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Quick Battle ending time

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Does anyone know how the end of the quick battles is decided? I'm playing PBEM game which had 45min original game time, but now we are already 10mins overtime and the game still has not ended.

I thought there is some kind of randomly inserted extra time, but this is just going and going. It's a good thing for me as I have had more casualties during the game but I'm making prgress to flush the opponent out of the victory area so every extra turn is big benefit for me. I won't win if the game ends when my oppo is in the victory area, but the extra time I have gained does not feel right.

Is there some kind of "intelligence" in the QB's that the battle will go on if the victory area is still under combat?

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  • 2 months later...

The overtime is very annoying - why is there no setup option for it like in CMx1.

In this point CMx2 is a step back.

The choice or decision wether to play a game with overtime or not should be left to the player/customer.

Same with "wind" settings - dear BF-Team, you might think it's cool to have many accidental elements/settings in a battle but others might not share your opinion.

So please leave it to the players and give them more OPTIONS when setting up a quick battle.

The more options the less "bones of contention" and the more acceptance and success of the game.

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Actually, it is. The player(s) can choose Ceasefire at any point in the game (even before the first turn is played) and it will end there.


Not quite, it won't, except against the AI. Even assuming the other player accepts cease fire immediately, the game will run on until things go quiet, it seems.

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Not quite, it won't, except against the AI. Even assuming the other player accepts cease fire immediately, the game will run on until things go quiet, it seems.

If both players cease fire, then the game will end. Are you saying that if both players decide to cease fire, that the game will just decide that it doesn't agree with them and keep going and going? I really doubt that, and have never seen that.

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I didn't realize there was no option for a hard end to a QB as opposed to variable ending. If that is so, it makes competitive play harder since it's more fair to both parties to know the end turn... especially when in a tournament and one is competing vs other players who are on the "same side".

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If both players cease fire, then the game will end. Are you saying that if both players decide to cease fire, that the game will just decide that it doesn't agree with them and keep going and going? I really doubt that, and have never seen that.

I'm pretty sure someone (possibly ND and Bil in their epic AAR) said the ceasefire wasn't immediate upon acceptance, just recently. I suspect that most times a ceasefire is mutually acceptable, the fighting has died down anyway, so there would be no hang-(cease)fire. And I could equally well be misinterpreting.

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I'm pretty sure someone (possibly ND and Bil in their epic AAR) said the ceasefire wasn't immediate upon acceptance, just recently. I suspect that most times a ceasefire is mutually acceptable, the fighting has died down anyway, so there would be no hang-(cease)fire. And I could equally well be misinterpreting.

Womble, I thought that was in RT/TCP or whatever that is called, not in a normal pbem.

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And whilst they are sorting out the clock can we please go back to accumulating time so that extra turns are + not - minutes. I still find it distressing that whilst the rest of the world has time going forward for the CMx2 series BF decided that a countdown clock was superior.

There are barely a handful of sports that use a countdown clock but besides that in a military simulation should not time advance forward?

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Just a helpful suggestion JonS. "We" don't understand who decided the CMx1 system needed changing. Was there a petition I missed? Does the modern US Army run in countdown mode when in a firefight?

As you are au fait with things BF perhaps you can say or find out why BF changed the way the clock worked.?

P.S. On the practical front , you may not have noticed, but in larger battles scenario designers work in forward time and give advice such as reinforcements appear in 10 minutes ,17 minutes, and 23 minutes. Helpfully all you have to do is deduct this time from the 45 minutes starting time to work out when they will reach you. Just jot down 35minutes, 27 minutes and 20 minutes for the countdown clock. Cute system and really user-friendly.

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Just a helpful suggestion JonS. "We" don't understand who decided the CMx1 system needed changing. Was there a petition I missed? Does the modern US Army run in countdown mode when in a firefight?

As you are au fait with things BF perhaps you can say or find out why BF changed the way the clock worked.?

P.S. On the practical front , you may not have noticed, but in larger battles scenario designers work in forward time and give advice such as reinforcements appear in 10 minutes ,17 minutes, and 23 minutes. Helpfully all you have to do is deduct this time from the 45 minutes starting time to work out when they will reach you. Just jot down 35minutes, 27 minutes and 20 minutes for the countdown clock. Cute system and really user-friendly.

Totally agree.

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The US military isn't playing against a game clock, kind of irrelevant comparison though the point on reinforcement arrival is valid. However I kind of like the clock counting down as it is a clearer view of how much time I have left rather than trying to remember how long the scenario is. You can always check the briefing and do the math for reinforcements, but the briefing doesn't usually tell you how much time you have and if the designer changes the length, they now have to update the briefing.

As crazy as it may sound I think counting down actually does work better overall for me. Either way depending on what you are looking at you have to do some math, but at least counting down I actually do know the scenario length.

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As you are au fait with things BF perhaps you can say or find out why BF changed the way the clock worked?

I'm sure I couldn't, and I'm sure I don't care.

I find counting down to be more useful, generally, because the question I'm usually asking is "how long do I have left to accomplish my objectives?" Your question regarding reinforcements is a scenario design issue, that is independent of how BFC chose to code their clock. If you want designers to present the information in a way you personally would find more useful; ask them. You might also want to actually pay attention to how that information is presented in CMFI. Just, you know, sayin'.

As for "helpful suggestions," how about the suggestion that if we're down to whining about the clock, then clearly must be CM in a very good state.

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I am sure that North Americans, who are exposed to the few games that use a countdown clock, do find it simpler. However for the rest of the world it is not a common mechanism.

I have a problem here. In CMx1 normal time was good enough and then for no apparent reason in CMx2 it becomes a countdown timer. So I am left wondering why. More appeal to the US market? Thoughtlessness as to the effects on reinforcement calculations, appealing to a twitch market, no thought as to the H2H with players working in highly unrealistic minus time.

I am not saying that forward time was perfect as knowing how long was left in games with fixed endings could be handy in a TCP/IP game where one might fail to remember something difficult like 30 turns in the heat of the moment.

But perhaps I am wrong and droves of people wrote to BF asking for it to be made simpler though I cannot recall it being a mentioned in the forums.

It would be nice if it had to be changed if it were optional or two clocks ran. Its a right pain in the butt when running tests to be working backwards when recording events.

JonS -

" As for "helpful suggestions," how about the suggestion that if we're down to whining about the clock, then clearly must be CM in a very good state."

There seems a disconnect in the logic. I thing you misunderstand the situation if you think that there are not plenty of problems in CMx2.

As for how it shows in CMFI please do tell as I ain't buying it until CMBN version 2 has been trialled. Are you suggesting its been fixed?

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I'm pretty sure someone (possibly ND and Bil in their epic AAR) said the ceasefire wasn't immediate upon acceptance, just recently. I suspect that most times a ceasefire is mutually acceptable, the fighting has died down anyway, so there would be no hang-(cease)fire. And I could equally well be misinterpreting.

It has nothing to do with the fighting. It is has to do with the way the turns are computed. The turns are now always computed on the same computer, so depending on who clicks cease-fire first it make take a while before the game knows that it has to cease-fire.

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VAB - Yes it is. Check any sport and only those originated in the US use countdown. Ice hockey is actually uses normal time system outside of North America. Possible exception is Rugby League.*

SP - I have only played a couple of games in CMBN which were ceasefire jobs and certainly we found that it continued well beyond when we both went ceasefire. Now this was under CMBN 1.00 so things may have changed.

* or possibly not

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