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Oh man you just had to post a link. It is now bedtime here. I dunno if I can sleep now after reading this.. Damn where is that nighlight?!

If I have no tattoos, does that mean I am a free meal to any ET feeling peckish?!

Just call me Bento Burke

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You know, I don't pay taxes so some glorified iguana can sit around all day watching Jerry Springer, eating government cheese and planning my destruction. I'm glad this was brought to my attention. I have begun renovations on my bunker that will ensure it is less reptile friendly in the future.

As an extra precaution I booted my pet salamander. Amphibian or not he couldn't be trusted. Last night I awoke to find him standing at the foot of my bed, he was plotting GPS points and mumbling something about "Gonna show the man what's what"...Anyway, I'll be saving 50 cents a month in freeze dried fruit flies.


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My blog is indeed johnkettler.com, and it addresses the kinds of things that give hostile spook types apoplexy and the trots at once. It also makes many insiders smile inwardly, insiders who are sick and tired of being lied to and seeing us lied to while the country crumbles yet zillions go into black projects, some so horrible I have yet to cover them.


Once again you continue your relentless campaign of attacks and denigration of me. Why BFC hasn't banned you long since is simply beyond me. Guess it makes you feel big to perpetually attack someone who's not only on disability, but was recently poisoned (inadvertent pesticide exposure), followed days later by dead centering a wall corner with his head while night blinded and going from bright lighting to near total darkness on night two in a new place while utterly exhausted from a crash move and wired. That nearly cost me brain surgery. Aren't you proud now?!

Come talk to me when your posts engender death threats against you from galled spooks; when your disclosures are THE talk of the day at the Pentagon; when your work is photocopied en bloc and circulated to everyone at Langley, with some amusingly receiving redacted copies--amusingly since they had but to visit my site to see what was denied them. That was later fixed by blocking access to my site. Let me know when your writings on their actions get you appreciative feedback from SEAL Team Six!

You are the one who's credulous. You still believe the mass propaganda anti UFO reality party line! Meanwhile, the recently retired CIA Deputy Director for Public Affairs has published his autobiography, in which he flat out states Roswell was a UFO crash and that ET bodies were recovered, including, methinks, a live ET. Believe that's called Disclosure? Remember, CIA employees must undergo rigorous security review of their autobiographies before they can be published. Spain and France have declassified their UFO files, Britain's in the process. The Vatican long ago pronounced on the reality of ETs. Guess you slept through that too?

While you go through your endless themes and variations of "attempting to disbelieve," F/A-18s were scrambled recently to track "flying trash can UFOs" near Ft. Lewis, Washington--until these UFOs ran away from the F/A-18s. This very well documented wave (hundreds of sightings) saw these craft operating from just north of Sacramento, California, clear up to Washington state, then down into Idaho. The youngest report was from a 4 year-old, who looked out his second floor bedroom window and found himself looking at one of these UFOs flying ten feet off the ground. Call NARCEL (National Anomalous Research Center & Evaluation Laboratory) (916) 618-4889 and check for yourself. NARCEL is both a Federal nonprofit and charitable organization. www.anomaly-doctor.org


There are indeed scary people out there. Fortunately, some of them watch out for me!


If you have no tattoos, it means, from a Reptoid perspective, you are NOT property. That's a good thing. We brand, ear clip, bar code, etc., that which is property.


Now, that's funny!


John Kettler

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recently poisoned (inadvertent pesticide exposure), followed days later by dead centering a wall corner with his head while night blinded and going from bright lighting to near total darkness on night two in a new place while utterly exhausted from a crash move and wired. That nearly cost me brain surgery. Aren't you proud now?!

So in addition to all your other "qualities" you're a clumsy oaf, and this is my fault?

By the way, you still need to learn to read. I didn't call you credulous. I called you vile, for selling your snake oil to the credulous.

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I, for one, salute our new reptilian overlords. The scales (eh) have fallen from my eyes.

By the way, you still need to learn to read. I didn't call you credulous. I called you vile, for selling your snake oil to the credulous.

Hmmm. 'Jon', 'John'.... Are coincidences merely psychic mysteries, drifting fragments of alternate dimensions as yet unsuspected? Or are they are like winks from the Universe, confirming we are on the path toward our dreams?

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Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone

The place is a madhouse

Feels like being cloned

My beacon's been moved under moon and star

Where am I to go

Now that I've gone too far...


P.S. On a more positive note, I finally decided to pull the trigger on Scientology...step aside Cruise, there's a new Shilax Grack Master Level 18 in town!

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P.S. On a more positive note, I finally decided to pull the trigger on Scientology...step aside Cruise, there's a new Shilax Grack Master Level 18 in town!

You and Katie Holmes. Well I am not property, guess that's a good thing.. and if the best the Aliens can afford are flying trash cans (maybe they are related to Oscar the Grouch) I think I can relax.

So let's get back to CM. As far as I know none of the enemy pixeltruppen are reptiles.

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I had no idea we had a psychic capable of mind control on this forum. Learn something new every day. I've been looking for a way to contact my home planet so I can return there.

This message was written tongue-firmly-in-cheek, no offense intended.

To stay on topic, I have a hunch that AP ammo fired from ATGs at infantry is a wee bit too effective.

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John, where are you getting all this info. that the rest of us just have a hard time beleiving.

I mean, not only are you saying they are real, but such detailed material as to all their purposes would lead most normal people to think you are in the twilight zone.

if nothing else, you will get more hits to you site today.

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So in addition to all your other "qualities" you're a clumsy oaf, and this is my fault?

By the way, you still need to learn to read. I didn't call you credulous. I called you vile, for selling your snake oil to the credulous.

So, you admit to name calling, an action explicitly prohibited by the Forum Rules?!

Moving on to "snake oil," I routinely publish information even the mainstream media can't get and won't touch if it did. I give people the best information I can, timely, and often at grave risk to me and its suppliers. Nor do I expect people to uncritically accept what I say. Rather, I tell them to assert their power, test the information and see how it feels to them. You're the one who wants to stifle discussion and label those who don't share your reality tunnel. Meanwhile, I'm privy to insider info even the president isn't cleared for.

I'm NOT a "clumsy" oaf (again, that nasty need to label), but someone whose body and brains have been through hell. Total job burnout, four major wrecks I didn't trigger, plus a stack of environmental sensitivities and neurological issues. Despite that, living on a pittance and barely getting by, every day I work at building up my site, publicizing my groundbreaking work (recently did an online Internet radio interview with Unicus's Robert Stanley), and generally moving in the direction of being self-supporting.


In addition to being a pretty shrewd observer in my own right, I being fed information from Deep Throats here on Earth and from offplanet sources. Additionally, I'm getting the results of Remote Viewing sessions. I've spent decades investigating what's really going on, who's doing it, and why. My father worked black programs, and I have worked as close to them as you can get. During my military aerospace days, I repeatedly outed black programs simply by thinking creatively and asking what turned out to be embarrassing questions. I maintain that if you don't know where the tech base really stood at the end of World War II, you haven't a prayer of understanding where we are now--and most people don't.


Am controlling my mind, NOT someone else's, and my psychic gifts made me a terror in Threat Analysis. Why? Because I could "see" the big picture, view the incredibly complex interactions of advanced systems and describe what I learned to the system specialists.


I'm not mainstream media, but I and others like me are starting to be heard and feared. Ron Paul's site the Daily Paul picked up one of my posts, and I have caused record breaking listenership on interviews I've done. People are hungry for the truth, and I do all I can to give it to them, even when it's ghastly. Knowledge IS power!

I refer all of you to Churchill's statement about the importance of Truth in war, and the consequent need to constantly attend her with a bodyguard of lies. Make no mistake. We ARE in a war, and the very survival of the planet hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, mind controllers terrestrial and not sing their siren songs of "it's all handled, nothing for you to do" to the unwary, when the truth is anything but that.

We now return to abstruse discussions of gunnery, VL volatility modeling, average combat life expectancy and kill performance and other things near and near to grog hearts everywhere.


John Kettler

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So, you admit to name calling, an action explicitly prohibited by the Forum Rules?!

No. Name calling is what kindergarten kids do.

"John Kettler is a poopy face" would be name calling.

What I did was accurately describe your scamming business operation. There is a difference. See my earlier post about learning to read. You really should get on to that, sometime when you're not too busy "seeing the big picture", and "being a pretty shrewd observer" (this from the guy who thinks that playing a demo scenario - badly - a couple of times makes him THE expert on all things CM :rolleyes: )

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In addition to being a pretty shrewd observer in my own right, I being fed information from Deep Throats here on Earth and from offplanet sources. Additionally, I'm getting the results of Remote Viewing sessions. I've spent decades investigating what's really going on, who's doing it, and why. My father worked black programs, and I have worked as close to them as you can get. During my military aerospace days, I repeatedly outed black programs simply by thinking creatively and asking what turned out to be embarrassing questions. I maintain that if you don't know where the tech base really stood at the end of World War II, you haven't a prayer of understanding where we are now--and most people don't.


Am controlling my mind, NOT someone else's, and my psychic gifts made me a terror in Threat Analysis. Why? Because I could "see" the big picture, view the incredibly complex interactions of advanced systems and describe what I learned to the system specialists.


I'm not mainstream media, but I and others like me are starting to be heard and feared. Ron Paul's site the Daily Paul picked up one of my posts, and I have caused record breaking listenership on interviews I've done. People are hungry for the truth, and I do all I can to give it to them, even when it's ghastly. Knowledge IS power!


John Kettler

Holy f**kin tornado Batman! How about using that mind blowing capability or even your secret info from Linda Lovelace... oh sorry, the other Deep Throat and figure out how to make a little cash so you can stop screwing around with the demo?

And there are laws against those remote viewing sessions - shame on you!

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I being fed information from Deep Throats here on Earth and from offplanet sources.... I maintain that if you don't know where the tech base really stood at the end of World War II, you haven't a prayer of understanding where we are now--and most people don't.

Glad you brought that up. I was considering in investing in Reptilian 30 yr bonds but an intergalactic financial newsletter to which I subscribe has delineated an unmistakable bullish configuration in the Reptilian Bourse. Something to do with Elliott waves. So now I'm thinking of securities. I'm hesitating going the ETF route because Moody's has downgraded that vehicle recently and as the distance to Reptilia, as you know, is considerable, opening an account in loco doesn't appear feasible. Maybe you could hit up some of your contacts for advice. Tks in advance.

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While I don't agree with all of John Kettler's opinions, atleast he presents them politely and seems like a nice guy.

The same can't be said for everyone.

Reminds me of the scene in LA Story where he gets robbed at the ATM "I'll be your mugger tonight".

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I don't think that scamming the credulous for profit is very nice. Or polite. Neither is making empty threats to stifle dissent.

Do you?

I meant the forum behaviour I have observed from him. I haven't delved into his blog. Just the stuff on this site. I don't think we need to slam him for his blog in here.

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I don't think we need to slam him for his blog in here.

It is inseperable for the man, and he chose to actively advertise it here.

His attempts to stiffle dissent occur here.

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