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Totally amazing game CMFI!

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Well done BF I may become a fanboy if you countinue like this... from a Troll to a fanboy! Isn't that amazing... He he...

BTW when do you put in AA guns and flamethrowers? I think it would be superb. If not I gonna be a troll again.... Just kidding... :)

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AA guns I look forward to, flamethrowers not so much. I think they had limited tactical value and I don't understand the fascination with them? Is it just the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan where they toast the pillbox something people want to duplicate? From what I understand they were much more useful on the Pacific side. Not saying I don't want to see em' just since CMBN there seem to be lots of threads about them...or maybe that's just me. ;)

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I'm not necessarily interested in playing with the flamers but adding them pretty much necessitates adding the probability that buildings, fields and wooded terrain be combustible as well.

When I see buildings or woods burning as a result of an arty strike or the use of WP, this will greatly enhance the realism of the battlefield for me. :D

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AA guns I look forward to, flamethrowers not so much. I think they had limited tactical value and I don't understand the fascination with them? Is it just the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan where they toast the pillbox something people want to duplicate? From what I understand they were much more useful on the Pacific side. Not saying I don't want to see em' just since CMBN there seem to be lots of threads about them...or maybe that's just me. ;)

For urban close combat and assaulting bunkers, they are a huge bonus. Just reading the action in Arnhem and plenty of references by both Germans and British on their use.

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For urban close combat and assaulting bunkers, they are a huge bonus. Just reading the action in Arnhem and plenty of references by both Germans and British on their use.

Oh, I can believe that they got plenty of coverage and that they served a great tactical purpose. That actually makes me wonder how much of a psychological impact having a flamethrower will be on units holed up defensively in game? If a unit is close to wavering will the approach of a flamethrower unit cause them to surrender? Seeing that game mechanic alone would be cool to see imo.

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AA guns I look forward to, flamethrowers not so much. I think they had limited tactical value and I don't understand the fascination with them? Is it just the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan where they toast the pillbox something people want to duplicate? From what I understand they were much more useful on the Pacific side. Not saying I don't want to see em' just since CMBN there seem to be lots of threads about them...or maybe that's just me. ;)

I can't speak for anyone else, but for me fire became a real issue -- not just a "nice to have" -- when CMBN Commonwealth Forces came out. Flamethrowing "Crocodile" Tanks were an integral part of British armored support in Operation Epsom, and elsewhere. So for the first time we had a significant realism gap open up in the normally accurate OOBs and TO&Es for the game.

The other specialized armor "funnies" like Crab flail tanks, etc., can more easily be overlooked by just having some mines pre-cleared in a scenario and pretending, say, that they were swept before the battle started. But the absence of Crocs was and is a disappointment. I don't blame BFC a bit for it, though, because I know they would have included Crocs if it had been possible to solve the issues and add them to the game in a reasonable length of time. Otherwise, we'd likely still be waiting for CMBN-CF to be released. I'm happy to think that we might yet see those fire-breathers some day.

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I feel that the AA guns are a very needed addition. The animation or interaction with the airplane doesnt have to be done, but at least have them be able to 'drive off' the planes.

In CM:A this would have been a huge boon that was also a huge deal historically when the stinger was introduced.

Of course this is all WW2 but the Germans often have a lot of light flak on the battlefield and the US too - and I just think in some ways it sucks to have a weapon that you can use and have it not be shot back it. Not game breaking but since we.re all striving for the perfect CM..

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I'm not necessarily interested in playing with the flamers but adding them pretty much necessitates adding the probability that buildings, fields and wooded terrain be combustible as well.

Yup, that's the nub of the problem right there. We either do things right or not at all when it comes to stuff like this. Having flamethrowers in the game without decent visuals and game effects is worse than not having them at all. Well, at least from our standpoint.

I can't speak for anyone else, but for me fire became a real issue -- not just a "nice to have" -- when CMBN Commonwealth Forces came out. Flamethrowing "Crocodile" Tanks were an integral part of British armored support in Operation Epsom, and elsewhere.

So were landing craft, DD tanks in water, Rangers, etc. Things which, I will add, CMBO didn't have either. We never said our games would allow you to simulate ANY battle of your choosing. That would be insane. Well, again, from our perspective ;)

The importance of flamethrowers is VASTLY overstated because, well, let's face it... they deserve completely disproportional attention because they are so cool to watch. Having actually used a flamethrower I will state that they aren't so fun to use.

So for the first time we had a significant realism gap open up in the normally accurate OOBs and TO&Es for the game.

To be technical for a sec, there is no realism gap. We simply didn't include it. A realism gap would be us including something that was incorrect or omitting something basic (like the entire family of PzIVs, mortars, infantry, etc.). It's an important distinction because flamethrowers are a "nice to have" thing, not a necessary element.

But the absence of Crocs was and is a disappointment.

And a common one, so no disagreement there.

I don't blame BFC a bit for it, though, because I know they would have included Crocs if it had been possible to solve the issues and add them to the game in a reasonable length of time. Otherwise, we'd likely still be waiting for CMBN-CF to be released.

Nah, you would have had it by now. But not too long ago and definitely no Fortress Italy. Personally, I'd rather have a totally brand new game than a narrow focused (and very overused/overstated) unit type for a game I already have.

I'm happy to think that we might yet see those fire-breathers some day.

And better looking now than they would have been if we introduced them last year. Looks don't matter? Some might say that, but I think we all know... the BEST part of flamethrowers is watching them in action. Unless they are aimed at you, then not so much fun as dread :D


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I would think that AA would be easier to implement than fire, and tactically more important, IMO.

Everything is easy until you start thinking of how to do it :D

The main difficulty with AA is that you will need to add new elements to the game. Ditto with fire, but the changes fire would require are probably simpler: some new graphics, new properties for terrain and buildings, proper AI reactions to being burninated etc. For AA you also need to model some sort of flight profiles for the planes and helicopters even if they're not visible, and this can be challenging. For WW2 propeller planes it probably shouldn't be too difficult, although for realism's sake you'd probably want a different flight pattern for dive bombers than for fighter bombers - but you could just ignore that. Then you have to consider how terrain - a mountain 900 meters high on map edge, for instance - would affect the low flying planes. For modern stuff you have to distinguish between jets and choppers, long range missile shooters, short range rockets and guns. The AA also needs its own LOS model to track if the gun can spot the flying targets through buildings, trees and hills or not, which adds another LOS check to the game. I'm only guessing all these things, but my point is that there are quite a lot more complications in it. I still think that it's worth it all, given how it could affect battle planning, but I have no illusions of it being a simple job.

Even the super simple air support model in CMSF had its own crop of bugs, like air to ground missiles hitting unexpectedly tall hills on map edges! That should give an idea of how much work you need with a more refined modelling.

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Yup, that's the nub of the problem right there. We either do things right or not at all when it comes to stuff like this. Having flamethrowers in the game without decent visuals and game effects is worse than not having them at all. Well, at least from our standpoint.


Concur with the statement having "realistic effects" is important - we like that. But I disagree with the part about "decent visuals" are required. Remember most of us were STILL playing CMx1 LONG after is visuals and 3 man squads were stone age in the computer world.

When FTs and Crocs are introduced will hits on the fuel tank result in a violent explosion taking out the FT dude, nearby troops and starting a fire?

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