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CM 2.0 Ripoff - wrong payment strategy

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There's an old CM joke that the game is 'fundamentally flawed' because there are no health crystals hidden under waterfalls.

They are there, always have been. But they are only accessible when fighting off the Space Lobsters of Doom with a Bren Gun on a Tripod. Your best cover/concealment at this phase of the game is a Dead Cow.

Now for a real question:

When CM MG comes out will we need to purchase the V2 upgrade first or will that automatically be included with the MG module?

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Grogs might be suprised just how over CMx1 the BFC guys are, for the most part. Its probably been years since any of them seriously attempted playing a game. Questioning Steve on details of CMBO is like fans pressing Matt Damon to recall details from the 1999 film 'Dogma'. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. For Damon its 35 films, for BFC its coming up to eight CMx2 releases (titles and modules) plus a whole stable of other products they've played 'producer' on and offer on this host side.

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Grogs might be suprised just how over CMx1 the BFC guys are, for the most part. Its probably been years since any of them seriously attempted playing a game. Questioning Steve on details of CMBO is like fans pressing Matt Damon to recall details from the 1999 film 'Dogma'. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. For Damon its 35 films, for BFC its coming up to eight CMx2 releases (titles and modules) plus a whole stable of other products they've played 'producer' on and offer on this host side.

....And your point is?

I'm simply expressing an opinion as to what I would have been prepared to pay in order for my copy of CMBB to be patched with fixes to the fortification bug and some missing, correctly depicted models to be included such as the Soviet IS III & German 75mm gun halftrack. I understand it's never going to happen but it's still my opinion.



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Grogs might be suprised just how over CMx1 the BFC guys are, for the most part. Its probably been years since any of them seriously attempted playing a game. Questioning Steve on details of CMBO is like fans pressing Matt Damon to recall details from the 1999 film 'Dogma'. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. For Damon its 35 films, for BFC its coming up to eight CMx2 releases (titles and modules) plus a whole stable of other products they've played 'producer' on and offer on this host side.

That is probably a poor example. How could Matt forget working with Jay and Silent Bob? That movie is so classic.

Bethany: What's he like?

Metatron: God? Lonely. But funny. He's got a great sense of humor. Take sex for example. There's nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus.

Bethany: Sex is a joke in heaven?

Metatron: The way I understand it, it's mostly a joke down here, too.

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Like Kanonier von Reichmann, I was expressing a personal opinion, and made that clear.

In spite of that, you indulge in an ad hominem attack, casting aspersions on my mental health.

It's that kind of childish comment that stops me visiting this board as often as I otherwise might.

BTW, my auntie knows him personally, and it's well known that he sucks balls.

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$10 is bearable.

BTW sjburkes argument on business advice reminds me of the argument how wonderful is that puddles actually fit the depression in the ground. Not actually proof of superior design : ) However we will let that slide as there can be no doubt that remaining in business is an achievement.

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I'd be much happier to have any sort of decent AI implemented in the game rather than a multiplayer lobby.

But wow 14 pages of slamming a couple of guys who dare to question the status quo, nice work team, the tone of the forums here looks less civil every time I pop in, which is not often lately.

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Do you really believe your strategy of selling addons for 55 Dollars and making people pay for patches (because let's face it, your great "improvements" are no more than that) will pay off?

Take a look at your pathetic MP experience - wake up! It's not 1996 anymore...

Getting any better? No? Meh... But heck, expecting your fans to dish out 50 bucks non the less! Oh wait - MP may be in it for CM 3.0 - for another 50$. Lol.

You have lost me as customer. And fan. Sorry to say but you are traveling down the wrong road... Building communities works differently.

GL to you gentlemen, but you no longer deserve my time or money.

LOL. I guess he thinks people work for "FREE", and do not have to "EAT".:confused: If you divide the thousands of hours of quality playing time by the cost of the product IMO, it's worth every Penny. Happy Camper here,keep up the good work BFC:)

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$10 is bearable.

BTW sjburkes argument on business advice reminds me of the argument how wonderful is that puddles actually fit the depression in the ground. Not actually proof of superior design : ) However we will let that slide as there can be no doubt that remaining in business is an achievement.

I am not sure how to take that one, but okay whatever. I have yet to hear any decent counter argument, just a lot of frivolous unsupported opinion masquerading as solid business advice from folks with no business experience.

Glad to hear you can afford $10 though.

@hoolaman Sorry. I'd agree that there is a lot of time and typing wasted here, but I wouldn't characterize these guys as "challenging the status quo." We aren't talking freedom fighters here. We are talking about a couple tight wads who feel BF should do a ton of work for free so they don't have to cough up $10. Some of us are pretty sick of the constant attempts to find something, anything at all to trash BF. You think this is bad? Wander over to the endless stream of bile that gets spewed out on our other favorite basement forum. Granted one should never base one's own standards in just saying you are better than some other worse example. Still the overall tone here is much more civil normally. It seems the announcements from BF lately and their apparently good business health have stirred the pot of folks who feel the need to constantly predict their imminent demise. For folks like myself, the irritation factor just adds in to it.

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....And your point is?

I guess his point is why is anybody wasting time even talking about continued CMx1 support. Having said that, it doesn't bother me to see people wishing for something they will never have. Happens in almost every thread here.

What does make me stick my tongue out and make a raspberry sound is people complaining about the $5 for the Vista patch. It's probably the most childish, selfish, ridiculous, non-sensical, not-of-this-reality reaction I think I've ever seen on this Forum in 12 years. It amazes me to STILL see people whining about it. Like a 40 year old whining about some kid who beat him on a math test in 4th grade. He had no real reason to cry about it then, and certainly don't have a reason to cry about it now. GET OVER IT.

It's that kind of childish comment that stops me visiting this board as often as I otherwise might.

Ah... he wasn't attacking you. In American English the term "crazy" is slang for "wow, we're not thinking the same way!". It has to be used very differently to actually be an insult. You absolutely weren't insulted.

I'd be much happier to have any sort of decent AI implemented in the game rather than a multiplayer lobby.

If we had a month of programming time sitting around, I'd definitely spend it on AI rather than MP lobby. Again, this gets back to my primary point in all of these discussions... should we focus our attention on something that makes 90% of our customers happier, or something that makes 5% of our customers happier? Because it is a choice.

But wow 14 pages of slamming a couple of guys who dare to question the status quo, nice work team, the tone of the forums here looks less civil every time I pop in, which is not often lately.

Huh? Nobody "questioned" the status quo. Insulted, belittled, dismissed, peed on Battlefront and it's decision making capabilities... yeah, that was done quite thoroughly with the original post and one person who lashed out at everybody who disagreed with his own insults.

You know, sometimes I wonder what threads people read then accidentally post their comments in the ones the rest of us have read.

I thought the lot of you have been quite well behaved and restrained given the tone set by the OP and the one overt supporter.


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Of course we charged them. I still find this hilarious that someone playing a game for 8 years can whine so damned much about $5. I sometimes think we shouldn't have done it at all. Few companies would have bothered.

I for one am soooo happy you made that Vista Patch. I never knew about Combat Mission when it first came out. I only discovered you guys existed a week after you announced CMBN. I was elated to see that the old games had been updated to run under Vista and that I could start playing your CM1 games while I waited for CMBN. That kind of support and work on your part sealed the deal and made me a customer.

Do not forget about us when you read a thread like this.

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No to worry. The day we let wingnuts affect our decision making is the day before we go out of business. Since we understand that, we aren't about to let the irrational fringe influence what we do. Still, it is fun to remind the whiners that we could listen to them and make them even unhappier than they already are (if that is even possible!).

I know how many people bought the Vista fix. Those who complained about the $5 cost don't even add up to a rounding error. And I'm sure they bought it anyway.


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No to worry. The day we let wingnuts affect our decision making is the day before we go out of business.

I figured as much. Even though I have my own list of features I would like <shamlessplug>see my sig</shamlessplug> I like how you guys work and not just because you implemented two of my previous favorite features list in version 2.0 :D

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