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general update on progress

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Steve, just want to say thanks for the update on the modeling, it was really informative, but what I personally would like (not a date) is a update on what is left for you guys to do.

Like is the modeling of the new textures the only thing left? Or maybe just give us a check list of things you guys are still working on. I like many of my fellow gamers of course believe in the BTS team, and want you guys to be done when your done, be that in a month or longer, but I personally would ask for just updates on progress smile.gif

P.S. please please don't view this as critisism on your progress, I'm just so anxious to play, that in this case no news is very bad news smile.gif

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I'm also an addict. I check CMHQ about three times a day, and I get very disappointed when I don't find anything new...

BTS, Madmatt and Fionn are making a hell of a good job, but my will to play the full version is greater than my respect to them! wink.gif

Nah, really. Keep all the nice work and release it when it's finished. I guess I can play tons of stupid Shareware games and try to look busy till CM ships...

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Guest BillWood

I am trying to get all my home repairs done, all my firewood chopped, replace all my dishes with paper and plastic, teach my secretary to do my job, find my wife a hobby (besides telling me "WE" need to get something done) and build large capacity self feeders for the cats. I will not have any time after CM gets here.

Best of all, this game has my 7.5 yr old boy enthralled, he loves to play it (needs to work on tactics), the interface makes it easy for him. My first scenario will be to give him a force of VG 5 times the size of my Elite American force and have at it.

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Well, I got hooked on Wargames/movies very young so it stands to reason my son 4 1/2yr old is getting interested too. Not so much on the strategy games. He loves WWII Fighters, Quake2, and Panzer Commander, with some help on the rudder peddles of coarse. He loves to watch the CM demo missions though. We're currently using Panzer Elite to tied us over while we wait for CM.

It's great having my bud with me watching History Channel on Sundays... Of course equal viewing time is shared watching Looney Tunes.

They were in WWII as well.LOL


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HEHE mine has been gaming since he could walk lol, As far as games to tide me over Im not really huge into FPS - but these are keeping me amused - some of the best in FPS ive seen

AHHH the blood the blood!!


Try UNREAL TOURNAMENT or Quake 3 - dismmemberment , decapitation, vaporization ahhh all the stuff that makes gaming so fun :-P............but I still want my CM smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software

Hi all. I won't give a detailed status report, but will let you in on some things.

It is now the end of the second week in December. We have roughly one more week before the Holidays. Charles and I are planning on doing the unthinkable and actually taking time off to enjoy them smile.gif Yeah, I know, we are terrible people smile.gif This has made a Jan 1 Gold Date undesirable. [note, we never had such a date, just a point of reference!!!!] Here is why...

For about two weeks (or three?) we have been in Feature Freeze. This is a hugely important milestone as it signals the beginning of the end of the last phase of development. During this stage nothing radical is going into the game which involves ground up work. Tweaks, necessary improvements (like changing how artillery TRPs work), and bug fixing are all we are concerned with from now on. There is also the manual, which although lagely done requires a decent chunk of Charles' time to flesh out and correct. Obviously he has been busy coding up until now.

One of the downsides of such a huge and full featured game is that it is huge and full featured smile.gif This means that there are a WHOLE LOT of little things that need to be played with and tweaked. It is amazing how much impact a single variable can have on a game, and we need to make sure that they are all fine and dandy with the 1.0 release or there will be a lot of (justifiable) grumbling.

For example. I am currently testing the bounds of the DYO setup options. This is going to be used more than the eidtor IMHO, so it is VERY important that we bang on this sucker hard. Although it has been pounded on and is (as of today) bug free (not to mention a blast to play!), the ramifications of the setup parameters haven't been checked out well enough yet. This is not the way a game should be shipped.

To illustrate my point, I found that as the attacker I could purchase WAY too many "Support" units. These are largely defensive type units, and are largely useless for the attacker. Yet there I was, with a small battle setup being able to purchase 20 HMG42s or 10 Pak40s (for example). This is not only unrealistic, but from a gameplay standpoint... stupid smile.gif My suggested change will take Charles only a few minutes to do, then another round of testing, tweak, and repeat if necessary. End result will be something that everybody is going to be thrilled about, instead of annoyed or even pissed off.

These are the types of things we are concerned about right now. As the old saying goes, the Devil is in the Detail. The game is basically done, but not polished enough. Sometimes that last 1% of work can make the other 99% shine or look like crap. Obviously we need things to shine smile.gif

Everybody is busting their butts to get this done ASAP, but nobody wants it to go out before it is totally ready. A special thanks goes out to our scenario designers and testers. They have largely completed their tasks and are working with tenacity to finish testing and tweaking the remaining scenarios. You guys are going to be singing their praises for sure. The stuff they have come up with is top notch.

So where does that leave us? With a lot of little things still left to do. Major stuff is all done (except for TCP/IP) as far as the game goes, but the last bit of the development cycle that we are in now must be done correctly or much of the hard work we have done over the last two years will be sidelined by realitively silly problems. We will give you another update after the Holidays and let you know where things stand. Until then, we have our noses (what's left of them!) firmly to the grindstone!



[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 12-16-99).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This has made a Jan 1 Gold Date undesirable<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Boo Hoo. frown.gif It's not going to be a very Merry Christmas in the fo4 house after all. Sniff, sniff. (just kidding)

Oh well. I for one understand. Steve, I hope you and the rest of the Design Team have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy your holiday. But then get CM to us ASAP!!!! smile.gif


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Thanks very much for the intel. Takes a bit of pressure off us high hopers. We can now stop crying because, although we want the merchandise so very badly, we can rest asured that the golden day is approaching steadily and surely.

May your days be merry and bright - and may all your christmases be white.


[This message has been edited by HawkerT (edited 12-16-99).]

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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

Really cool info BTS, just want to say thanks, it lets off the pressure from me at least. Was like checking every 2 hours to see if the game was done yet smile.gif

You guys deserve to take a break definently, you've done excellent work and should be proud of it, and we all have great confidence that when it does get done, it will be unlike anything we've ever experienced before.

Guess for the x-mas break panzer elite will have to do smile.gif

Merry Christmas everyone smile.gif

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