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What took getting used to?

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I'd like to hear opinions on what aspects of CM took the most getting used to, mainly from a gameplay point-of-view.

For example:

• Did anyone have trouble learning to navigate the battlefield using the camera views? Learning how to do this quickly?

• What about calulating/juding line of sight?

• Interpreting the unit figures, especially infantry?

• Interpreting terrain - eg distinguishing between different types of woods?

• Giving orders?

• Understanding how the command and control system works? If so, which aspects: range to leader, impact on delays, or whatever?

• Getting used to units doing their own targetting?

• And anything else. smile.gif

In short, what are the areas that you think might be helpful to explain to someone new to CM?

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*I'd like to hear opinions on what aspects *of CM took the most getting used to, mainly *from a gameplay point-of-view.

*For example:

*• Did anyone have trouble learning to *navigate the battlefield using the camera *views? Learning how to do this quickly?

Yes. Learning how to do it in a meaningful manner or fashion? Yes. Still can't do it.

*• What about calulating/juding line of sight?

Yes. Still can't do it in any way that garners me useful information that I can relate back to the battlefield.

*• Interpreting the unit figures, especially infantry?

No problem.

*• Interpreting terrain - eg distinguishing between different types of woods?

No problem.

*• Giving orders?

HELL YES. Especially when changing between viewpoints. I find the differential display of movement plots more than disconcerting.

*• Understanding how the command and control system works? If so, which aspects: range to leader, impact on delays, or whatever?

No problem.

*• Getting used to units doing their own targetting?

Don't like it. Think it's flawed. The degree to which it is done in the beta demo is, to me, unacceptable. I am though, aware that this has been tweaked somewhat. I am aware of a vein of thought which goes 'If you find the AI constantly retargetting, then maybe you need to rethink your targets'. Personally, I don't buy this. My reasons why would constitute another thread though.

*• And anything else.

Other than what I've briefly touched upon, no.

*In short, what are the areas that you think *might be helpful to explain to someone new *to CM?

Well, in order that this can be meaningfully answered you'll have to qualify the question a wee bit more smile.gif Fer instance; I'm new to CM's interface as of 2 weeks ago and still having trouble. Please explain it to me smile.gif


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Things to get used to in CM

1) Camera views:

Some fumbling in my first game, but after that I think it worked like a dream. Could have liked the arrow-buttons to move the camera faster though.

3) LOS

Very intuitivly most of the time, but sometimes I disagree with the programs findings (much good that does me, of course smile.gif)

3) Figures

No problem.

4) Terrain

No problem.

5) Orders

No problem. In fact, I think it works just excellent for CM's purpose.

6) C3 (3C?)

Again, no problem and well suited for CM.

7) Targeting

I only seldom disagree with the programs targeting routines.

8) Other things

* Unit experience - keeps forgetting to check it before I order that charge across the open field.

* Off-map artillery ammo - I spot a lot of impacts, but the 105 mm battery only used three points of ammo (what does it represents, # of shots per gun in the battery?)

* Vehicle movement - "Give me one good reason why you can't drive a Sherman between that house and those trees!"

All in all, I just love CM and I don't think the learning curve will be too steep.



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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• Did anyone have trouble learning to navigate the battlefield using the camera views? Learning how to do this quickly?

A bit, but since there's no real need to do it quickly, no problem.

• What about calulating/juding line of sight?

Yes, it took a while to realize that not every tree is shown, invisible trees block my wiev.

• Interpreting the unit figures, especially infantry?

Same problem, I first thought that weapons are totally powerless.

• Interpreting terrain - eg distinguishing between different types of woods?

There's a way to distinguish them? I just read the text interpretation...

• Giving orders?


• Understanding how the command and control system works? If so, which aspects: range to leader, impact on delays, or whatever?

I just use my HQ units as cannon fodder.

Am I doing something wrong? I usually win..

• Getting used to units doing their own targetting?

Damn those mutineers, I'll have them shot!

• And anything else.

In short, what are the areas that you think might be helpful to explain to someone new to CM?

To realize that what you see are symbols of units, not the units themselves.

It's more of a wargame than an action game.

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Guest Scarhead

I'd like to hear opinions on what aspects of CM took the most getting used to, mainly from a gameplay point-of-view.

> • Did anyone have trouble learning to navigate the battlefield using the camera views? Learning how to do this quickly?

Got used to it quickly

• What about calulating/juding line of sight?

Had trouble to move my unit to exactly from where I had that terrific LOS (trees = full) and great cover yet.

Often ended up a few feet away without LOS

• Interpreting the unit figures, especially infantry?

No problem. Don't need or want exact number.

• Interpreting terrain - eg distinguishing between different types of woods?

wood and scattered trees - what else?

• Giving orders?

Have to experiment with embarking/disembarking plus moving the HT in one turn

• Understanding how the command and control system works? If so, which aspects: range to leader, impact on delays, or whatever?


• Getting used to units doing their own targetting?

Yes!!! Hate it. Targets stupid grunts miles away when there is something else closer that should be attacked


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>I'd like to hear opinions on what aspects of >CM took the most getting used to, mainly >from a gameplay point-of-view.

>For example:

>• Did anyone have trouble learning to >navigate the battlefield using the camera >views? Learning how to do this quickly?

This took one complete game to get used to. Figuring out which view I like best.

>• What about calulating/juding line of >sight?

Still not easy for me. But playing a PBEM against a human opponent forced me to concentrate more on positioning my units exactly where I wanted.

> Interpreting the unit figures, especially >infantry?

Not difficult. The AAR between Fionn and Martin had me prepared for what I was going to see.

>• Interpreting terrain - eg distinguishing >between different types of woods?

Woods are still a pain. I just end up memorizing where the woods and heavy woods are.

>• Giving orders?

Giving orders - easy

Giving the right orders - not so easy

>• Understanding how the command and control >system works? If so, which aspects: range to >leader, impact on delays, or whatever?

Again, the AAR of Fionn's and Martin's battle was a huge help in knowing what to expect from my units.

>• Getting used to units doing their own >targetting?

Sometimes a pain. But 90% of the time I find it a benefit. I target some units to fire at an enemy squad. After they shoot it up for 30 seconds, cause some casualties, and force it to hit the dirt, I'm glad when they switch tragets and shoot at something that is actually firing back.

>• And anything else.

>In short, what are the areas that you think >might be helpful to explain to someone new >to CM?

-The game structure i.e. give orders, simultaneous turn execution.

-The 3D nature of the game

-Game scale

-Giving orders (Time delay)

-Unit self preservation and partial autonomy

-FOW and having to use limited audio/visual clues to figure things out.

-Explain to them how incredibly cool CM is!!


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Guest Captain Foobar

well, there was the whole debate over people asking for a summary of units screen, and That took some getting used to, having to manage ALL units on visual. And by the way, this will be an adjustment again, once we get even larger maps to play on! But BTS stuck by their guns, and they were right. The game works well this way. But I for one had to "unlearn" how to play a wargame. CM is too realistic for the way I had played in the past.

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