them, blare awful music with no headphones on, and just be ignorant and they'll sit there and just stare at their lap silent. Im sure these same people go on msg boards later at night and terrorize people. And Im not talking about the ignorant bastichs with reggaeton or the 30 year old white kids with doo rags and baggy sweats, godawful rap blaring from their crappy cell phone. They're too busy feeling powerful because they can intimidate people in town for the day with their families, or at least feel like they're intimidating them.. -sigh-

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so if you're trying to insult me just be more specific

No, I was just amused by your complaint that you don't like people being mean and insulting each other, and to prove how committed you are to that ideal you were mean and insulting to the people you think are mean and insulting.

I lol'd :D

I know your post wasn't serious.

No, my post wasn't serious, but there are people who earnestly believe all those things - and other even nuttier things, like recommending sick people drink bleach - and they're flat out nuts. William S. Burroughs was quite right; do not offer sympathy to the mentally ill.


P.S. I recommend you not google pre-chambering (it has nothing to do with CM). Your life is much better off without it.

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Sometimes I just wish I could somehow magically summon whoever I wanted right next to me so I could punch their head in for a minute. I think even the possibility of that happening would make people a lot more respectful.

Not respectful, more like frightened, because the ability for such a thing to happen would defy the laws of physics and usher in a whole new world of terrifying possibilities far worse than being teleported into your room to be violently assaulted.

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I just meant that I think a lot of the insults, and smart assed comments and stuff probably would not be as readily said if we were all here, in person.

That's true, the anonymity of the internet allows people to be more honest.

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They're too busy feeling powerful because they can intimidate people in town for the day with their families

That's outrageous !!!....what sort of people would use their families to intimidate people ?!?! they should intimidate people themselves !!!

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Since this is my first outing with something other than halftracks in CMBN, I had no idea the up the spout round changed instantly to suit the target. Ridiculous! I'd favor giving the player the option to pick said round, and I concur that the way to clear it is to shoot it.

This is borne out by various accounts I've read, including one in which a Sherman encountered a Tiger II, fired its up the spout WP, set the crew's belongings outside the tank ablaze. The resultant smoke got sucked in, leading to acute fear the tank was on fire, so everyone got out.


John Kettler

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more honest and way more courageous than they ever would dare in real life. I also think Im starting to note the effects IRL of the age of widespread internet and electronic use from birth on. Im 27 and I think I was right on the borderline where as kids we still went out to play but still spent a lot of time on sega genesis, sega cd, super nintendo bla bla.

However Im starting to notice people younger than me, and my age as well seem to find any sort of neutral or negative face to face encounter as a frightening confrontation and therefore will lie, not tell the truth, or generally avoid any situation that involves them saying anything thats not positive to someones face. It's as if a large part of the population is becoming socially inept.

JonS - touche. I never even realized I was being a hypocrite =)

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