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HT's and Tanks Passengercapacity ?

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Why is a inf team(=8 men)easily loaded but not 3 artyspotters(=2men*3=6 men)?

Is it those gigant binoculars ? smile.gif

Still having problems with teams not unloading from vehicles when i want to !

Please Fionn ! Make a instruction(simular to the one about guns) about using the AMBUSH MARKER. I cant work it out as i want it ! frown.gif

Björn Elfström

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From my trial-and-error experimenting, it appears that you can load either <u>one</u> squad, or <u>two</u> team units (HQ, MG, AT, FO--crew?).

Squad size appears to range from 8-12, and teams appear to range from 2-6 men.


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Guest Scott Clinton

FWIW: I have been able to fit a squad plus an observer on the same Sherman.


The Grumbling Grognard

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You can only have TWO units mounted in any vehicle at any time.

e.g. squad plus HQ

HQ plus MG team.

Frankly putting all your FOs in ONE vehicle is a BAD idea. Mortars could hit it and destroy ALL your arty support. I never have more than 1 HQ or 1 FO in any HT.. It is far too dangerous otherwise.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Fionn is correct, there is a 2 unit limit. This was a concious design decision. Making it totally dependent on headcount presented coding and graphical issues that would be, uhm, not good smile.gif We thought about all the possible reasons why you might want to cram 3 units into one vehicle and found that there were FEW opportunities to do so in the first place. 3 FOs and 3 shattered units were about the only ones we came up with. Since the former is a bad idea, and the latter is not really a common thing in terms of game play, we decided that a hard and fast 2 unit rule wasn't goning to adversely affect the game.


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BAMSE said, "Still having problems with teams not unloading from vehicles when I want (them) to!"

I discovered the same problem; it helped that I halted the movement of the vehicle, before disembarking. Try halting all movement or pausing 15 to 30 seconds (of the vehicle in question) on the turn of disembark.

Imagine that troops unwilling to jump off a moving vehicle smile.gif Now thats attention to detail!


"Armchair Generals never lose any men"-Darstand

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I've opened some of my reference books ( be afraid, be very afraid cause when I go to a reference book to find data that means its pretty obscure wink.gif ).. anyways, an FO in CM simply has a pair of binoculars as a visual representation but in REAL life they had a pretty complicated piece of sighting equipment.

Hell, the Germans used a lot of coincidence rangefinders and they are virtually impossible to use on the move...


a) the spotting equipment is quite bulky and certainly you couldn't peep over the side of a HT to use it.

B) FORGET about using it on the move.

As for jeeps. FOs used them to get to locations quickly but once there they got out,. got their special equipment and rangefound while stationary in cover.


If a crew leaves a vehicle then you can consider the vehicle mission-incapable. It MIGHT be able to be repaired once the battle ends but not during it.

I think my work here is done wink.gif. On to other threads now wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I still don't understand how you're having problems getting your troops to disembark? I haven't had to give the vehicles any sort of stop or pause orders at all--they naturally slow down and let the guys off when they near the disembarkation point.

What you might want to try doing is ensure that the first waypoint of the passenger unit is relatively close (< 20m) to the movement path of the transport vehicle. I've been very impressed that the vehicles knew when to slow down and stop--on their own--so that the infantry teams could jump off and go their way. Then the vehicles take right off back on their own paths.

You can be hundreds of meters away from that disembarkation point when you give the orders (as long as the unit is already a passenger). Just ensure that the disembarkation point is near the vehicle's own charted path.

Again, this is from my own experience with the Beta demo.


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