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Other than the big announcements you've seen here, it's business as usual otherwise. Which means we don't show screenshots or talk details about something until it is ready. Probably not quite as quiet as we were about Italy, though ;)

The Upgrade, Module, Pack strategy opens up the possibilities to all kinds of things. However, we like to leave ourselves flexibility until the point comes when firm decisions need to be made. Specifics, order of release, etc. are an evolving thing and there's just no way I can say anything meaningful about future products beyond what I've already stated.


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Other than the big announcements you've seen here, it's business as usual otherwise. Which means we don't show screenshots or talk details about something until it is ready. Probably not quite as quiet as we were about Italy, though ;)

The Upgrade, Module, Pack strategy opens up the possibilities to all kinds of things. However, we like to leave ourselves flexibility until the point comes when firm decisions need to be made. Specifics, order of release, etc. are an evolving thing and there's just no way I can say anything meaningful about future products beyond what I've already stated.


Thats why I like to shamelessly plug an effort to produce an operational level campaign feature. That way it's in your head that people want this. CMC caused quite a stir about the potential, too bad it didn't work out. I think many would love to see BF take a step towards innovation and try to deliver this some time in the future.

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2. CM: Eastern Front 1. The first of four Eastern Front "families" starts with Operation Bagration (June 1944) and eventually covers through to the end of the war (May 1945). For many tactical warfare enthusiasts, this period is considered the most tactically interesting since both sides were at their peak of their military technology, organization, and experience. The scope and scale of the combat offers plenty of subject matter to explore.

I only just saw this today. Great news.

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To put it in numbers, a Base Game (depending on purchase option) might start out at $55. A year later it will still be $55, but with more features than it had a year ago. Two years later it will have even more features and yet retain the $55 price tag. For sure some customers will want to skip Upgrades and wait a couple of cycles to get more bang for the buck. The downside is that you aren't getting those features to use over time and therefore your return on investment (so to speak) is lower. Newer Modules will not be available either, if those are of interest. Plus, you're not going to save that much money, if any, since you'll have to repurchase and that will cost probably the equivalent of 2 Upgrades.

Going off your statements. A repurchase ($55) will cost probably the equivalent of 2 Upgrades ($55/2=$22.50). So, If I purchase CMFI right off the bat at $55 and then the 2 Upgrades that are put out over the next year that is an investment of $100.00. Joe Shmoe comes along a year after CMFI is released and picks it up for $55.00, retaining the same original price, in which the two upgrades will be included. So for being a loyal customer and pumping money into your business as soon as new products are released I am actually getting the shaft. Where as Joe decides he is not going to support the cause and is able to pick up the same content at a much cheaper price tag. :confused:

Maybe throwing some kickbacks in there to reward customers for helping the cause right out of the gate would help. No matter to me as I have every CM game/module released and will continue to buy them.

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Y'know, if you add up the accumulated cost of anything it'll eventually start to look big. An average household spends $200 a year on paper towels for the kitchen, $300 in a year on tollhouse chocolate chips. How often do you order takeout pizza? You could buy a small used car for what a year's worth of takeout pizza costs! :D

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You could use that same argument with most technology you buy. Hey, I paid 1000 bucks for my flat screen...the guy that waited six years only paid 500! But who got to enjoy the TV six years longer?

If you love the game, think it has a brighter future with these upgrades and want to see more upgrades, I think it's a small price to pay and I am a pretty poor guy.


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Your missing my point.

First I support BF and everything they do with the series. I will continue to buy each and every game, update, module, pack, patch, and whatever else they want to throw into the mix. I will pay full price and also buy as soon as it comes out. I am doing my part to support the cause.

I understand the extra content, modules, upgrades are not popping up on someones computer over at BF all by themselves. I understand that buying these things will cost progressively more money as I buy more and more. I dont buy used cars by the way.

Anyway, my point was that if I am a loyal customer and supporter and willing to pump dollars into the franchise (sometimes twice as much as other customers buying the product later in its life) it would be nice to receive a small kickback for my investment and loyalty to the cause. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am getting the kickback of playing new content and a such but so is Joe who has not invested as much as I have. I am not talking free games here but something small to offset the WTF feelings from paying twice as much as Joe for the same thing.

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Y'know, if you add up the accumulated cost of anything it'll eventually start to look big. An average household spends $200 a year on paper towels for the kitchen, $300 in a year on tollhouse chocolate chips. How often do you order takeout pizza? You could buy a small used car for what a year's worth of takeout pizza costs! :D

Don't wash your hands or worry about dripping pizza - voila!! $200 a year saved!

Actually do not order take out that often. Both my spouse and I work from home so plenty of time to make our own meals (which saves in itself) Where I really save money is making my own espresso and skipping the whole Starbucks/Peet's coffee routine. That'll pay for all the CM stuff I will ever want AND I still get to have my coffee.

I think most of us never consider all the little ways we fritter away cash daily on little s**t and it isn't till we see an announcement like BF's that we even consider it... and the response isn't "damn I waste a lot of cash on frivilous s**t", but rather "how dare I have to consider how I waste my money on frivilous s**t to pay for all the work they put into this game".

So can we stop worrying about what this is going to cost until we umm at least actually KNOW how much it is going to cost? This whole discussion is gonna look dumb ass stupid if it ends up being $5.

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LOL C'mon you've been around plenty long enough to know that if it were only 2 bucks we'd still have people b*tching! If we are good at anything on this forum it's the art of the b*tch....that and picking out ahistorical buttons and boot laces.


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So, just to be clear CMSF 1 will come out for OS X and all of these new modules will be simultaneous for MAC and PC?

I am looking forward to a new state of the art iMac in 2013...getting rid of Bootcamp...and playing all my Combat Mission goodness on my Mac.

Needless to say, Eastern Front + Battle of the Bulge + 2000s Serious NATO vs Russia = AWESOME.

Oh, and the iPad thing is pretty cool too.

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I have always estimated that the various CM games have saved me thousands in games that I didn't bother buying cos CM was so much fun. Internally, I figure each game is worth around $250-$500 in equivalent value.

When CM1 started and through the start of CMBN it's always felt like an intimate club where we overlook a lot of issues cos we know that BFC is a tiny publisher with limited capabilties, the cost of the games was well below their value, and no one else was publishing anything comparable. Most of us didn't mind being beta testers as we waited for the improvements to happen and make releases like CMSF to get debugged and finally become a terrific game.

Now that we're facing "familes" of games each with upgrades/modules/updates that we will be paying for on a regular basis, the cost of each new game will probably approach their real value ($250-$500). However, once that happens, BFC should expect to be judged more critically on what comes out of the box, rather than on how wonderful the product will be in a year or two after volunteer modders have done their amazing work for free, and after the patches and upgrades etc are finally produced.

I have always pre-ordered and have been happy to give BFC my money. But, from an enjoyment POV, I start to see logic in waiting till a "family" is complete and patched and all the mods are available. It would be great to enjoy the full experience, instead of being fed marginal improvement tidbits over a long period, so that by the time the game is in its final polished state and fully modded, one has gotten bored by it.

BF has a good biz model so long as the milpro grogs are in sufficient number to sustain the company finacially, as I wonder re the staying power of players who are simply looking for entertainment.

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Now that we're facing "familes" of games each with upgrades/modules/updates that we will be paying for on a regular basis, the cost of each new game will probably approach their real value ($250-$500). However, once that happens, BFC should expect to be judged more critically on what comes out of the box, rather than on how wonderful the product will be in a year or two after volunteer modders have done their amazing work for free, and after the patches and upgrades etc are finally produced.

That figure sounds a bit high. Maybe with base game and say 3 modules 65+35+35+35= 170. Let's assume just for fun that the upgrade is an additional $15 and there are 2. So you are now playing CMBN for the next few years with new features etc for $200. We can judge the game once version 2 comes out with new graphics, features and game enhancements and we can only guess at what the next upgrade would include....

So I think I can safely say right now that even with my critical eye.. I am gonna be one happy camper over the next few years and that is with just one game family...and I am assuming nothing from the modders. That is base value. You seem to have this thing about the game models just not being up to par. While I do enjoy the mods, I don't need them... I just like my vehicles dirty :D

and just cause I have to say it - we all talked a lot about doing something for Aris to thank him for his work - anyone ever put their money where their mouth is? Or did we all just figure, they are modders, thanks is good enough? There is some consistency here about expecting something for nothing. Now I know for a fact that Aris won't accept it and I really respect him for that, but I do not EXPECT him to keep modding because I want it.

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...from an enjoyment POV, I start to see logic in waiting till a "family" is complete and patched and all the mods are available. It would be great to enjoy the full experience, instead of being fed marginal improvement tidbits over a long period, so that by the time the game is in its final polished state and fully modded, one has gotten bored by it.

Okay. But it seems to me that BFC is going to be releasing enough families of games that you can stick with one and continue to play just it with its improvements until the next family has reached the level of maturity that you are talking about, then pick it up. And so forth. By the time you feel the second family has exhausted your interest, the third family should already be at or near your desired level of maturity.


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Yes, Michael, that's what I was trying to suggest. I am already going back and enjoying CMSF a lot as I know it's in its final form.

And if it was made clear how we could contribute to Aris... Have contributed happily to others who volunteered their time to help improve the CM experience in the past. But as sb said, Aris graciously refused... (I hope Aris guy is on vacation. Makes me nervous that he vanished after the CMFI announcement.)

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