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Sometimes You Just Want To Rage Quit

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Sometimes things just go horribly wrong in battle. Something so bad you just want to throw your mouse across the room and tell your opponent to go $% himself.

Anyone else got any great CMFI horror stories so far?

Spoilers on the Advanced Tutorial campaign below!

I was playing the 3rd mission of the advanced tutorial. There were several Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks about. Thanks to a nasty artillery barrage in the second battle I'd lost most of my bazookas prior to this battle. I had one bazooka and one pack howitzer. I knew I had Shermans coming as reinforcements at some point so I just had to sit tight and wait.

Instead one of the Panzer IIIs rushes my position. My one bazooka is about 100 meters to the left of the screenshot. I rush him forward but hope that with grenades the infantry right there would deal with the Panzer.


Nope! Instead he proceeds to mow down everyone including my bazooka team. Single-handedly he drove off the Americans and at least temporarily secured the HQ. At the end of the battle he wracked up 29 kills before being destroyed.


Despite wanting to quit then I had my FO call in 105mm arty on the Panzer and impatiently waited for the Shermans and an infantry company to arrive. They show up and the Sherms start to clear the battlefield of Panzers. But then... the 105mm arty starts falling right on top of my infantry company! I try to stop it but the FO had been killed by the $% Panzer so I couldn't stop the rain of death. By the time the survivors escaped the danger I'd lost 70% of my reinforcements. At that point I threw in the towel, admitting defeat and horrible, terrible luck.

Give that Panzer crew a posthumous Iron Cross or something. :D

edit: If someone can tell me how to use the spoiler tag on BFC I'd appreciate it. ;)

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Ooh, that damn panzer rush cost me dearly, as well. A grenade immobilized it, and it sat there chewing up my infantry. Nasty bidness!

I can't remember how I ended up taking it out. But I'll never forget that ballsy german tank (and the meansy-nasty scenario designer!) ;-)


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I love it when my own arty falls on my troops and I can't stop it.

It begins well enough... spotting round falls sort of near the enemy position I was aiming at... another spotting round falls no closer and yet, no further away... pause in the action... ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE as round after round falls all over my position, my FO gets all corpsified, and then I'm completely screwed.


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Just yesterday I saw a 20mm round of mine bounce off a nearby buiding facade, lazily arc back across the field then strike down three of my own AT gun crew 80m back! Aaaaaargh! :D

Three?! How? Paras have picked 30mm cannon shells out of where they'd lodged in their bergens, IIRC. I thought losing 3 (and a scratch) to a 57mm ricochet was bad, but a 20mm? That's gotta be verging on the preposterous. Are all "APHE" bursting charges modelled as the same if they explode outside a vehicle?

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I doubt they'd be doing much picking if those 30mm rounds had detonated.

Except of Corporal Squaddy from off the nearby vegetation, no. I was just thinking that the non-exploding bergen-lodging 30mm had to have been some sort of rebound too, or the toughest yomper in the world wouldn't be able to tote a pack big enough to stop it.

But yeah, it had to have hit a grenade, or cooked off someone's spare ammo.

Edit: A bit of Googling suggests that a 30mm cannon shell has about half the explosive filler of a grenade, and less of the fragmentation design...

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Not quite rage-quit level, but I was incensed when having guessed where my opponent was going to go, and targetted my mortar on the bocage-gap he would use, I observed a full squad running to the gap.

As they arrived, an 81mm mortar shell lands literally a metre or two in front of the squad.

And ... nothing. Not a scratch on any of them :(

I know the shrapnel could miss, but at that range, the blast should/could have been lethal ( from Mythbusters ;) we know that the lethal blast radius of a grenade is approx. 5 feet which is just under 2m - surely an 81mm mortar round has a wider lethal blast ? ).

Or is blast lethality not modelled at all ?

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I do think there are times when you simply should not be able to roll a double 6 and survive, but it appears that you can.

I watched a grenade that my squad threw roll right up to the face of a prone (not cowering) opposition infantry man and explode. It was

that he could survive. He rolled a double 6 and commenced firing back...


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it is seldom you see a tank overrun successfully within the game, great post.

To bad it was against you instead of for you.:)

Sometimes things just go horribly wrong in battle. Something so bad you just want to throw your mouse across the room and tell your opponent to go $% himself.

Anyone else got any great CMFI horror stories so far?

Spoilers on the Advanced Tutorial campaign below!

I was playing the 3rd mission of the advanced tutorial. There were several Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks about. Thanks to a nasty artillery barrage in the second battle I'd lost most of my bazookas prior to this battle. I had one bazooka and one pack howitzer. I knew I had Shermans coming as reinforcements at some point so I just had to sit tight and wait.

Instead one of the Panzer IIIs rushes my position. My one bazooka is about 100 meters to the left of the screenshot. I rush him forward but hope that with grenades the infantry right there would deal with the Panzer.


Nope! Instead he proceeds to mow down everyone including my bazooka team. Single-handedly he drove off the Americans and at least temporarily secured the HQ. At the end of the battle he wracked up 29 kills before being destroyed.


Despite wanting to quit then I had my FO call in 105mm arty on the Panzer and impatiently waited for the Shermans and an infantry company to arrive. They show up and the Sherms start to clear the battlefield of Panzers. But then... the 105mm arty starts falling right on top of my infantry company! I try to stop it but the FO had been killed by the $% Panzer so I couldn't stop the rain of death. By the time the survivors escaped the danger I'd lost 70% of my reinforcements. At that point I threw in the towel, admitting defeat and horrible, terrible luck.

Give that Panzer crew a posthumous Iron Cross or something. :D

edit: If someone can tell me how to use the spoiler tag on BFC I'd appreciate it. ;)

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Regarding proximity to exploding grenades, ISTR reading at least two accounts of guys having them go off right at their feet and suffering nothing worse than momentary stunning. Not at all likely, but in a war this big, sooner or later pretty much everything will happen eventually no matter how long the odds. Which of course does not mean that it should be turning up in the game with any noticeable frequency.


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I vaguely recall one of the 'blackhawk down' read-world soldier anecdotes involved a grenade landing at the feet of a Marine team and exploding. Nobody in the group suffered a scratch, to their own astonishment.

Italians and Americans both have canister in the game so that'll incentivise players to press forward with their attacks when previously they might've just hung back and plugged away. Plus no Faust makes a big difference too. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just playing out a hard fought battle where my battalion of Blackshirts was liberating a village from American armored infantry. Things were going well and I was rolling up the GIs, pushing them into the woods outside town. I had about 3:30 left in the battle when suddenly my laptop freezes up. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Of course I hadn't saved at all. 2 hours of my morning gone and I don't he the victory screen. :(

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Despite wanting to quit then I had my FO call in 105mm arty on the Panzer and impatiently waited for the Shermans and an infantry company to arrive. They show up and the Sherms start to clear the battlefield of Panzers. But then... the 105mm arty starts falling right on top of my infantry company! I try to stop it but the FO had been killed by the $% Panzer so I couldn't stop the rain of death. By the time the survivors escaped the danger I'd lost 70% of my reinforcements.


Yeah, this PzIII was a tough one. My FO was the last man i had there and he had to hide on the WC until the reserves came to rescue.

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We are very reluctant to prevent something that can theoretically happen in real life. Especially when there is documentation of such things happening.

Blast radius is explicitly simulated, but obviously itsybitsy pieces of shrapnel are not literally portrayed. That would be... silly :D

The primary reason for someone surviving a near direct hit is manufacturing defect. Nations made billions of splody things that go boom. The thought that they are all going to perform to spec all the time is just nonsense. Especially for the Germans, which had a heavy reliance upon slave labor for it's munitions production. Not to mention all the raw materials and bombing disruptions. At times the dud rate was astronomical. Which means, if anything, players should be complaining about things performing too well too frequently, not the other way around.

BTW, ironically just this morning I saw a video of a US Gulf War M3 Bradley Scout commander who fired a TOW missile only to have it sputter and die, falling to the ground, some 10-20m out from the tube. I'm sure he wished he could have Rage Quit the game, but instead he had to duke it out with some T-72s with his 25mm cannon. Fortunately his wingman was luckier and then others came up to their aid.


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The primary reason for someone surviving a near direct hit is manufacturing defect. Nations made billions of splody things that go boom. The thought that they are all going to perform to spec all the time is just nonsense. Especially for the Germans, which had a heavy reliance upon slave labor for it's munitions production. Not to mention all the raw materials and bombing disruptions. At times the dud rate was astronomical. Which means, if anything, players should be complaining about things performing too well too frequently, not the other way around.

Kind of like that scene in Band of Brothers in one of the Bastogne episodes where the German artillery shell lands but doesn't explode right next to two guys in a foxhole:

Soldier 1: "I thought you didn't smoke?"

Soldier 2: "I do now."


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