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Found a bug?

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I attacked with a corps that had HQ support, then swtch-moved with a unit behind it. After switching, I was able to detach the corps that had attacked with HQ support, and reassgn the support to the unit that it had switched with.

Haven't experimented, but I imagine I could double the units attached to a HQ if I were to exploit this.

I'm thinking it must be a bug.

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From the manual "Any changes in a unit's attachment or detachment status will not alter that particular unit's readiness value until the next turn."

Unless I'm confusing support and attachment.

If you find a unit that is not attached to a HQ, check its rediness and morale, then attach it to a HQ, you will see that the effects are instant.

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The ability to detach after a swap is definitely a bug... I looked into what the user manual mentions about readiness and this might be going all the way back to SC2 and is of course incorrect as David is right, the readiness effects are instant.

This is due to the fact that readiness is always dynamically calculated and not a stored value as readiness can decrease during the course of a turn, i.e. as a unit loses strength from attacks and so on.

But in the case of attachments it should be fine as long as you cannot cycle through attached units since once a unit moves it should not be detachable and I've now corrected the bug with swaps on my end for the next build.

Thanks for the report,


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Me too actually but every once in a while someone finds a bug like this where my initial reaction is along the lines of "You win the prize!" because it surprises me just as much that it has never been noticed before.

So, you definitely win the prize on this one :)

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Come on now guys, this has only been an issue since the 1.02 patch. Think how many of us had games going when the patch came out and we didn't upgrade because of the start over requirement. I just started playing with 1.02 a week ago. In the prior installment, a player couldn't do anything with the units after a switch.

Me thinks y'all are easily "amazed"......:P;)

So...what was "the prize"?:rolleyes:

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