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Concern over "pausing" in TCP/IP games?

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Question about the new amazing pause for TCP/IP games..... Can I just pause the game or do I have to ASK permission from my opponent? Requesting permission/pleading for a pause seems strange. The obvious delay could defeat the whole idea of needing a pause ASAP. Wasn't sure if I read up on the different pause options correctly.

Most wargames seem to allow anyone to pause instantly. ie. Jutland, or Hearts of Iron etc. Waiting for a request seems like micromanagement from both players. I may be busy with my own commands thant to have to click a box or something to let my opponent have a well deserved pasue. Now if the guy is pausing every 2 seconds well not cool and you would discuss those issues before/during play.

I hope I have the request aspect wrong :(

That being said it is FANTASTIC that any sort of pausing is allowed in BF games. Well not the old WEGO invented by BF it is light years ahead of what we presently have of which I am (and our wargaming group) are ecstatic!!

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Curious, why this unique (never seen this before) system. Why must I be at my opponent's mercy to have a pause when we agreed to have a pausable game in the first place?? Seems like a hassle for both players IMHO. Any wargames or simulations using this system? Even several or a few seconds can mean a lot no? Why not let each player pause when they need it?

So if I don't want you to have a pause I just decline? Or ignore it while the other chap is screaming for a pause? Or happen to have a delay cause "hey I was busy too" (which could be quite true).....

Obviously there must be a good reason for it I just can't think of it yet :)

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Curious, why this unique (never seen this before) system. Why must I be at my opponent's mercy to have a pause when we agreed to have a pausable game in the first place?? Seems like a hassle for both players IMHO. Any wargames or simulations using this system? Even several or a few seconds can mean a lot no? Why not let each player pause when they need it?

So if I don't want you to have a pause I just decline? Or ignore it while the other chap is screaming for a pause? Or happen to have a delay cause "hey I was busy too" (which could be quite true).....

Obviously there must be a good reason for it I just can't think of it yet :)

It doesn't't appear that your are at his mercy, RCMP. You request--no doubt with a Request Button, and he must accept it when prompted, at which poit the games pauses for both people? if he refuses, then no pause. I'm speculating, but it is clear there haven't been any problems with the beta testers, so there must be some mutual pause or there is pause for either.

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Two words: Chess Clock

(For CMBN 3.0. Not that I'd ever play RT over the net)

Yes please. Pause implementation is great, but "time points" would make it *much* more useful.

This way you wont have to request it from your opponent, you will have restrictions and you will manage your time more efficiently than pauses that can become infinite.

PS. When you decide to add a timer please make it in hourglass form, to enhance the retro wargame feel but also to give you more of a rough idea of the time available so

you wont become a time point junkie, micromanaging and calculating every sec spent/remaining :D

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I would suggest that the pause be automatically granted but when either player wants to resume play then the other player would have to agree. That way, the game wont progress while someone is still on the throne.

It might also be a good idea to have an agreed number of pauses that can be set by the game host. Sort of like having a set number of time outs, but flexible for the size of the battle.

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Pausing a RT game is a tricky thing to do from both a player standpoint and also a technical one. There's so much room for abuse and/or ill feelings between players, plus the game programming can be extremely twitchy because synchronization errors can result from any sort of interruption of the flow of data. In fact, we had intended on a slightly different approach and found it was technically problematic and so we put it aside for now.

We intend on introducing more options for pausing, including a fairly involved "Time Out!" system akin to what happens in sports games (each side has x number of Time Outs of a given duration). Unfortunately, with everything else on our plate we had to leave these for another day. So many great ideas to implement, never enough time :(


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Without mutual consent you get into the problem of one guy constantly stopping the game whenever he wants and the other one quitting in frustration. You know, give a guy enough rope and he'll hang himself :)

The primary complaint, and the one I think we can all sympathize with, is one guy needing to go to the bathroom, get a beer, or both ;) Maybe an important phone call, having to answer a kid's homework question, take out the garbage, etc. When playing a one hour game any and all of these things can come up. Until now there was no way to stop the game for any reason.

Now one guy PMs the other and says "my back teeth are swimming... I need to go to the little men's room before there's an accident". The other guy, hopefully, says "dude, go!" and the Pause is initiated and confirmed with whichever view option is selected. Everybody's happy.

Note that players can come up with their own "time out" systems. It would be very easy for two players to agree to x pauses, of y duration, of z control and keep track of it throughout the game. Each player hits Pause whenever he likes and the other accepts automatically and it goes from there.


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I didn't read beyond the first few posts so don't jump all over me if this has been said.

What would be cool in 2 player pausing would be a set number for the battle.

For every 10, 15 or 30 minutes of game time each player gets 1 of each of the 3 types of pauses. The agreed upon number would be a setting on the QB setup page.

Also the fully locked pause should be permitted at any time without the other players input. Real life occurs and a time out may be needed immediately. Slaughtering someone while their 3 year old is in crisis and they took an emergency AFK is not a fair thing. No time to ask for anything - run now. Or hit F12 and run.

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Also the fully locked pause should be permitted at any time without the other players input. Real life occurs and a time out may be needed immediately. Slaughtering someone while their 3 year old is in crisis and they took an emergency AFK is not a fair thing. No time to ask for anything - run now. Or hit F12 and run.

I agree.....unless it is problematic for Charles to code. I have never seen any MP game or wargame with a mutual consent option. Hey if you don't like how your friend is pausing then hey don't play with the guy :)

Our groups plays regular MP wargames say hearts of iron III. 8 players and hey someone has to pause they do no big deal. You show respect and not abuse it. Lets face it the Multiplayer community is still small (no doubt this option will increase it YAY!) so you play with respect and monitor excessive pausing.......just my two cents.

That being said any pause is GREAT!! I was expecting another 2 years for this feature!!!!

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I think this was smart move on Battlefront’s part with the difference modes between camera control, and orders, both, or none. In that way more variety can definitely be obtained, and the guy who is not getting rid of a warm one to refill with a cold one doesn’t gain an unfair edge.

I do have one other pause mode I thought of to at least experiment with which I have never seen or experienced. This is a timed 30sec/30sec hybrid RT/WEGO mode. In essence this would be similar to speed chess. If asked on this forum why WEGO only guys don’t like real time play I am confident the two most common answers are: I find it too hard to manage many units in real time, and I do not like the clickfest. My thought is merging the two types of play in which the game has two timers. The one we have, and a 30 second one that counts down that auto pauses for that time for a command phase. It would have a 30 second pause command phase, and a 30 second real time play cycle. This gives the player 30-second intervals to evaluate the situation and issue orders along with the straight real time phase. Perhaps many who have stayed away, or did not like real time play, OR WEGO might find a ground in the middle that would provide a different type of CM experience that is fast, but mot too fast for taste. I don’t think there was ever game mode as I am describing. The only draw back I see is the time of the games with the longest probably going 90min to 2hrs (ie 45min, and 1hr battletime.)What is great is now that pause is available in real-time so I third guy with a timer at the office could keep time to see how something like this plays especially for WEGO only types. Just brainstorming, and throwing out thoughts. The pauses we have now would work on top of this I.E. you can pause during either time phase pausing the auto pause countdown.

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Yeah, it's possible we can allow some sort of "Trusted Pause" feature to be implemented. Funny enough, that is the easiest of all things to implement. We didn't include it because we thought too many people would complain about it. But thinking about it now, it would be a good option to be setup at the beginning of the game.

As for what we call "enforced pauses" in TCP/IP, that's long since been planned. It's technically tricky to pull off because keeping things in synch is quite tricky to do. However, we will definitely implement it. In fact it was the absolute last feature to get cut from v2.0. I didn't exactly weep openly when I had to make the decision... but it was close :D


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Steve, can we get a checkable "Trusted Pause" box in the options when creating a game? By default the game would use the confirmation pause, but if the host knows the opponent he can choose the trusted option. This would be really close to WEGO TCP/IP which is the number one most requested feature in the Finnish gaming community!

Please, in a patch? Pretty please with a cherry on top, some whipcream and a topless waitress? :)

PS: I have bought all Combat Mission titles and will continue to do so in the future. I'd like to take this moment to thank you guys!

All the best, Toni

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