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New ladder for CM2 engine games.

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We have a new CM2 engine ladder starting up. If any one is looking for a fresh start or to continue their dominance ;-)

Also I need an experienced CM2 player to be my forum moderator.

Duel memberships are allowed and you can report games to other clubs that you have in common with your opponent.

Our ladders are ranked by an ELO formula and we support other games as well.


Thanks for your time.

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This looks like the scariest wargaming club i've ever come across, and i'm speaking as an ex member of The Few Good Men !!! :)


Also they spelt loser as looser which is worrying.


Is that another spelling mistake or is that guy really called Glint ?!

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I'm sure it isn't..........however one must concede that the combination of Glint and a mushroom cloud is somewhat intimidating :)

Lol, we are just a bunch of war game fans. If you were a member a FGM, then we probably played the same people.

Ask wigam about me if you are still unsure. Just trying to add some recruits to our ladder.


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Lol, we are just a bunch of war game fans. If you were a member a FGM, then we probably played the same people.

Ask wigam about me if you are still unsure. Just trying to add some recruits to our ladder.


I'm not seriously inferring anything about the character of you or your members, after all i don't know you or them, i was just amused at some of the images used on the presentation screen, i'm also a pedant when it comes to spelling so you will have to forgive me for that one :)

I also don't play ladder games so personally i'm not interested, i get all i need in the form of interaction with CM players from BF, if i do join clubs it's to promote my system for playing operational CM, however i suspect that anyone that wants to play at that level will probably be a BF forum regular so i tend to keep my discourse to this forum only.

Good luck with your recruitment drive.

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We have a new CM2 engine ladder starting up. If any one is looking for a fresh start or to continue their dominance ;-)


I had a peak but I do not see the ladder link nore can I see any of the forum posts. I understand that the CMBN ladder is just starting but do you have other ladders? It would be nice to see what your ladder listing looks like and see what the forums content looks like. Being able to browse a site before signing up is, IMHO, the best way to support recruitment.


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Yeah, we had an open forum in the beginning but was getting a bunch of trash posts, so we made it private. All of our current ladders are listed on the web sites main page.

Right above the atomic blast ;-)

If you want to sign up to check it out and if it's not of your liking, I undersatnd, no problems.

I figure most everyone is already on a ladder some where, but there may be some guys wanting to switch or just starting out that would like a place to start.

I still have my Blitz membership also.

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Yeah, we had an open forum in the beginning but was getting a bunch of trash posts, so we made it private. All of our current ladders are listed on the web sites main page.

Right above the atomic blast ;-)

Oh that I understand - those spammers can find forums so fast. But I was not suggesting an open forum only that anyone could read and only members can post.

I saw the list of supported games but not the actual rankings, games won, games lost etc. That is what I was looking for. From reading your post it sounded like while the CMBN ladder was new there were others on going. I wondered what they looked like.

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We got about 30 guys. JTCS is the most popular with 37 games played by seven guys.

Just a few recorded for Squad Battles, PzCs, SPs, and CM1.

I understand there is a War In the East scenario being played, but nothing on the others. I tried to get the ACW ladder going, but one guy bailed on his turns already.

Going to try a drum up some action for that and SPs in the near future.

Being very small, we'll give a ladder to just a few guys to get them started.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After re reading the clubs mission statement i have a few questions.

In the mission statement it says "Having experienced questionable behaviour both on and off the battlefield, our members have decided that a private club is for them"

Then it goes on to say "We have zero tolerance of public, or private personal attacks or ridicule of an individuals thoughts and ideas"

The implication in these statements is that the current membership have all experienced questionable behaviour and ridicule for their thoughts and ideas.

If this is the case, what clubs have your members been in ?, and what thoughts and ideas have they been espousing ?, i ask this because i have been in many clubs and never experienced the problems these statements point out to such a degree that i had to leave the club.

In my experience the only time wargame forums get volatile is if the moderators allow discussions about politics and religion, and i have only ever experienced that in one club, all the other clubs i've been in are fine, the only time they get volatile is when someone comes on making criticisms in a rude and confrontational way, but that's rarity in my experience and never on a scale where i would want to form my own club.

So i am curious to know why your members have had such a hard time in the wargame community that they would need their own club ?

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